Fwd: Fw: How to Keep Your Bones Strong

2014-08-28 Thread Narayanan Ramakrishna Iyer
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From: chitra subramanyam 
Date: 27 August 2014 13:41
Subject: Fw: How to Keep Your Bones Strong

--- On Mon, 25/8/14, Ashok Shinde  wrote:

 From: Ashok Shinde 
 Subject: How to Keep Your Bones Strong
 Date: Monday, 25 August, 2014, 9:54 PM
 to Keep Your Bones Strong
  The base on which our whole body is
 built is the skeleton, from which we get our stability, our
 ability to move and function. Our bones are also a factory
 for manufacturing red and white blood cells. It's
 extremely important to keep bones strong and healthy,
 especially in more advanced ages, when calcium seems to
 drain away.

  A little about bone
 Bone depletion, or osteoporosis, is
 a disease that occurs as a result of dwindling bone mass and
 a decrease in the levels of calcium. Along our whole life,
 our bones are in a continuous process of construction and
 destruction. However, at a young age, there is more
 construction than destruction. Things even out as we grow
 older until, in our fourth decade, destruction finally
 overtakes construction. As a result, our bone density drops
 and our bones become more prone to fractures. When this
 process happens in an extreme way, it is known as bone
 depletion. It's important to note that losing calcium
 also makes the bones more sensitive, even if it happens
 slowly. At an older age, when our balance is not what it
 used to be, the danger only gets worse.

 Becuase women start with a bone
 density that is already about 30% less than men's, and
 because they produce less estrogen as they grow older, they
 must face a bigger risk when it comes to bone

 What is the recommended calcium

 The process of bone depletion in the
 body is a natural one and cannot be prevented. But it can be
 minimized in volume and influence, by maintaining our bones
 and building bone mass through correct nutrition.

 The daily calcium amount recommended
 for the general population is 1000 mg a day. For adults it
 is 1200-1500 mg a day. In addition, vitamin D is also
 important, as it helps the calcium absorb in the body. So if
 you want to keep your bones strong, you should also consume
 vitamin D rich foods. You can get it from the sun or from
 food, but it's important to have.

 Tips to Keep Our Bones Strong

 1. Consume milk
 products - Every child knows that milk is
 rich in calcium and is essential for strengthening bones.
 This goes for all milk products, including cheese, yogurt
 and alike. If you don't like cow's milk, try soy
 milk enriched with calcium.

 2. Add nuts to your
 diet - Although milk has the highest ratio
 of calcium to volume, it is not the only source. Some nuts
 and seeds have handsome amounts of calcium. A 30 gram course
 of almonds contains 75mg of calcium, 30 grams of sesame
 seeds contains 37mg of calcium and sunflower seeds have 33mg
 of calcium.

 3. Eat dark green
 vegetables - Broccoli, Chinese cabbage,
 arugula, parsley, lettuce and others are excellent sources
 of calcium, and contain many additional health advantages.
 This will help you to also diversify your sources of
 calcium, which is important to maintain your

 4. Take the right Vitamin
 A - Vitamin A appears in two forms. The
 first is retinol, which appears in animal products, such as
 the liver. The second is beta carotene and it is the way the
 vitamin comes from plants, especially orange vegetables like
 carrot, squash or sweet potato. Studies have found that
 consuming too much of retinol vitamin A raises the risk of
 bone fraction, while vitamin A in its plant form, Beta
 Carotene, does not damage the bones.

 5. Strengthen your bones
 with Vitamin K - This vitamin helps
 activate 3 essential proteins that are crucial for bone
 health. As in the case of calcium that comes from green
 vegetables, vitamin K also comes from teh same sources. Two
 daily helpings of green vegetables a day give the body as
 much as it needs.

 6. Physical activity
 strengthens the bones - Sorry, you knew
 this was coming and its of very little surprise. When we
 carry out a physical activity, we create pressure on our
 skeleton. While it is bad to overdo it, a moderate pressure
 is actually very health, as it sends the body signals to
 create more bone cells, increase the density and make it
 stronger. Operate the body with moderation, and don't go
 to far with it.
  7. Eat
 fish - 100 grams of sardines contain an
 amazing amount of over 400mg of calcium! It's
 recommended to consume the fresh fish of course and not the
 canned variety. The little bones are also edible and contain
 a lot of calcium. Sardines, like the salmon, are also a
 great source of vitamin D.

 8. Reduce your
 consumption of carbonated drinks and treats-
 The acid that exists in some of the popular carbonated
 drinks  raises the amount of acid in the blood. To
 compensate, the body uses the body's minerals, including
 calcium. If the calcium is not readily 

ramanaya namaha - 43

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