The lines and points in your drawing are positioned as you drew them. If
you change the xvi file or background image then you will see that changed
in the drawing editor, but it will not move your drawn lines and points to
match in the editor. Only the rendered output from therion will reflect the
changes to the centreline.

If you really want to edit the drawing based on the changed centreline when
you need to edit the drawing yourself. But this is not necessary unless the
distortion in your output therion rendered maps to too bad to look right.
Usually you would keep the original xvi file you drew against for that
drawing and let Therion distort the survey to match the updated centreline
when you render the maps.


On 25 February 2014 18:11, Tomek Chojnacki <chojnacki.tomasz at>wrote:

> Hi,
> After I closed a loop in a cave the background image (centerline from
> xvi file) changed, but all "drawings" (survey station points and walls
> lines) stayed in place.
> Does anyone have an idea why it happens and how I can change it?
> Thx in advance,
> Tomek
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