[Therion] New release of Cave Converter

2014-04-13 Thread Olly Betts
On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 03:05:33PM +0100, Footleg wrote:
> - Added substitution of illegal characters in series and station names to
> Survex format output.
>   Compass files allow various punctuation characters in series and station
> names, which are not
>   allowed in Survex format data files. These will be substituted by an
> underscore character followed
>   by a two letter code indicating the character which was substituted (e.g.
> '!' becomes '_ex').

You can specify the non-alphanumeric characters for Survex to allow in a
station name, for example if you want "!" to work in addition to the
default of "_", you can use:

*set names _!


[Therion] New release of Cave Converter

2014-04-13 Thread Footleg
A new version (20140412) of my Cave Converter tool is now available. It
converts between various cave survey file formats. Enables users of DistoX
devices to get their existing data into PocketTopo, and their new survey
data out of PocketTopo and into Survex format. Plus enables migrating
survey data from one program to another.

Help and the download link can be found on the Cave Converter home page.
Source code is available under a GNU GPLv3 license.

A summary of the changes in this release:
- Adopted JScience.org libraries for handling measurements, and implemented
length measurements
  as unitised lengths rather than plain decimal values.
- Added support for reading Compass format survey data files.
- Added substitution of illegal characters in series and station names to
Survex format output.
  Compass files allow various punctuation characters in series and station
names, which are not
  allowed in Survex format data files. These will be substituted by an
underscore character followed
  by a two letter code indicating the character which was substituted (e.g.
'!' becomes '_ex').
- Added additional command line options:
  - splays/nosplays: Survex writer and Toporobot writer now have option to
not output splays.
  - lrud: Option to generate LRUD data from splays (can be used on any
- Added rounding of LRUD values to 2 decimal places in the Survex file
- Changed LRUD generation to better select the best splay for each
dimension, and to calculate
  the distance for the LRUD dimensions based on the angle of the splay to
the passage direction
  instead of using the total length of the splay. The splay selected when
there is a choice is now
  the splay giving the biggest dimension in the direction of the LRUD
measurement rather than using
  the splay closest to the compass bearing of the passage dimension
measurement direction. Passage
  direction is now calculated from the average bearing of the forward leg
and the previous leg
  arriving at the station. When more than two legs join at a station then
the previous leg will be
  the one with the closest bearing to the bearing of the onward leg.
- Splays fired as back shots are now excluded from LRUD generation.
- Splays are no longer removed from the output when used to generate LRUD
- The Survex writer now groups passage data from LRUD dimensions into
blocks of readings corresponding
  to the survey legs in the file (previously one block of passage data was
output per series with all
  stations listed with no respect for their connectivity).
- Added duplicate and surface flags to leg class, and added reading of
flags to Survex parser and writing
  them to Survex writer.
- Made the logging output less verbose, and fixed the survey summary
details log output to include inner series.

Bugs fixed:
- Fixed case sensitivity bug in Toborobot file generation which left series
unlinked if series or
  station names did not have identical case.
- Fixed bug in PocketTopo parser which repeated the station name given to
the 'to' station for a splay
  leg when the splays were not all located together in the survey.
- Fixed bug where compass calibration was used instead of declination
calibration in PocketTopo parser,
  Survex parser and Survex writer.
- Added date reading to Survex parser.
- Fixed bug in utility function to calculate the average of a set of
compass bearings (thanks to Peter Kellaway
  for pointing me to a much more robust and elegant solution). This bug
does not affect the use of the function
  in previous versions (where it was only used to convert PocketTopo triple
leg readings into one average leg)
  but it did show up in the new LRUD generation code when calculating the
average bearing of two legs either
  side of a station when the passage went round a sharp bend.
- Fixed bug in Toporobot Writer which caused passage dimensions data to be
output on the wrong station
  (LRUD values for the 'from' station of each leg were being put on the
'to' station of each leg).
- PocketTopo file reader no longer reorders the splay legs for each station
(something which used to happen
  due to the old code which sorted splays into groups for L,R,U,D
measurements in this reader).

Bug reports and requests to support other formats always welcomed.


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