Unhelpful metapost error

2004-10-14 Thread Wookey
+++ Olly Betts [04-10-14 04:27 +0100]:

>> On Fri, Oct 01, 2004 at 09:20:11AM +0200, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
 > >therion: error -- metapost exit code -- 256
>>> >
>>> > This is strange, usually metapost writes something to log file. Do you
>>> > remember your wrong data arrangement?
>>> >
>>> > If you would like to see (in the future), where the problem is, you can
>>> > run therion with -d option. Than all temporary files will not be deleted
>>> > and in the {$TEMP}/thTMPDIR you will find therion metapost file data.mp.
>> OK, this problem hasn't gone away (we've just been using the box it
>> works on).  But looking at it again, if I run therion -d the output from
>> metapost is:
>> This is MetaPost, Version 0.641 (Web2C 7.4.5)
>> kpathsea: Running mktexfmt mpost.mem
>> fmtutil: format `mpost' not available.
>> I can't find the mem file `mpost.mem'!
>> therion: error -- metapost exit code -- 256
>> It turns out that the problem box is missing /var/lib/texmf/web2c/mpost.mem
>> while the other box has it.  Both boxes are running debian "unstable",
>> but that file isn't owned by any package (so I presume it is generated
>> by installing one of the tetex packages or something list that).
>> Digging deeper, the "good" box has tetex-extra installed, but the "bad"
>> box doesn't, and after installing this package, everything works.  But
>> the debian therion package depends on tetex-bin but not tetex-extra so
>> it's not automatically installed.
>> Wookey: I've not filed a Debian bug for this - let me know if you want
>> me to...

Nope - I'll fix that - I need to do an update anyway to have Debian therion
include the model viewer

That's another 10MB on the therion footprint, which is a problem for
'embedded' use, but otherwise simple enough.

Well spotted.

Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679
work: http://www.aleph1.co.uk/ play: http://www.chaos.org.uk/~wookey/

Unhelpful metapost error

2004-09-30 Thread Olly Betts
My, I'm all questions today...

When I try to process my survey to produce a PDF plan, metapost appears
to not like something, but there's no error message, so I've no idea
where to look.

I've attached the log, I can send other stuff if that's helpful.

This is therion 0.3.3 on Linux, with THUSESVX defined.


therion 0.3.3
initialization file: /etc/therion.ini
reading ... done
configuration file: thconfig
reading ... done
reading source files ... done
preprocessing database ... done
processing survey data ...
### cavern log file 
 1> Survex 1.0.31
 2> Copyright (C) 1990-2004 Olly Betts
 3> Survey has no fixed points. Therefore I've fixed 1 at (0,0,0)
 5> Survey contains 275 survey stations, joined by 274 legs.
 6> There are 0 loops.
 7> Total length of survey legs = 1180.04m (1180.04m adjusted)
 8> Total plan length of survey legs =  868.99m
 9> Total vertical length of survey legs =  522.64m
10> Vertical range = 189.70m (from 21 at 2.59m to 185 at -187.11m)
11> North-South range = 139.82m (from 261 at 16.42m to 242 at -123.40m)
12> East-West range = 145.01m (from 196 at 34.11m to 231 at -110.90m)
13>   32 1-nodes.
14>  219 2-nodes.
15>   19 3-nodes.
16>4 4-nodes.
17>1 5-node.
# transcription 
 3> 1 : 2 at entrance.76
 5> 275 : 15 at boiling.76 -- 274 : 14 at boiling.76
10> 21 : 1 at bent.76 -- 185 : 11 at keg.76
11> 261 : 1 at boiling.76 -- 242 : 12 at noways.76
12> 196 : 3 at tap.76 -- 231 : 1 at noways.76
13> 32 : 5 at brave.76
14> 219 : 5 at rift.76
15> 19 : 8 at bent.76
16> 4 : 4 at entrance.76
17> 1 : 2 at entrance.76
 end of cavern log file 
calculating basic statistics ... done
processing references ... done
selecting export objects ... done
scanning centreline tree ... done
processing projection plan ... done
average distortion: 2.77%
writing 76_plan.pdf ...
### metapost log file 
Survex 1.0.31
Copyright (C) 1990-2004 Olly Betts
Survey has no fixed points. Therefore I've fixed 1 at (0,0,0)

Survey contains 275 survey stations, joined by 274 legs.
There are 0 loops.
Total length of survey legs = 1180.04m (1180.04m adjusted)
Total plan length of survey legs =  868.99m
Total vertical length of survey legs =  522.64m
Vertical range = 189.70m (from 21 at 2.59m to 185 at -187.11m)
North-South range = 139.82m (from 261 at 16.42m to 242 at -123.40m)
East-West range = 145.01m (from 196 at 34.11m to 231 at -110.90m)
  32 1-nodes.
 219 2-nodes.
  19 3-nodes.
   4 4-nodes.
   1 5-node.

 end of metapost log file 
therion: error -- metapost exit code -- 256

[therion] Unhelpful metapost error

2004-10-01 Thread Stacho Mudrak
> therion: error -- metapost exit code -- 256

This is strange, usually metapost writes something to log file. Do you remember 
your wrong data arrangement?

If you would like to see (in the future), where the problem is, you can run 
therion with -d option. Than all temporary files will not be deleted and in the 
{$TEMP}/thTMPDIR you will find therion metapost file data.mp.

Running "mpost data.mp" should definitely be more verbose.

Regards, S.

[therion] Unhelpful metapost error

2004-10-01 Thread Olly Betts
On Fri, Oct 01, 2004 at 09:20:11AM +0200, Stacho Mudrak wrote:

>>> >therion: error -- metapost exit code -- 256
>> This is strange, usually metapost writes something to log file. Do you
>> remember your wrong data arrangement?

It appears to be a problem with the version of one of the required
software packages on one of my machines.  The latest version of the
survey compiles fine on one box, but gives this error on the other.  So
it was probably actually switching machines which fixed the problem.
I'll double check next week but it looks like this probably isn't
actually a therion problem.


[therion] Unhelpful metapost error

2004-10-14 Thread Olly Betts
On Fri, Oct 01, 2004 at 09:20:11AM +0200, Stacho Mudrak wrote:

>>> >therion: error -- metapost exit code -- 256
>> This is strange, usually metapost writes something to log file. Do you
>> remember your wrong data arrangement?
>> If you would like to see (in the future), where the problem is, you can
>> run therion with -d option. Than all temporary files will not be deleted
>> and in the {$TEMP}/thTMPDIR you will find therion metapost file data.mp.

OK, this problem hasn't gone away (we've just been using the box it
works on).  But looking at it again, if I run therion -d the output from
metapost is:

This is MetaPost, Version 0.641 (Web2C 7.4.5)
kpathsea: Running mktexfmt mpost.mem
fmtutil: format `mpost' not available.
I can't find the mem file `mpost.mem'!
therion: error -- metapost exit code -- 256

It turns out that the problem box is missing /var/lib/texmf/web2c/mpost.mem
while the other box has it.  Both boxes are running debian "unstable",
but that file isn't owned by any package (so I presume it is generated
by installing one of the tetex packages or something list that).

Digging deeper, the "good" box has tetex-extra installed, but the "bad"
box doesn't, and after installing this package, everything works.  But
the debian therion package depends on tetex-bin but not tetex-extra so
it's not automatically installed.

Wookey: I've not filed a Debian bug for this - let me know if you want
me to...


[therion] Unhelpful metapost error

2004-10-01 Thread Stacho Mudrak
Olly Betts wrote:

> Ah, I didn't have a map ... endmap section for my plan.  It might be
> better if that produced at least a warning...

Thanks a lot. This is a very common problem (even it happens to me sometimes). 
I will fix it. Therion should generate warning, when there will be no map 
defined. And I will try, that it will produce map also in this case.

Ragards, S.

[therion] Unhelpful metapost error

2004-09-30 Thread Olly Betts
On Thu, Sep 30, 2004 at 06:38:52PM +0100, Olly Betts wrote:

>> When I try to process my survey to produce a PDF plan, metapost appears
>> to not like something, but there's no error message, so I've no idea
>> where to look.
>> I've attached the log, I can send other stuff if that's helpful.
>> This is therion 0.3.3 on Linux, with THUSESVX defined.

Hmm, well by rearranging what stuff was in which file I seem to have
stopped metapost complaining.  But the pdf file seems to ignore all
the scraps and I just get a lot of station markers with "arms".

I've not tried to join any scraps together yet, but it seems odd that
I don't get an error message if that's the problem.

I also tried without THUSESVX defined, but that doesn't make the scraps


P.S. I'll keep the dataset which made metapost around for a while in case
you want to investigate that.

[therion] Unhelpful metapost error

2004-09-30 Thread Olly Betts
On Thu, Sep 30, 2004 at 07:56:45PM +0100, Olly Betts wrote:

>> Hmm, well by rearranging what stuff was in which file I seem to have
>> stopped metapost complaining.  But the pdf file seems to ignore all
>> the scraps and I just get a lot of station markers with "arms".
>> I've not tried to join any scraps together yet, but it seems odd that
>> I don't get an error message if that's the problem.

Ah, I didn't have a map ... endmap section for my plan.  It might be
better if that produced at least a warning...
