2003-02-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Americans Were Duped Before...By Don 
WilliamsKnoxville News-Sentinel2-23-3


"It wouldn't be the first time your own government, 
including your president, has lied to justify war. It happens in every 
other generation." 

Are you being duped? Ask yourself that question before 
condemning those who oppose bombing, invading and occupying Iraq. It 
wouldn't be the first time your own government, including your 
president, has lied to justify war. It happens in every other 
This nation fought a war against Spain over a century 
ago because many in the media parroted the government line that 
Spaniards blew up the Battleship Maine in Cuba. Turns out that most 
likely was a mistake at best, a big fat lie at worst. 
During World War I, Germans were depicted as brutal 
barbarians who reveled in nailing babies to fences and gouging out their 
eyes, and World War I was billed as the war to end all wars. Instead, it 
led directly to World War II, the rise of communism and the Cold War in 
the bloodiest century the world has ever known. 
Many of today's hawks are too young to remember the 
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, the big fat lie that plunged us into Vietnam 
in the 1960s. Look it up. Then there was the Iran-Contra affair, a web 
of lies that helped shape the dismal dilemma we face now. Remember 
Iran-Contra? That was the covert operation of the Reagan-Bush 
administration in the 1980s to sell missiles to a radical Iranian 
government in exchange for its help in freeing American hostages held in 
Yes, folks, our government dealt with terrorists and 
sold arms to radical Muslim governments. Money from the missiles we sold 
to Iran was used to arm the Contras in Central America. Some called them 
terrorists, but they were our terrorists, so we called them freedom 
Reagan's national security adviser, John Poindexter, 
was convicted in 1990 of conspiracy, lying to Congress, defrauding the 
government and destroying evidence in the Iran-Contra scandal. He got 
off on grounds that he had been granted immunity from prosecution by the 
same Congress he lied to. Incredibly, Poindexter now serves as director 
of the Pentagon's Information Awareness Office, which snoops on the 
electronic transactions of ordinary Americans. 
It gets more mendacious. While Poindexter, Oliver 
North and others were secretly funneling weapons to Iran, our government 
also supported Iran's hated enemy, Iraq, selling the Iraqis cluster 
bombs and chemicals for weapons of mass destruction. Our government, 
including Donald Rumsfeld and others now surrounding President George W. 
Bush, shamelessly played both sides against the middle in the 1980s, 
promoting trench warfare that resulted in about 1 million dead, crippled 
and emotionally scarred Iranians and Iraqis. 
Later, our government lied to make its case for the 
first Gulf War. 
Our government claimed in 1990 to have a photograph 
showing 265,000 Iraqi soldiers and 1,500 tanks massed on the Saudi 
border ready to overrun that country's oilfields. That claim compelled 
the Saudis to let us use their country as a staging ground for the Gulf 
War. A prize-winning writer for the St. Petersburg Times went to the 
source of the photograph and exposed it as one more lie. The first Bush 
bunch also lied to the Kurds and other enemies of Saddam Hussein, 
promising we would liberate them if they rose up to oppose that hated 
tyrant, Saddam Hussein. 
Instead, Kurds were slaughtered by Iraqi helicopters 
as U.S. forces withdrew. We mostly protected the Kurds from further 
Iraqi vengeance, but the lies keep coming, to the Kurds and to 
A New York Times poll shows that 42 percent of 
Americans believe Saddam Hussein was responsible for the attacks of 
Sept. 11, 2001. Our government helped create that impression in its 
obsessive drive toward regime change in Iraq. 
If you love America as I do, then you owe it to 
yourself and your children to seek the truth and reject even the lies 
told with the best of intentions by our own leaders. Governments 
throughout history have lied, and many folks around the world have 
become smart enough to know it. 
Maybe that explains why, even as talking heads on CNN 
and ABC gushed over how brilliantly Secretary of State Colin 

Can anyone answer this?

2003-02-27 Thread Astro

This is a from a letter printed in our local paper. I have 
never heard this question before. Do any of you know if his statements have 
merit? Or is there a 'clause' which would letBush off the hook? 
Thanks for all your help! :)

Let's assume for the sake of argument that the United States and President 
Bush do not receive the required number of U.N. Security Council votes for going 
to war, yet decide to go to war without the full backing of the United 
The charters of both NATO and the United Nations require its members to 
defend any sovereign member nation against an unprovoked preemptive attack by 
all means possible, both diplomatically and militarily.
Would that mean the United Nations would have to come to the defense of 
Iraq in the event of an attack by the United States and other members joining 
the coalition? It's something to think about.
It could mean the end of the United Nations as an effective means of 
maintaining peace and stability throughout the 