We got the following information in our district e-mail this morning. You just 
might want to keep an eye out on your incoming e-mail.
We have received reports of a computer virus threat called Storm Worm. This 
virus is spread via unsolicited email messages that contain a link to a 
malicious website. The e-mail messages typically contain a subject line that 
refers to the conflict in the Middle East, stating that a new World War has 
begun or that a US attack of Iran has occurred. Numerous specific subject lines 
have been reported.
While BLM uses antivirus software, we cannot simply rely on it for complete 
protection. Please continue to be vigilant in your use of the e-mail system and 
ensure that you minimize your exposure to computer viruses by:

Being cognizant of what you are opening
Deleting any suspicious e-mail messages
Not forwarding chain-letter e-mail messages
Not opening attachments from unknown sources
Not clicking on links that may be included in unsolicited e-mail messages. 
As with any unsolicited e-mail, if you receive an e-mail from an unknown 
source, do not open the message. Simply delete the message. If you happen to 
open the message and there is a file attached or a link included, do not open 
the file or click on the link. 

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