Re: [tw] Re: Showing a list of tiddlers incl value from a specific field

2017-03-06 Thread Tony P

On 7/03/2017 5:13 PM, Jed Carty wrote:

The direct answer to your question is you do this

Thanks Jed, that's just about perfect.

I like the look of your task list plugin too.


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[tw] Re: Showing a list of tiddlers incl value from a specific field

2017-03-06 Thread Jed Carty
The task list plugin I made may be helpful 
I am working on updating and moving all my plugin to the newer ooktech 
site, this one hasn't been done yet. I will try doing this one later today.

The direct answer to your question is you do this (if you want to add a 
checkbox look at the plugin or the example on, I need to run 
off to work in a minute):

<$list filter='[tag[todo]]'>

<$link to=<>><$view field='title'/> - <$view 

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[tw] Showing a list of tiddlers incl value from a specific field

2017-03-06 Thread Tony P

An easy question for old TiddlyWikkers, hopefully.

I have a number of tiddlers with a specific tag (eg "todo"), and a 
"summary" field which is a 1-line reminder of what's in the tiddler.

How can I create a list of these tiddlers, linked on their title but 
also showing the value of the "summary" field for each one? Ideally the 
list should show all tiddlers with "todo" tag, even if they don't have a 
summary field.


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[tw] Re: [TW5] Plugin update: Autosave for EditorCounter – Never lose hours of work again

2017-03-06 Thread David Szego

You're right, that didn't sound so clear!

I'd like to be able to select which tags indicate that this Tiddler should 
*not* get auto-saved. For instance, all $:/ (system) tags, or "plugins" or 
"noAuto", or such. 

This would let me ensure that I don't auto-save halfway through writing 
code, which would likely trigger a crash as soon as I reload (due to 
halfway-written code!)

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[tw] TW5 Red Screen of Death suggestions

2017-03-06 Thread tejjyid
I feel I have particular expertise in the matter of the RSOD. I have some 
suggestions that would ease my pain, improve my productivity and I feel 
sure generalize to others:

1.) A cancel button on the top of the ?modal box? so that I can get rid of 
it without changing my screen size / scrolling
2.) Do we need the whole error message? All I personally need is the line 
number of my most recent JS f-up, and if the rest of this message (which 
seems also to be in the console log) is meant to be of use to anyone else, 
it's not clear to whom and in what context. If the message were shorter, 
than maybe the necessity for 1.) is reduced
3.) Change the wording - for years Firefox used to waste seconds of my life 
by crapping out on reloading my tabs at restart, and issuing this fake 
apology about which they did absolutely nothing. The words "This is 
embarrassing" were a feature. This annoyed me. If someone is embarrassed - 
do something about it, I say. Don't just keep uttering meaningless 

But I can't work out who @ TW is embarrassed about my mistakes? Don't be - 
it's my problem. The faster I can click Cancel/refresh/edit the better. Put 
that Cancel button where I can get to it quickly.

Maybe someone feels that this is the right way to handle an occasional TW 
core failure. But there's no contact procedure, no advice about what to 
usefully do to help resolve the "embarrassment" - so there's a kind of 
incoherence about the whole RSOD experience.

1.) would be a big, big winner. I doubt I would've noticed 2.0 and 3.) if I 
hadn't had to go looking for the "Close" button.

Cheers, Andrew

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[tw] Re: Converting Tiddlywiki Wikitext to Markdown

2017-03-06 Thread Leopold Bloom
Markdown doesn't have easy way to represent wikilinks, true, but I'll be 
okay with either Dokuwiki  or 
Mediawiki  wikitext 
formats. I use the following formatting devices mostly: links, code blocks, 
in-line code, headings, bullets, and numbered lists. I know Emacs and Vim 
at a basic level, I will try to create some macro to process the files one 
by one—first the links, in the second go bullets and so on and so forth. If 
I could get this to work it would become easy for me to host my files on 
the web. My TW5 is 2.1+ mb and it is a big file (for a webpage) to host on 
the web. Dumping all the text files (once converted, say, to Dokuwiki) will 
allow easy hosting online in Dokuwiki.

I'd bookmarked a Perl module HTML:WikiConverter 

to convert HTML (output withTW5 node.js) to various wikitext formats, but 
since I am not a programmer I had trouble getting it to properly convert 
the wikilinks in the output converted text, but it does have an option for 
wikifying links; I need to experiment to see how I can make it work.

On Monday, 6 March 2017 17:39:05 UTC+5:30, PMario wrote:
> Hi Leopold,
> There is no automagic way to achieve this. So you'll need to do manual 
> "find and replace" magic. ... You can split your tiddlers into single 
> files, use an external text editor and do global search and replace, which 
> should be pretty fast. ... But you need to be careful. markdown only 
> supports basic wikitext functions. TiddlyWiki wikitext has a lot more 
> possibilities. 
> -mario

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Re: [tw] New Powerpoint-Style presentation-mechanism ready for testing

2017-03-06 Thread Jan Johannpeter

Hi Thomas,
thanks for your feedback...after all this is possible only because of 
your extract-macro.
 I just solved the EditToolBar-button-problem... Finally it is 
comfortable to set the tags for the slides.

It would be great if you had a look on $:/macros/slidesnstories/Template.
This should give an overview on the slides which are set in a tiddler in 
my MetaTabs, somehow I do not get it to work.

Thanks so much

\define showSlides()

<$list filter="[search:text[/sli]]" 

<$list filter='01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10' variable="number">


Am 06.03.2017 um 23:50 schrieb Thomas Elmiger:

Hi Jan,

Great to see your progress and demo!

I still like the remote control very much, but also that the presentation stays 
readable on mobile.

You are right, text and design could use a bit polishing. And new users of the 
plugin would probably profit from a tutorial, maybe a video …

I am afraid I will not be able to assist with your remaining problems as I lack 
experience with the linkcatcher and I can't see an obvious solution for your 
editor button. Maybe the count filter I spotted in the 5.1.14 prerelease could 
be part of the puzzle? I really don't know.

All the best for your and your project!

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[tw] Vivaldi Browser - Shameless Publicity

2017-03-06 Thread Duarte Farrajota Ramos
Hey guys have you heard about the Vivaldi browser ?
By searching here I only found a handful of fleeting mentions in the forum, 
mostly amidst troubleshooting posts, so I thought i'd make a more formal 

Please forgive the shameless publicity (I am not affiliated with them in 
anyway, just a happy user); but being a Web Browser specifically targeted 
for power users I though it might please some of the folks here, since it 
seems to stand for some of the same principles TiddlyWiki does (like 
flexibility, privacy, configurability).

It was created as a followup to the late "classic" Opera Browser 12 
, by a team of some of the same developers 
. It is still in its infancy, occasional bugs, 
some rough edges here and there, but overall a great browser.
It is a Blink rendering engine based browser, using the Chromium base, it 
supports lost of the official Chrome extensions, and adds a layer of new 
features on top of that, with a beautifully designed UI to go along with it.
Some of the features that standout to me the most are:

   - Tileable tabs, side-by-side or vertically
   - Sidebar with tools and custom web-panels
   - Builtin mouse-gestures
   - Bookmark aliases or nicknames
   - Tab stacking
   - Customizable keyboard shortcuts
   - Builtin screenshot tool
   - And a lot more 

i'm particularly fond of tileable tabs, which allows me to easily compare 
between to pages, and the web panels where I like to keep an always open, 
easily accessible personal Notes TiddlyWiki file. Very convenient as a note 
taking tool.
A new fantastic History 

page is coming in the development snapshots too.

Why am I posting this here? Well seeing it is a free browser and money is 
made primarily from user searches I though I'd try and gather a few more 
users for them. More users means more money, more money means more 
developers which leads to a better browser which I happen to love.
In a land where the late trend is for minimal featureless striped down 
browsers, where more and more people flock to mobile devices, I though that 
this Vivaldi stood out in a positive way and might please the "power users" 
and more technically savvy people here since some of its features pair well 
with TiddlyWiki.

If you find this inappropriate feel free to close/block/ignore the thread, 
no harm intended :)

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[tw] TiddlyWiki 5 Style using local font file

2017-03-06 Thread Duarte Farrajota Ramos
After lots struggling, searching and researching, I finally found a working 
solution, which I am posting it here just for future reference to help out 
anyone who might want to do the same.

I have seen several posts here about using custom fonts under TiddlyWiki 5 
most focus on external third party font services like Google Fonts 
 or Font 
some try embedding custom 
files using base64 encodind 
 inside the 
tiddlywiki file.
All I wanted was a simple way to use a locally installed external font 
file, preferably using a basic relative path.

Just create a new tiddler with whatever name you want, tag it with 
and add the following content to it, customizing where necessary

@font-face {
font-family: myFontFamily;
src: url(Font_File.ttf);

  color: red;
  font-family: "myFontFamily" , sans-serif;

Adjust the src: url() part to a path pointing to your ttf otf or woff file, 
and adjust .tc-title to style whatever part of the wiki you wish.

Hope this helps anywome in the future

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[tw] New Powerpoint-Style presentation-mechanism reay for testing ..and a questionregarding the linkcatcher

2017-03-06 Thread Thomas Elmiger
Hi Jan, 

Great to see your progress and demo! 

I still like the remote control very much, but also that the presentation stays 
readable on mobile. 

You are right, text and design could use a bit polishing. And new users of the 
plugin would probably profit from a tutorial, maybe a video … 

I am afraid I will not be able to assist with your remaining problems as I lack 
experience with the linkcatcher and I can't see an obvious solution for your 
editor button. Maybe the count filter I spotted in the 5.1.14 prerelease could 
be part of the puzzle? I really don't know. 

All the best for your and your project! 

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[tw] Re: TW5 View Template when displaying in tabs?

2017-03-06 Thread Lost Admin

On Friday, March 3, 2017 at 2:12:28 PM UTC-5, Mark S. wrote:
> Looking at the documentation, it appears that you can provide a template 
> for transcluding the content of the tabs. Then, inside the template, you 
> can access the current tab as variable currentTab. Perhaps that is useful 
> for what you want?
> Good luck,
> Mark
> On Friday, March 3, 2017 at 10:16:47 AM UTC-8, Lost Admin wrote:
>> Further to my own question ...
>> I can create a template to use with vertical tabs that consistes of 
>> {{!!text}} and the button widget but when I use it with horizontal tabs, it 
>> doesn't show the tab content it shows the parent tiddler content.
>> On Friday, March 3, 2017 at 12:16:52 PM UTC-5, Lost Admin wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I find I use tabs regularly for a couple of reason. One of which is 
>>> quick access to lists I edit regularly. To simplify getting to the actual 
>>> tiddler, I added a button to the bottom of the tiddler that opens the 
>>> transcluded tiddler in edit mode.
>>> <$button actions="action-sendmessage" message="tm-edit-tiddler" 
 param=<> tootlip="Edit this tab">Edit Tab

>>> I figured out that I can create a view template and add a filter to add 
>>> the above button to the bottom of tiddlers with a specific tag. *Is 
>>> there a way to filter based on whether the tiddler is being transcluded or 
>>> not*? It would be nice to only include the button when the tiddler is 
>>> being displayed in a tab.
Yep. And it works great on vertical tabs but the exact same template breaks 
on horizontal tabs.  

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Re: [tw] TiddlyWiki behind Apache as /zwiki/

2017-03-06 Thread Xavier Cazin
Hi Eric,

By any chance, did you load the mod_proxy_http module in addition to
mod_proxy? This is mandatory and I've been caught several times by this one.

Also, I systematically set:

Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all


-- Xavier Cazin

On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 2:38 PM, Eric Stephens 

> I am trying to run the server on an existing Node.js box we have other
> applications running on.
> Can some help me with the Apache magic to get the ajax calls working?
> Or it may be the pathprefix does not work as I hoped.
> Here's my start command:
> tiddlywiki mynewwiki --server 8081 $:/core/save/all text/plain text/html
> "" "" /zwiki
> Here's the httpd.conf:
> ProxyPass /zwiki/ http://localhost:8081/zwiki/
> ProxyPassReverse /zwiki/ http://localhost:8081/zwiki/
> Here are the errors:
> --
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[tw] End Users. Hymns ...

2017-03-06 Thread Josiah
Just a simple observation ... 

In the several months now I have been @TiddlyTweeter 
 the single most repeated interest in 
TiddlyWiki by end-users has come from GAMERS. 

Gamers find it excellent for planning game campaigns. Its flexibility 
matches their needs well.

Here is an example: RedDiceDiaries - Dungeon World Campaign 

I strongly suspect that IF more serious gamers knew of TiddlyWiki it could 
gain thousands more users.

Best wishes

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[tw] TiddlyWiki behind Apache as /zwiki/

2017-03-06 Thread Eric Stephens
I am trying to run the server on an existing Node.js box we have other 
applications running on.
Can some help me with the Apache magic to get the ajax calls working?
Or it may be the pathprefix does not work as I hoped.

Here's my start command:

tiddlywiki mynewwiki --server 8081 $:/core/save/all text/plain text/html "" 
"" /zwiki 

Here's the httpd.conf:

ProxyPass /zwiki/ http://localhost:8081/zwiki/
ProxyPassReverse /zwiki/ http://localhost:8081/zwiki/

Here are the errors:

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Re: [tw] TWShell

2017-03-06 Thread PMario
On Sunday, March 5, 2017 at 9:38:00 AM UTC+1, Jeremy Ruston wrote:
>1. A single installer is required for all the necessary starting 
>components and settings, including: Node.js, tiddlywiki, git, 
>tortoisegit (if necessary), etc. for main operational systems.
> Mario has done work on packaging TiddlyWiki as a container.

That was TiddlyWeb, the python based version, in combination with TWclassic 
and some experiments with TW5. 

The requested combination can't be done in an OS agnostic way.  nodejs, 
tiddlywiki and git are available for windows, linux and macOS. .. but 
tortoisegit is a windows only file-explorer extension. 

The second problem I see here is: node, tw and git may be basic 
requirements without much discussion. ... but git GUIs depend on the users 
taste. There are a lot of them and reaching consensus which one to bundle 
will be close to impossible, because the users tastes are different.

Packaging different components into a single installer imo will just create 
a lot of maintenance and it will just shift the problems that come up with 
the original packages to the bundled package. Which mains moving 
maintenance from many projects, with decent funding, to a community with no 


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[tw] New Powerpoint-Style presentation-mechanism reay for testing ..and a questionregarding the linkcatcher

2017-03-06 Thread Jan

Hello everybody,
it is no plugin yet but you can test it.
Just press the launchbutton for the SliceShowDemo on


By the way... I still got the same questions regarding the EditorToolBar 
Button to mark the slides...
I made another attempt to create an EditorToolbar Button to mark slides 
for a slideshow. (see "braintwister" some Mails down this list)
My Slideshow plugin is nearly ready and it will be quite beautifull. It 
can be tested at (The Demo works but the text 
is still a little chaotic...)
One thing I still need is a button to have a comfortable way to mark the 
slides within the Tiddlers.
The structure for slides is defined by thomas slice macro and goes like 
 contentSlide1  text in no slide  contentSlide2 

I now want a button to choose the numbers from 01 to 10 that are not 
used yet.
Analog to $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/link-dropdown I tried to use the 
 but I am totally lost...

-My first question is how can I make the filter 
[all[current]!search:text[sli$(number)$]] refer to the Tiddler edited, 
obviously the currentTiddler parameter does not follow the transclusion.

-Then I need to now the correct usage of the linkcatcher widget...
 here's my attempt (and in the Text below): 

Thanks a lot

\define freenumbers()
\define slidelinks()
\define freeslides()
<$list filter='01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10' variable="number">
<$list filter=<>>


\define pref() 
\define suff() 
\define setslide-actions()
<$vars slidenr="""{{$:/Temp/Slidenumber}}""">

\define lingo-base() $:/language/Buttons/Slide/

\define body(config-title)

<$macrocall $name="body" config-title=<>/>

<$linkcatcher actions=<> to=<>>


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[tw] Re: Converting Tiddlywiki Wikitext to Markdown

2017-03-06 Thread PMario
Hi Leopold,

There is no automagic way to achieve this. So you'll need to do manual 
"find and replace" magic. ... You can split your tiddlers into single 
files, use an external text editor and do global search and replace, which 
should be pretty fast. ... But you need to be careful. markdown only 
supports basic wikitext functions. TiddlyWiki wikitext has a lot more 


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[tw] Re: Simple Javascript insertion in tiddlers (text/vnd.tiddlywiki)

2017-03-06 Thread PMario
On Monday, March 6, 2017 at 11:20:58 AM UTC+1, tejjyid wrote:
> Edge cases

There are 11 js macros in the core and 860 macro \define statements in the 
UI and templates. ~200 of them are duplicated in the language editions. So 
macros are all over in the core, and we only had 11 exceptions, that where 
done in js. The rest it pure wikitext. ... IMO that's impressive. 

> I can see that you might be able to do a lot with the wiki-text macros, 
> but ... for anything complex they get pretty *unreadable pretty quickly!

Readability is a problem, since whitespace matters.  But many of the 
core macros could have better readability, without side-effects in the DOM. 

> And it's not like they use a language you might use somewhere else.

They use wikitext. ??

> IMO, more, not less, use should be made of JS macros.

js macros can't be modified by most users. Standard macros can be modified 
by every user. That's a huge difference.


> I'm just about to rework the lexer/parser you helped me with a few years 
> ago into TW5 - but it'll stay in JS. I hope you'll be on standby once again 
> :-)

If you want to implement stuff like this, you clearly have to go with 
javascript. ... 

There is a big difference between TWc macros and TW5 macros. They are 
completely different things. 

TW5 macros are simple text-substutions, with no built-in "refresh" 
mechanism. TWc macros are more like TW5 widgets now. .. parsing and 
rendering a domain specific language (DLC) is a complete different topic 
again, but doable. We have such plugins already. 

railroad-plugin, markdown-plugin, katex-plugin, .. which may give you hints 

have fun!

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[tw] Re: Simple Javascript insertion in tiddlers (text/vnd.tiddlywiki)

2017-03-06 Thread tejjyid
Edge cases I can see that you might be able to do a lot with the 
wiki-text macros, but ... for anything complex they get pretty *unreadable 
pretty quickly! And it's not like they use a language you might use 
somewhere else. IMO, more, not less, use should be made of JS macros.

I'm just about to rework the lexer/parser you helped me with a few years 
ago into TW5 - but it'll stay in JS. I hope you'll be on standby once again 

Cheers, Andrew

*I mean that in a nice way

On Monday, 6 March 2017 06:50:43 UTC+11, PMario wrote:
> On Sunday, March 5, 2017 at 1:55:08 AM UTC+1, Matt Groth wrote:
>> I regularly backup my wiki so I'd be interested to know if this is at all 
>> hackable.
> TW sanitizes javascript within normal tiddlers, for security reasons. 
>> I'm also somewhat confused about why we have javascript macros then, and 
>> what the difference is there.
> Standard macros are defined with \define ... \end .. Those macros are 
> "text substitutions". Everything between the "define - end" is wikitext, 
> which is powerful but still limited, compared to javascript. 
> javascript macros can use all the possibilities of javascript, but are 
> still limited to return text. So they work exactly the same way as 
> wiki-text macros. ... macros are not able to "refresh" the rendered output, 
> like widgets. Therefore they are simpler to use and define but you still 
> have to use a developer setting. 
>> Though at this point I should probably study the code a lot more so I 
>> know what I'm talking about. I'll be back!
> The js-macros have been introduced, because we needed them for some edge 
> cases. But it turns out, that tw wikitext is very powerful, so they are 
> only used for some core stuff. 
> hope that helps
> mario

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