[Therion] distance problem with disto

2011-01-28 Thread Bruce
>in this case looking at the distox would answer the two questions
>in my previous mail:
>  - are the data "wrong" in the distox ?
>  - are the "wrong" data the same or just similar ?

OK, send me the app and instructions and I'll try to extract the data.


[Therion] distance problem with disto

2011-01-27 Thread Bruce
>so this is probably the last survey in the distox memory, 
>and it is still there.

Yes, it is the most recent survey.
The errant measurements were transmitted to pockettopo and deleted on the
spot before the survey could proceed (logically enough), so as far as I am
aware there will be no electronic record they ever happened, unless the
distoX or PockeTopo keeps something sneakily stored away...

Directly after the trip we replaced the batteries, and recalibrated twice
(the delta values were not that great, about 0.7 then 0.4 I think- both have
been saved so I could look them up).  The site had a few steel drums and
pipes nearby.

>just for curiosity (and record), could you dump it ?
>[can prepare for you a win32 app to do that]

 If there is something remaining I could try to pull it out.

>does pockettopo save to file the raw data exchanged with the distox ?

I'm not sure, on the face of it as a non-technical user I'd say no.


[Therion] distance problem with disto

2011-01-27 Thread Beat Heeb
> It most cases the popup menu allows you to select any survey leg and jump 
> to
> the corresponding 'data, 'map', 'outline' drawing or 'side view' drawing.
> However, when you select a splay shot (un-numbered station) in either of 
> the
> drawing views, this feature is not available.  If it were, it would be 
> very
> useful when trying to decipher the drawings and data table when the disto
> operator has got ahead of the booker.

This is on my list.
Be aware that you can do it the other way round:
The currently selected shot is shown in a different color in the drawings. 
allows to indentify individual splay shots.

> I understand the plan for Therion in future is to use splay shots 
> identified
> by '-' for passage wall definition and splay shots identified by '.' for
> internal cave feature definition.  It would be nice if PocketTopo
> implemented something similar as well.  It would be easier to make this
> distinction as the survey was progressing in the cave, rather than making
> the adjustments back in the office.  In addition if the '.' shots were a
> different colour to the survey legs with '-' shots it would ease the
> sketching process (or maybe allow a toggle between showing '-' shots and 
> '.'
> shots).

I will think about that.

> Disto Distance
> Our distoX occasionally gives one off spurious distance (and rarely 
> compass)
> readings.  On our most recent trip it went one step further - a ~15m 
> survey
> leg gave '3 in a row' readings of 0.21m and some time later (after many
> readings that looked OK) on a similar ~15m survey leg it gave '8 in a row'
> 52.0m readings with the odd 48m and 82m reading thrown in for good 
> measure.
> We chose another station and the anomaly disappeared.  We are quite sure
> that for the majority of these bogus readings the laser was squarely on 
> the
> target.  This survey (but not these legs) included a 100m loop, which 
> closed
> at 1.25%.  This is among the worst we've had with the distoX, but it does
> not suggest any gross distance errors occurred within the loop.

>>did you mean that the distance shown on the disto display was wrong ?
> Unsure, I presume the displayed distance matched the distance transmitted.
> I was driving the pda - I'll check with the distoX operator, as we did 
> have
> a brief conversation along those lines when it happened.
>>and that the distance transmitted to pockettopo was wrong as well ?
> Yes, definitely the wrong distance - was not a units issue, as the next
> readings were OK (and if I understand correctly 'units' has no effect on 
> the
> data transmitted- between them the devices can translate I think).

If the displayed and transmitted distances are the same, it is surely a
problem of the Disto itself, not of the extension.

> does pockettopo save to file the raw data exchanged with the distox ?

They could be read from the DistoX memory (last 4096 measurements).
However, they will be equal to the numbers transferred to PocketTopo.
They are read from the same memory.

> Some 100 distance readings later the lithium AAA batteries died.  (The
> indicator suggested the batteries were full at the start, and the survey
> included probably 300 shots).

The indicator is not accurate because the lithium batteries have a higher
nominal voltage and die very rapidly. However, the internal voltage 
by the Disto is stable and independent of the actual battery voltage.

> Disto Display
> A new distoX, recently acquired and upgraded by a colleague has developed
> some permanently 'lit' pixels (about 20 of them) in the middle of where 
> the
> inclination is displayed - even when the device is powered off.
> He is a 'distoX & paper' surveyor (and like me has aging eyes) so the
> difficulty in reading the display is particularly frustrating.
> Is there a solution to this?
> -  New display from Leica?
> -  New circuit board from Leica?

This is most probably a defect of the display itself.
There is a small chance to get a replacement display from Leica.
However, they usually replace the whole device and, because they do not
have any more A3 they offer a D3 instead.

> The total station gives its readings in degrees:minutes:seconds, which
> is fine for therion, but not so good for PocketTopo (or it might be my
> ignorance.)

There is currently no way to enter data in dms.
Of course it may be added...



[Therion] distance problem with disto

2011-01-27 Thread marco corvi
sorry to clog the list ...

>  If there is something remaining I could try to pull it out.

each calibration is about 100 shots (=200 data)
the distox stores tha last 4095 data
so your distox probably still has the two calibrations and the survey
as well as less recent surveys.

in this case looking at the distox would answer the two questions
in my previous mail:
  - are the data "wrong" in the distox ?
  - are the "wrong" data the same or just similar ?

as i said, just out of curiosity.


[Therion] distance problem with disto

2011-01-27 Thread marco corvi
hi bruce, 

i had a similar problem once, but it was in a pit with 
plenty of water, and on the spot i thought it was due to the water
splashing around ...

> >were all the "wrong" values exactly the same, or just similar ?
> As above, I don't know - I had assumed they would be 'identically
> incorrect'.
> >did it happen long ago, or recently ?
> Saturday 22 January 2011 NZ daylight time.

so this is probably the last survey in the distox memory, 
and it is still there.
just for curiosity (and record), could you dump it ?
[can prepare for you a win32 app to do that]

does pockettopo save to file the raw data exchanged with the distox ?


[Therion] distance problem with disto

2011-01-27 Thread Bruce
Hope it is OK to re-post on the forum  :)

>-Original Message-
>From: marco corvi [mailto:marco.corvi at elsagdatamat.com] 
>Sent: Thursday, 27 January 2011 1:19 a.m.
>To: Bruce
>Subject: distance problem with disto

>hi bruce, 

>did you mean that the distance shown on the disto display was wrong ?
Unsure, I presume the displayed distance matched the distance transmitted.
I was driving the pda - I'll check with the distoX operator, as we did have
a brief conversation along those lines when it happened.

>and that the distance transmitted to pockettopo was wrong as well ?
Yes, definitely the wrong distance - was not a units issue, as the next
readings were OK (and if I understand correctly 'units' has no effect on the
data transmitted- between them the devices can translate I think).

>were all the "wrong" values exactly the same, or just similar ?
As above, I don't know - I had assumed they would be 'identically

>did it happen long ago, or recently ?
Saturday 22 January 2011 NZ daylight time.
