Received from a conservative friend in Brevard County, Florida

Charley Reese is a well-known conservative writer in central Florida, formerly a regularly appearing columnist for the Orlando Sentinel newspaper. He is another conservative AGAINST the Bush administration war plans.

The "Don't Know" Crowd

The Bush administration adamantly insists that Iraq has weapons of mass
destruction, but despite 12 years of inspections, bombings and spying, it
doesn't have a clue as to where they are.

It frequently warns us of terror attacks, but always says it doesn't know
where, when or how. Nor have there been any terror attacks in the United
States in the past 18 months.

Is it any wonder that millions of people around the world and in the United
States don't support President George Bush's personal crusade to topple
Saddam Hussein? Keep in mind that after the Sept. 11 attack, which Saddam
Hussein had nothing to do with, virtually the entire world united in
sympathy with us. Never has one president destroyed so much support by so
many people in so short a time.

The fact is, the people in the Bush administration who want to go to war
with Iraq wanted to go to war with Iraq before Sept. 11. As a matter of
fact, they wanted to go to war with Iraq before George Bush was even
elected president. That's a matter of record. This war against Iraq has
nothing to do with disarming Iraq and nothing to do with terrorism. It has
to do with the United States creating a situation in which it and Israel
will dominate the Middle East and its oil resources.

The thing to remember about these alleged weapons of mass destruction is
that nobody in the Bush administration or with the United Nations has ever
laid eyes on them. What exists is a discrepancy between two numbers in
reports - both supplied by the Iraqi government. One report stated that so
many chemical bombs were used; another report had a different number. And
the Iraqis are certainly right in that nobody can prove a negative; you
can't produce for inspection what you don't have.

I personally don't know if these weapons exist in Iraq or not. I do know
they exist in many other countries. I do know that in the Gulf War, Iraq
did not use any chemical or biological weapons, even when it was being
routed from Kuwait and "bombed back into the preindustrial age," to use an
American phrase. I do know that in the 12 years since, Iraq has not used
any chemical or biological weapons, even though it has been subjected to
the harshest economic sanctions in modern history and to practically
regular bombing. I do know that in the past 12 years, Iraq has not
threatened, much less attacked, any of its neighbors, while during that the
same period of time we have attacked Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq and
Yugoslavia. I do know that every one of the "neighbors" George Bush claims
Iraq is a threat to has said repeatedly that it does not feel threatened by

I do know that the only leader threatening the world with nuclear weapons
and pre-emptive attack is George W. Bush. It gives me no pleasure to point
that out. But it is not the role of an American citizen to be a sheep. It
has become apparent that those of us who supported Bush made a mistake. I'm
beginning to believe that a philanderer and a liar is less dangerous than
an upright but ignorant man who thinks God has appointed him to rule the world.

The best way to support our troops is to try to prevent the Bush
administration from sacrificing their lives for the hidden agenda of the
crazy neoconservatives in his administration. Young Americans should not
die because a bunch of chicken hawks have a cockamamie idea that they can
bring liberal democracy to the Middle East by making war. That's like
trying to sell pork barbecue in Mecca. What the president is intent on
doing is committing a crime against humanity. If he goes through with it,
he'll have to change his ritualistic "God bless America" to "God forgive us."

The Facts About Rebellion

Which political leader made war on his own people, killing 262,000 of them,
burning their cities, destroying their food supply and placing the
survivors under military occupation?

If your answer is Saddam Hussein, you're wrong. The answer is Abraham Lincoln.

Accepting the Northern but incorrect view of the War Between the States,
Lincoln did exactly the same thing Saddam Hussein did. When "his own
people" rose up in armed rebellion, he crushed the rebellion, brutally and

I'm making this point not to disillusion you about Lincoln but to point out
how propaganda works. One effective way to propagandize people is to take a
fact out of context. Much has been made of the fact that Saddam Hussein
crushed the Kurdish rebellion. Any leader of Iraq would have crushed the
Kurdish rebellion. If the Scots rose up in armed rebellion today, British
Prime Minister Tony Blair would crush, or try to crush, the rebellion. What
do you think the British have been doing in Ireland lo these many years?

Any government will assert the right to self-defense. When our forefathers
chose to secede from the British Empire, the British tried to crush what
they considered a rebellion. And before you give up the delicious and
high-quality products of France, you should remember that without French
troops and the French fleet, the British would likely have succeeded.

I know it's idealistic foolishness to expect the government to tell the
truth rather than to resort to propaganda. For that reason, we, as
citizens, have to learn to recognize propaganda. To sell the war, the Bush
administration has demonized Saddam Hussein. The fact is, Saddam is a
run-of-the-mill dictator, worse than some, better than some. In the war
against Iran, a nation with three times the population of Iraq, the Iraqis
used chemical weapons. So did the Iranians. In World War I, the United
States, the British, the French and the Germans used chemical weapons. In
World War II, we used nuclear weapons. In Waco, Texas, in 1993, the Federal
Bureau of Investigation used chemical weapons against American civilians.

It's quite true that, like any other dictator, Saddam treats his political
opponents harshly, but it's also true that if you stay out of politics, you
could live as freely in Baghdad as you can in New York City. Unlike a
communist-style dictator, Saddam doesn't give a damn what Iraqis think or
do unless it involves a threat to his hold on power. There are two
categories of dictators: totalitarians who want to control every aspect of
a person's life, and gangsters who just want to stay in power. Saddam is in
the gangster category. Iraqi women, for example, are entitled to free
education, just the same as men, and are free to choose any vocation they
wish. Prior to the Gulf War, Iraq had one of the largest middle classes in
the Middle East, one of the best education systems and one of the best
health care systems. We, not Saddam, have destroyed all three with the war
and economic sanctions.

Another propaganda technique is to focus on Saddam. To hear the Bush
administration and to watch American television, you'd think Iraq was
occupied by one individual, Saddam. He's only one of 25 million people, and
the overwhelming majority of Iraqis are just like us, with the same dreams
and hopes we have.

I don't give a damn about Saddam Hussein. He's a tough guy and a killer.
He's lived 66 years in a tough and dangerous world. I'm sure he's ready to
die if it comes to that. But why should Iraqi children have to die or be
maimed or orphaned just because our political leader doesn't like their
political leader? It's too bad we can't give Bush and Saddam each a knife,
put them both in a dark room and let them settle the matter between themselves.

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