[thePhantomWriters] 10 Easy Steps to Feeling Fabulous!

2010-01-12 Thread Carol Chanel

A Free-Reprint Article Written by: Carol Chanel 

Article Title: 
10 Easy Steps to Feeling Fabulous!

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Article Description:
Over the years of helping women learn to feel fabulous, I
realized there are 10 steps you have to take in order to
truly feel it. Before I tell you the 10 steps, I want to
first share with you what being fabulous really means and
what gets in the way of it. This way the steps will make

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1238 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2010-01-12 13:15:00

Written By: Carol Chanel
Copyright:  2010
Contact Email:  mailto:carol.cha...@thephantomwriters.com

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10 Easy Steps to Feeling Fabulous!
Copyright (c) 2010 Carol Chanel
Certified Life Coach

The most important thing you can ever do for yourself and for
your love life is to feel fabulous.

Over the years of helping women learn to feel fabulous, I
realized there are 10 steps you have to take in order to truly
feel it. Before I tell you the 10 steps, I want to first share
with you what being fabulous really means and what gets in the
way of it. This way the steps will make sense.

You are Fabulous! Yes, you really are. I'm not talking about the
ego's idea - the false sense of being fabulous. I'm talking
about the whole of you: your essence, your heart, your spirit and
your body. You are a spiritual being having a human experience.
That means you come from Source - loving, pure positive energy.
That means you are Source energy - loving, pure positive energy -
in physical form.

What is being fabulous? It's an inner knowing of your worth,
value, beauty, goodness, sensuality, passion, kindness,
compassionate, love and joy. It's trusting yourself and Source.
It's surrendering. It's honoring all the qualities and values
you brought into this lifetime.

 * When you embrace your fabulousness - your life is filled, on a
daily basis, with love and joy.

 * When you realize you are fabulous, you become an irresistible
magnet. Men love a woman who truly lives in her fabulousness.

 * When you know it and exude it, men want to be around you - a
lot. They don't care what size you are, how old you are or what
you wear.

What Gets In The Way Of Feeling Fabulous

The ego or self-critical voice gets in the way.

The key to realizing you're fabulous is to quiet the ego that
criticizes you. When you listen to ANY self-criticism, you can't
feel fabulous. So if you criticize your legs, or your level of
education, or your upbringing, or the school you didn't go to,
or your energy level - you are cutting yourself off from your

Why would you do that? Is it habit? Because so many women do it,
that it feels familiar? Because you think the criticisms are

Well, they are all lies. Any criticism about yourself is a lie.

There may be things you want to change about yourself. If you can
do that now, great. Change them. Lose or gain weight, get more
education, learn to sing or dance, tone your muscles, whatever
you want to do, just go do it.

Stop complaining and get moving. The cost of complaining is
exorbitant. The cost is love. I know, I did it for years. And
then when I stopped I had to learn to stop criticizing myself for
having criticized myself in the past. Oh the ego is ruthless and
tricky! Thank goodness my heart and soul won out over my ego.

And whatever you do, don't expect a man to help you get over
your criticisms. They can't, they don't know how and it's not
their job. It's yours.

Remember, stop criticizing yourself. It's keeping you from love.

In your heart and soul is all the love and joy you came in with
as a baby and somewhere along the line got disconnected from.
It's not hard work to get back in touch with it, but you have to
be willing to do some things.

The 3 areas of your life - physical, mental and spiritual - have
to all be worked on to feel fabulous. I've written out the 10
necessary steps below.

10 Daily Steps to Feel Great About Yourself and Life

For lasting results you'll want to do all of these steps. I help
women every day feel fabulous. So don't play small or complain
or listen to your excuses. Just do these 10 steps. They're
simple and easy. Honestly you'll be thrilled with the results.

1. Before you get out of bed start each

[thePhantomWriters] Victims And Relationships Don�t Mix!

2009-07-16 Thread Carol Chanel

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Carol Chanel 
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Article Title:

Victims And Relationships Don’t Mix!

Article Description:

In order for relationships to be truly fun, fulfilling, joyful
and loving both people have to be emotionally healthy. That
doesn't mean you still don't have some issues to resolve -
that's part of life. It does mean that you aren't living a life
as a victim of a past experience(s) and continuing to recreate
more victim experiences.

Additional Article Information:

1392 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2009-07-16 11:12:00

Written By: Carol Chanel
Copyright:  2009
Contact Email:  mailto:carol.cha...@thephantomwriters.com

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Victims And Relationships Don’t Mix!
Copyright (c) 2009 Carol Chanel
Certified Life Coach

In order for relationships to be truly fun, fulfilling, joyful
and loving both people have to be emotionally healthy. That
doesn't mean you still don't have some issues to resolve -
that's part of life. It does mean that you aren't living a life
as a victim of a past experience(s) and continuing to recreate
more victim experiences.

If you want to have an amazing rockin relationship you can't
be a victim and you can't be with a victim, because you will
either set the person up to victimize you, or they will set you
up to victimize them.

The Law of Attraction says we get what we think about, whether we
want it or not. So if you're afraid of being a victim, you will
have victim energy and you will attract a victimizer. Or you will
perceive what someone does to you as victimizing you.

Let me give you a personal example. I have a childhood friend who
had some experiences growing up that were painful. He was a
victim, at that point. As he grew older in order to get attention
he, probably unconsciously, stepped into the role of the
victim. Women flocked to him to take care of him, to nurture
him and to rescue him.

All of that might be okay, if he didn't need to keep wearing the
cloak of victim and recreating victim experiences - day in and
day out. And he will try to set people up to victimize him.
He'll interpret everything through the victim filter. So if you
say you can't do something that he wants you to do, then you are
letting him down; he'll play the Poor Me. For example, if he
calls one day when you're super busy and can't talk, he'll say
you were unkind to him.

He also attracts people who do take advantage of him. Remember
you get what you think about, whether you want it or not.

Now if you've been around someone who sees themselves as a
victim, and lives as a victim, then you know it's a miserable
and drama filled existence. Their lives are all drama and you
can't have a normal, healthy relationship with them. And they
aren't living in their truth as a powerful human being connected
to pure positive energy.

That's the place where you want to be and want the other person
to be.

The most important part of being around a victim is to not
collude with them. Don't see them as a victim. Don't hold them
in that energy. That's what they're used to. That's what they
think they want, because that's how they're used to getting
attention. It's the Poor Me routine. Don't go there with

What if instead you saw them as creative, resourceful and whole?
What if you saw them

[thePhantomWriters] Nice Has Its Price!

2009-07-03 Thread Carol Chanel

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Carol Chanel 
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Article Title:

Nice Has Its Price!

Article Description:

The key to living your life from a place of freedom, peace and
joy is that if you try to live your life to please others, or to
do what they think you should, you'll never be happy or fulfill
your dreams. These tips can help lead you to a more happy, more
fulfilling life...

Additional Article Information:

845 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2009-06-23 11:24:00

Written By: Carol Chanel
Copyright:  2009
Contact Email:  mailto:carol.cha...@thephantomwriters.com

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Nice Has Its Price!
Copyright (c) 2009 Carol Chanel
Certified Life Coach

At the 2007 Grammy awards The Dixie Chicks song I'm Not Ready
to Make Nice won the Grammy for best song.

The storm of controversy that spawned the song is known to many.
The hottest selling female country band in music history, the
Dixie Chicks, got knocked off a lot of radio stations and
suffered significant financial losses when one of them expressed
a political viewpoint during a London concert in 2003. Whether
you agree with them or not, isn't what I want to focus on in
this article.

As the Dixie Chicks worked their way out of the controversy, they
wrote an award-winning, powerful song that can be a great guide
for all of us.

I'm not ready to make nice. I'm not ready to back down...I
don't have time to go round and round and round...I've paid a
price and I'll keep paying... I can't bring myself to do what
it is you think I should.

That last line is the key to living your life from a place of
freedom, peace and joy. If you try to live your life to please
others, or to do what they think you should, you'll never be
happy or fulfill your dreams.

People will find all sorts of ways to try to manipulate you into
doing things their way. They will give you gifts, promotions,
raises, love (well not really, but they say they will), housing,
food, and validation. They will act pouty, whiney, controlling,
angry or aloof to try to get you to do things their way. And all
you have to do is give in, speak, act and do it their way. All
you have to do is sell your soul!

Am I being dramatic? Not really. When you live your life by
someone else's standards and wishes, you aren't living it
according to what feels great for you. And you will never be
happy under those circumstances. And it's your life!

As women, many of us were raised to be nice little girls. We were
taught that being people pleasers had benefits. After all most of
us had moms and dads who validated, rewarded and loved us when we
were good.

And that might have been okay when we were small, since we
couldn't survive without mom and dad, but now as women it's not
good for us.

I'm not implying that you need to be nasty. Kind and firm are
appropriate and a great guide for living your life, especially
combined with humble and loving.

But if you think that you need people to like you more than you
need to honor yourself, then you'll be stuck living your life
the way others think you should.

The cost of being nice, of pleasing others, is giving up your
dreams, desires, choices, freedom and your joy of life. It might
keep you from asking for a raise, taking a dream vacation, living
in a favorite city, driving a fun

[thePhantomWriters] How To Turn Your Breakup Into A Blast Off!

2006-11-07 Thread Carol Chanel

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Carol Chanel 
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Article Title:

How To Turn Your Breakup Into A Blast Off!

Article Description:

The other night I watched the Jack Nicholson-Diane  Keaton
romantic comedy, 'Something's Gotta Give'  for the third time.
I wondered what I liked about  the movie that motivated me to
watch it so many  times. Sure the writing and the acting is first
 rate, the locations are spectacular and seeing  Jack Nicholson
in a comedic role is always a  treat and Keanu Reeves is a
pleasure to look at. 

Additional Article Information:

875 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2006-11-07 10:12:00

Written By: Carol Chanel
Copyright:  2006
Contact Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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How To Turn Your Breakup Into A Blast Off!
Copyright (c) 2006 Carol Chanel
Certified Life Coach

The other night I watched the Jack Nicholson-Diane Keaton
romantic comedy, 'Something's Gotta Give' for the third time. 
I wondered what I liked about the movie that motivated me to
watch it so many times.

Sure the writing and the acting is first rate, the locations are
spectacular and seeing Jack Nicholson in a comedic role is always
a treat and Keanu Reeves is a pleasure to look at.

And I finally figured out what was so great.  How the characters
played by Nicholson and Keaton handled the break up of their
brief, intense, highly charged and unusual (for both of them)

They felt something they may not have felt before and it impacted
them in ways that encouraged them to make major changes in their

What they felt was love.  And then they both felt the
accompanying pain when love doesn't fit into the structure we
think it should.  

She turned her pain into creativity and wrote a funny play about
their relationship.

He decided to clean up his life and jumped on a plane to Paris to
find her.

It's so fabulous what pain can spark in our lives.  You can
blast off into a new dimension.

What do you do when a relationship ends?  What do you do with the
pain, the grief and the power of those emotions?

Pain Is A Powerful Tool

Pain can be a great motivator.  After all it lets us know we're
alive.  It keeps us awake.  And crying can be so cleansing for
the soul.  That deep crying that leaves you exhausted and yet in
touch at a deep level with your truth.

Do you notice how sensitive you are to your feelings and the
feelings of others when you realize you're in love and it
doesn't look like it will work out?  The pain that hits you in
the stomach and leaves you feeling so vulnerable.

From that place – that vulnerable place – comes your truth, your
compassion, and best of all, feeling love.  Really feeling it.

Clients Breakups

When my clients break up from any relationship, let's stick to a
romantic one here, I help them process their pain and then help
them learn more about themselves.

It often looks to other people like they were crazy to have dated
that person, crazy to have fallen in love with that person. 
Couldn't they see that person was so wrong for them? 

Friends don't want to see you hurting.  But somewhere deep
inside yourself you know the truth.  That feeling love like this
is a good thing – even the pain for a short period of time.  

Living Your Life

Feeling love let's you

[thePhantomWriters] Do You Take Things Personally? Learn How Not To

2006-11-02 Thread Carol Chanel

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Carol Chanel 
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Article Title:

Do You Take Things Personally? Learn How Not To

Article Description:

Do you take things personally and wish you didn't?  Do you want
to know how not to take things personally? Every time I say I
help people learn how not to take  things personally I always get
the same response – oh,  I need help with that.

Additional Article Information:

1891 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2006-11-02 10:36:00

Written By: Carol Chanel
Copyright:  2006
Contact Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Do You Take Things Personally? Learn How Not To
Copyright (c) 2006 Carol Chanel
Certified Life Coach

Do you take things personally and wish you didn't?  Do you want
to know how not to take things personally?

Every time I say I help people learn how not to take things
personally I always get the same response – oh, I need help with

So how do you learn not to take things personally?  I remember
people used to tell me that all the time not to take things
personally.  I really wanted to stop, I just didn't know how.

Let me give you an example.  I remember the first man I really
loved left me – 'rejected' me - for another woman.  I really
loved this man and thought he loved me.  How could I not take
that personally?  It felt personal and a lot like rejection.

How did people do it – not take things personally?  Did they have
some secret system?  Did they have a code, some kind of DNA that
I didn't have?

Well I don't know about everyone else and here's what I
learned.  The reason we don't need to take things personally is
because it's not personal.

It's Really Not About You

How can that be?  Isn't the person who is standing there
screaming and being mean to me, saying something about ME? 
Isn't the boyfriend who just went four days without calling me,
saying something about ME.  Or how about the girl friend who just
broke up with you for another guy, isn't that personal, isn't
that about ME.

Maybe your boss was really cool and aloof today, 'isn't that
about ME?' you ask.  How about your mother who spent your entire
life not being affectionate and warm, 'Isn't that about ME?'

Do you understand where I'm going with these questions?  The
operative word in those scenarios is ME.  And here's the key. 
Drum roll please! When someone is doing or saying something to
you, it is about THEM not you or ME.  It's about THEM.

So the boyfriend who I mentioned broke my heart and 'rejected'
me turned out to be a coward, a drug addict and basically a sad
human being.  He went off with a woman who could take care of
him, financially.  When I saw him years later I realized I had
been spared a life of misery.

If you hear yourself say 'I can't believe they did or said that
to ME', then you need to stop, take a deep breathe, and realize
you used the ME word about someone else's behavior.

We make ourselves the important part of the interaction, when the
truth is the other person is making themselves the important part
of the interaction and that's why it's about them.

That's why it isn't personal.  It isn't personal.  It isn't
about you.

Client Examples

Let's look at the aloof boss.  I had a client whose boss was the
most abrupt man in the world.  And she

[thePhantomWriters] Do You Have A Case Of 'The Stucks'?

2006-10-22 Thread Carol Chanel

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Carol Chanel 
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Article Title:

Do You Have A Case Of 'The Stucks'?

Article Description:

We all get stuck from time-to-time somewhere in our lives.  This
article talks about where in their lives people get stuck, and it
includes some real life client stories about where people got
stuck and what they did to get unstuck.  

Additional Article Information:

1605 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2006-10-22 08:12:00

Written By: Carol Chanel
Copyright:  2006
Contact Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Do You Have A Case Of 'The Stucks'?
Copyright (c) 2006 Carol Chanel
Certified Life Coach

The Four Things You Need to Do To Get Unstuck

Are you stuck?  It happens to most of us at various times in our
lives.It happens to most of us at various times in our lives. 
And the thing about being stuck is that it feels like you'll
never get unstuck.

Before we can figure out how to get unstuck let's look at what
being stuck means.  To do that I want to give you some examples
from my clients. 


One of my previous clients came to me and was very stuck around
the area of her career.  She had a classic case of the golden
handcuffs.  She didn't like what she was doing anymore, but she
was very well paid for it.  

She didn't want to decrease her income and she didn't know what
she wanted to do with her life. She didn't know her life
purpose, what work would give her life meaning. 

So we went to worked on the 'life purpose' portion first.  

We helped her discover her values and honor them.  It's one
thing to know know your valuesthem, it's another to truly live
your life by them.  And by the way, values aren't morals, they
are intrinsic to you – you are born with them.  And when you
aren't living your life according to your values – your life
feels awful and you can get stuck.

As my client and I worked together she finally got clear on her
life purpose and realized what her next steps were going to be. 
She quit her job as a CPA, got a part time job making in the high
five  5 figures, and went back to  to school to become to get her
masters in psychology.  She moved to another city, made new
friends, and is doing great really well in grad school.

She went fFrom stuck to moving forward in her career.


Let's look at another example.  I had a client who was highly
very successful and highly stuck in the areas of balance and
relationships. They were interconnected because she worked all
the time and had no life.  You can't have a life if you work
15- hour days, six or seven  6 or 7 days a week.  You are
exhausted, you can't exercise, probably don't eat right, can't
meet new people and your health is probably suffering.  And that
was the case with this client. That was her case.  She was stuck
- working all the time and hated her life.  And, of course, she
physically felt awful and she didn't have the energy to date and
hadn't for quite a while. 

The first thing we did was to have her draw some boundaries and
take four days off from work.  You might think that sounds easy,
but to someone who is stuck, is very  this is difficult to do. 
She was scared to death that thought she would lose her job, and
she didn't have any friends so she didn't know what

[thePhantomWriters] Rejection - Is It Real?

2006-10-17 Thread Carol Chanel

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Carol Chanel 
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Article Title:

Rejection - Is It Real?

Article Description:

If you feel like someone has rejected you, or if it's a theme in
your life, you'll want to read this an insightful article to
break free of that demoralizing thought. You'll understand why
what looks like rejection really isn't rejection.   You'll
learn why you might think you've been rejected and why that's a
lie!  Read on to get free of feeling rejected.

Additional Article Information:

1383 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2006-10-17 10:36:00

Written By: Carol Chanel
Copyright:  2006
Contact Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Rejection - Is It Real?
Copyright (c) 2006 Carol Chanel
Certified Life Coach

One thing I know about rejection is that it feels real.  And even
though it rarely is real, it sure feels that way.

Why is it rarely real?

First let's look at - what is rejection?

It looks or feels like someone decides they don't want to spend
time, money, or share their heart with you.

A person seemingly rejects you in favor of someone or something
else.  Or so it seems at first glance.

Why You Might Take Rejection Personally?

What makes rejection seemingly hurt so much is that you perceive
it to be a rejection of you personally.  As a person, a human

The definition of rejection that we take personally is to
'discard as defective or useless.'

That zings right into our hearts.

One thing I know for certain -- absolutely no one on this earth
can tell you that you're defective or useless.  Well, they can
tell you but you can 'reject' their comment.

The real pain behind rejection is that we think someone is saying
we aren't worthy.  We are defective or useless.  Guess what,
it's a lie.


You aren't defective, flawed or useless.  Why is it a lie?  No
one is defective or useless.  If you are breathing you have an
opportunity to be quite useful and if there is something you want
to change about your life, you can do that.  No one is

Why do you think that the other person's behavior, words or
thoughts are about you? They aren't.  It's about them. 

It's about what works and doesn't work for them.  And if you
don't work, match or fit for someone, I guarantee you that you
will work, match or fit for someone else.  And someone else will
work better for you.

And if someone can make you feel defective or useless, then
underneath, you feel that way, otherwise you would reject that

You aren't defective.  You aren't useless.  You're a Goddess,
be one, carry yourself as one.  Act as if you are a Goddess until
you fully believe it and honor it.

Client Examples

I worked with a fabulous woman - we'll call her Teresa.  She is
smart, kind, funny and very upbeat.

But every time a man didn't want to be with her, she felt
rejected.  And it would put her into a tailspin.  She'd feel
like she'd never meet a man that would like her for herself.  Of
course, then no man would come near her, because that was the
energy she was putting out into the world – 'you really won't
want to come near me, I'm defective.'  Of course, that wasn't
what she meant to do.

The way life works - you get what you think about, whether you
want it or not.  So if you're thinking

[thePhantomWriters] What Makes You Attractive?

2006-09-14 Thread Carol Chanel

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Article Title:

What Makes You Attractive?

Article Description:

Too often women, and men, think it's the outside package that
determines whether people find them attractive or not.  This
article will look at the real reasons other people find you
attractive and how you can actually enjoy life more and be more
attractive, not only to others but also to yourself.

Additional Article Information:

696 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2006-09-14 13:00:00

Written By: Carol Chanel
Copyright:  2004-2006
Contact Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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What Makes You Attractive?
Copyright © 2004-2006 Carol Chanel
Certified Life Coach

What Makes Someone Notice You?

Last night I was watching my husband of 15 years rehearse a song
he had written to perform – singing and playing his guitar – as a
surprise for the retiring president of his company.  He had never
done anything like this before.  As I watched him I thought, WOW,
he's one se*y guy.

I started thinking, what makes someone attractive to the opposite

Obviously there isn't just one answer, and I think one of the
most attractive things is when someone is enjoying expressing
their talents and gifts.

Think about it – when you see someone singing, dancing, acting,
laughing or talking about something they are passionate about,
what do you notice?

There is an energy of aliveness that comes from the person.  A
truth if you will.  A force that is magnetic.

Here's what my husband said about his performance:

...just doing a little something like writing a song, or doing a
performance, anything that draws the passion out, creates a rush
of aliveness, you feel a physical change among other things, you
find your 'wings'.

Can't you just feel the joy in his words?  An exuberance for

In contrast, you can tell when someone is shut down - they loose
that aliveness and aren't very attractive.

We've all felt unattractive and shut down.  We literally shut
down our creative juices.  We disconnect from our flow of love,
joy, creativity, passion.


So where do you want to feel more aliveness?

What part of your life has been shut down that you want to let

I asked one of my clients this question and she said she wanted
to have more dinner parties at her home.  She loves entertaining
and really feels alive when she's putting on a party.

Another client is going to start art classes, and another one is
planning a huge vacation she put off for too many years.

I just did that – took a long overdue vacation.  It was the best
thing in the world for my body, my marriage and my soul.

What is it for you?

Come on, what's the thing you've wanted to do and talked
yourself out of?  You actually know it.

Do you sing in the shower or in the car?  Do you talk
passionately about a subject when no one is really listening?  Do
you write poetry and never share it?
Do you love hiking or biking but never make the time for it? 
Have you been putting off working in your garden even though you
love doing it?

Do you want to express your love and thought it might not be
reciprocated?  Do it anyway.  You'll benefit.


Make a commitment to yourself this year to play and do something
that has you come alive.

Not only will you be more attractive to others, more importantly,
you'll love how