RE: CaveTex: NSS Convention - Trip Report

2007-03-26 Thread Sheryl

You know, David, George and I considered going, but we aren't NSS members and I 
found the cost prohibitive and couldn't really figure out what I was getting 
for that kind of money.  I would rather spend it going somewhere besided 
Alabama.  No offense to those from Alabama.


 --- On Mon 07/11, David Locklear < > wrote:
From: David Locklear [mailto:]
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 16:37:31 -0500
Subject: CaveTex: NSS Convention - Trip Report

Instead of writing one long trip report I am going 
to post
several mini trip reports.
First of which, is a complaint to the 
When making my plans to attend this event, I 
decided to bring my 
wife and mother-in-law 
along.  My plan was for them to hang 
the vicinity of camp all week, while I attended a 
few of the convention
(  I was not expecting
them to attend the convention, but I would have 
taken them to see the photos and
the maps if they really wanted to see them, 
and just purchase a day pass. )
Upon arriving at the campground, I was told they 
could not enter with me unless
they fully registered for the whole week as 
non-members. I was told I would have
to pay an additional $ 260.00, in addition to the 
130.00 I had already paid for myself,
meaning for us to attend this convention would 
me $ 390.00.   Because of
our late arrival to the campground, I had less 
30 minutes to decide how I was going
to scrape up the money to do this; or if I would 
better off to leave them in a hotel
all week while I went to the 
I returned to my car to ponder the problem, and 
STRONGLY considered blowing off the
convention, after driving so far to get 
As I was sitting in my car, just on the other side 
of the fence the Howdy Party was getting
started.  I was 
disappointed.My wife and mother-in-law where unaware of 
the problem was, or why we were just sitting there 
in the car with me pulling my hair
I have been to 4 previous conventions, but this 
my 1st to bring in other people with
me, so in hindsight, I clearly made too many 
assumptions on this part of my travel plans.
With less than 5 minutes before registration 
closed, I decided to FORK UP the money,
knowing that the rest of my vacation was going to 
be very short on funds and that my wife and
mother-in-law were not going to understand why I 
did this or why there was no money to buy
anything during the trip.
In my opinion, it was not fair or reasonable 
that I should have had to pay so much money for 
them to camp with 
me.   I want a partial refund of that $ 
That being said, since they were registered, it 
seemed logical for me to drag them with me where
ever possible to the 
convention.  They did see the part of 
the Slide Salon and did eat dinner
at the Howdy Party.  
They saw the maps and the photos and even part of the video of the
McBride's cave 
rescue.   They enjoyed the Rocket Center 
program, eventhough, they could
not read the english descriptions of the museum 
exhibits. However, they would 
preferred to sit at camp and relax and play with 
the baby, and I would have preferred to spend
this money on new cave gear.
David Locklear
NSS # 27639

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RE: CaveTex: NSS Convention - Trip Report

2007-03-26 Thread Ed Alexander
Hard to complain about bad planning.
  -Original Message-
  From: David Locklear
  Subject: CaveTex: NSS Convention - Trip Report

  When making my plans to attend this event, I decided to bring my 
  wife and mother-in-law along

RE: CaveTex: NSS Convention - Trip Report

2007-03-26 Thread Speleosteele
Sheryl wrote:

>> George and I considered going, but we aren't NSS members and I found the 
>> cost prohibitive and couldn't really figure out what I was getting for that 
>> kind of money. <<

Well, I am an NSS member, and have been since I was 16 years old (40 years).  I 
continue to be a member because caving is the primary interest in my life, but 
for others their interests include traveling to places other than Alabama, 
their jobs, hunting, golf, the beach, whatever.  

I went to the NSS convention, and I consider it money very well spent.  For me, 
it would have been a bargain for more than they charged.  Here's what I got for 
my $130:

6 nights of camping with toilets, hot showers, and security.  I left expensive 
caving gear laying out and it stayed put.

An evening at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center, which for me included an IMAX 
movie.  For others it included some space-type rides which I heard them talking 
excitedly about the rest of the week.

Bus service from the campground to the school where the sessions were held and 
to the Spaced and Rocket Center, and back again.  You didn't need to drive from 
the campground.

Three good meals: Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights.  

All the beer I could drink two nights.

Three different bands.

More educational and interesting sessions than I could hope to attend, in an 
air conditioned facility.

A convention guidebook, which would cost at least $15 by itself.

A speleo camp which was free, which gave access to some of the finest caves in 
the USA.  

A nice banquet in a banquet hall, the likes of which with my job often costs as 
much as $130 alone.

Rubbing elbows with top speleologists from around the world, such as those I 
met from Ukraine and China. 

Seeing friends from throughout my life, who I could only see there. 

Speleo vendors, which gave us the opportunity to spend lots more money.  I did 
so because I like good caving gear and I read caving literature.

And much, much more. 

It was a very good deal for me, but then again, I'm really into caving.  

Bill Steele
TSA Chairman 

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Re: CaveTex: NSS Convention - Trip Report

2007-03-26 Thread Gary Moss

Hi Dave:
If your guests had been interesting in caving, joining the NSS might have
helped.  You would have gotten the discounted member price for the
Convention plus there is a $50 NSS member discount for attending their
first convention.
Gary Moss
At 05:37 PM 7/11/2005, David Locklear wrote:

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RE: CaveTex: NSS Convention - Trip Report

2007-03-26 Thread Sheryl

To be honest, Bill, when I visited the NSS website to see what the convention 
held in store, I didn't find much information.  Maybe I looked way to far ahead 
and they had not gotten everything posted yet that was to occur.

It sounds like you had a good time along with a lot of other folks.  Maybe I'll 
reconsider the cost in the future knowing that I get a bit more than in the 
gate for my money, which is pretty much all I thought we would get.  Well, live 
and learn.  There is always next year.  


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