I know some one who was there in 1964 and he is the one who told me about the 
Fairbanks area with large cracks and the 'slough' - 'creeks' to us that drained 
into them for quite a while. This one gives the line of the Denali which was 
the largest inland ever in the US. I know there were several small quakes in 
the Fairbanks area in about 1970 when I lived there that we noticed.

The one below is a map which shows it is a mess all the way fro the west most 
islands across the bottom of Alaska to the line that curves down the north 
south edge of Canada and the other area of Alaska.
Earthquakes of large magnitude occur at depth along the Aleutian Megathrust; 
the fault surface on which the Pacific Plate slides beneath Alaska as it is 
subducted into the earth's mantle. Earthquakes of small to large magnitude are 
also distributed throughout southeastern, southcentral, interior, and northern 
Alaska at shallower depths within the crust

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