[tw5] Re: [TW5] Highlight text

2021-06-08 Thread Donald Bosart
Just found this so bear with me please, why did TW5 drop the simple syntax 
that was in TW4?  Part of the utility of TW in my view was that its markup 
was simple enough for anyone to use without having to be a css guru.  I 
mean, I get it, the css provides lots of flexibility; but, unfortunately, 
the simple accessible syntax was dropped?  That seems like a step backwards.

Thus the question... why?


On Monday, June 30, 2014 at 10:28:21 AM UTC-7 Odder wrote:

> Another possibility: you make a class in your stylesheet for example:
> .hl { background-color:yellow; }
> and use it in your text like this:
> @@.hl HighlightedText@@ (space after .hl is important)
> This is similar to TWC.
> Regards 
> Odder

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[tw] Demise of FF TiddlyFox and my reluctance to tackle Node.

2017-11-12 Thread Donald Bosart
OK.  I finally became desperate enough to post here.


I'm a longtime TiddlyWiki user who started out with Classic long ago before 
it was "Classic" and have moved on to TW5 for some time now.  I won't bore 
everyone with all of the things I like about TW; but, it being file based 
with a simple markup and having easy Tiddler creation and being a 
"Guerrilla Wiki" that I could put on an Apache server to publish one-way 
content for my group at work are among the best things since apple pie...

Alas, file:// protocol seems dead; long live file protocol.  It was great; 
use it to author... put the file on a server and it is automatically 
protected via http wonderful... FF with TiddlyFox to author, scp to the 
server and use Chrome to view (most everyone at work uses Chrome).

With the imminent arrival of FF 57 I've been following the various threads 
here and trying to discern a way forward.  My immediate action both on my 
work machines and at home was to turn automatic updates of FF off before my 
authoring tool becomes caput.  But that's temporary... 

So what is the best course forward?  Should I bite the bullet and learn 
scary Node or try to keep it simple and find a way to save files without 
going insane with browsers that are intent on making themselves pains in 
the you know what.  I see a few threads that suggest there may be a way 
forward for us file users but I'm wondering what to do for the next few 
months and then I'm wondering if I should just bite the bullet and move to 

So Use Case 1 (work):

Use FF file:// to author content, scp to an Apache server, company sees the 
content via http.

So Use Case 2 (personal):

Ideally create an multi-user authoring solution that would allow users (and 
myself) to author content that I could deploy at my own URL via a hosting 
service.  The idea here is to "write" a collaborative piece of fiction with 
potentially many disparate paths... the ultimate interactive story 
experience essentially.

Alternatives to Use Case 1, just accept that Google Docs and Wordpress have 
won the day at work and stop making things hard for myself.

Alternatives to Use Case 2, just write my novel in Word (OK OpenOffice) and 
die an agonizing slow death.  ;-)

Looking for guidance... point me in a direction or two and then I'll go 
away for another decade.


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