
 Radu VladislasSubspecies Subspecies II Subspecies III Subspecies IVRadu is the 
villain in the Subspecies movies. He is half vampire (and half..uhh..whatever 
his mother is) but is not the romantic style vampire (well..not totally 
anyway). His appearence is very monster like and his fingers give him a very 
Nosferatu feel (which I believe Ted Nicolaou gives credit to for inspiration).
A cool thing about his fingers is he has the ability to turn them into little 
servents (who, by the way, are called subspecies). He does this at the 
beginning of the first movie by actually breaking his fingers off. This is the 
only time we see them created until the very end of the third movie where they 
are formed out of Radu's melted skin.
Before the series starts, Radu was banned from his father's kingdom for not 
being able to live in peace with the humans. Since Radu was the oldest of the 
two sons (Stefan being the other son), he had a birthright to posses the 
Bloodstone after his father. When the story starts, Radu has come to claim this 
Bloodstone..which he does by killing his father.
In the first movie Radu is of course very cool, but in my oppinion atleast, his 
character isn't very developed. He basically comes across as an evil being that 
decided to make 3 college girls his prey. But by the second movie, we get to 
see some of Radu's personality come out.
With Bloodstone: Subspecies 2, we find out that even though Radu is evil, he is 
not all bad. For one thing, he seems to be momma's boy. After he's done 
wreeking havoc over at the Monestary in part one, he goes straight to his 
mother to tell her what he has accomplished. We also find out that Radu can 
indeed have feelings for people. When Mummy finds out that Michelle has the 
Bloodstone she orders him to dispose of her, but he refuses to because he has 
plans to take her under his wing and eventually have her as his queen.
Then comes Bloodlust: Subspecies 3. His feelings for Michelle are shown even 
more, and I think it's safe to say that Radu actually shows love towards her 
when he chooses to destroy his own mother before she has a chance to kill 
Radu's pride must have been hurt at the end of Bloodlust, because he seems to 
have to prove his power in Bloodstorm. First he goes over to his old pal Ash 
and pretty much takes everything Ash has worked so hard for, including using 
his number one girl for the night. Radu is still after Michelle..but instead of 
it being a love relationship..Radu just seems to be on a mission to get 
Michelle to accept him, showing very little care towards her. But Radu is not 
all bad..instead of just taking that ultra-cool robe from the street begger..he 
drops a few somethings (gold coins?) into his bucket and tells him to buy 
himself another. You need to have some sort of heart for that..no?
Radu is one vampire that takes the word immortal seriously. He has been 
beheaded, stabbed, shot with a round of silver bullets, burned by the sunlight, 
impaled by a tree, douced with holy water, impaled by a stake, beheaded again, 
burned, and left in the sun to dry, and still keeps coming back for more (we 
hope anyway).
 Anders Hove is the wonderful actor that takes on the role of Radu. I don't 
know much about him besides he's from Denmark and makes a great vampire :) If 
you are interested in finding out more about him, take a stroll on down to this 
Anders Hove page.


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