[tw5] Page control button colours: Imported SVGs not recognized as page control buttons to apply stylesheets? Unsuitable SVGs?

2020-06-10 Thread Neve F
New to HTML/CSS/TiddlyWiki etc so possibly a stupid question, but can 
anyone tell me why my newly imported icons to replace the default page 
control button icons in the sidebar might not be following colour rules 
like the original icons?

I have had no trouble getting the right icon to appear in the right place 
by changing the correct {{ }} field in the button tiddlers, but imported 
icons invariably show up as black, while the original icons are all 
grey-but-black-on-hover (and of course the save icon has its indicator 

I can get a stylesheet to affect the original icons but not the new ones. 
(I'm not using my own Stylesheet - although some plugins I have came with a 
few and I haven't checked in detail what they all do - but making a new 
stylesheet and trying some of the options from this discussion 
in it affects only the included icons, and no imported ones currently set 
as page control buttons.)

SVGs are from flaticon.com, as recommended on the TiddlyWiki site, just 
downloaded and imported straight.

I don't need to do anything fancy with colours, just get any new icons to 
obey the same rules the others are already following! Any assistance much 

(P.S. For anyone who recalls my previous post, the replies were 
appreciated, sorry I didn't get back to many as life got away from me. Will 
write something informational about my setup in the future when more of it 
is ironed out!)

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[tw5] Re: Opening the default TiddlyDesktop

2020-06-09 Thread Neve F
Bumping this as having read the resulting conversation, it still doesn't 
seem like there is a solution. (It's possible that the command line thing 
could have something relevant to doing this but I'm not sure how myself.) 
It would be very nice to remove that extra step of opening the list to open 
the only wiki on it. It would also be cool if we could cause start menu 
tiles or other shortcuts to directly launch a particular wiki via 
TiddlyDesktop when there are multiple, again skipping the step of having to 
open the list in order to select one. No idea how easy or difficult this 
would be to make work, but reiterating the interest...

On Thursday, 30 April 2020 17:27:18 UTC+10, Edgaras wrote:
> Is there a way to always open the default TW note file when 
> opening TiddlyDesktop, and do NOT open the wiki list window? That would 
> simplify the process every time, as I only have one TW.

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[tw5] TiddlyWiki Questions for Second Brain/Bullet Journal/Roam-A-Like Use (crosspost from reddit)

2020-04-22 Thread Neve F

(Crossposting from reddit after being informed this was the more active 
group! Hope you don't mind this sort of post!)

I, like many, was WILDLY EXCITED about Roam Research when I first started 
playing with it, but then started noticing/experiencing too many flaws to 
commit. Having looked into a bunch of open-source, self-hosted 
alternatives, TiddlyRoam seems like it's the closest thing I'm going to 
get. (The org-roam interface just does not speak to me, and Dokuroam seems 
to require creating a virtual server on your machine to run it on, which 
does not seem like something I can recommend to the less tech-savvy, or 
something that's easy to beat into shape.)

I've seen promising things when looking into TiddlyWiki to see how close it 
can get to what I want, but since I'm new to it, I thought I would ask the 
community for tips/information before getting halfway through setting up a 
non-optimal version. Hopefully this can also help some other noobs from my 
sort of background (not afraid of code, have built some Wordpress sites, 
but more of a scuba diver than a shark on the reef of tech)!

TL;DR Can you look at what I want to achieve below and tell me how close I 
can get with TiddlyWiki? Any tips on any aspects of this are welcome.

Ideally, I want to take my task management app and bullet journaling, my 
personal journaling (think morning pages), and my reading notes and writing 
drafts (I'm a content writer and a social science student), which are all 
scattered across different apps, notebooks, and file structures, and 
replace the lot with one system.

Honestly my entire file structure would probably be better served being 
accessed through a non-hierarchical second brain, since neither social 
science nor content writing nor personal topics stay neatly and discretely 
under separate umbrellas, and trying to pick where to put things, and then 
remember they exist, and then find them again, is way too time-consuming 
right now. (I gather that TiddlyDesktop can open file links from your local 
machine? That could be a way to do that, so long as I'm religious about PC 
backups as well as Tiddly backups. On the other hand, moving a file would 
break the TiddlyWiki link...)


   Roam-style bidirectional links and a map view are a must. Anything else 
   that makes navigating large amounts of varied content in this system easier 
   would also be great.
   Daily Notes (a la Roam) would be ideal, which of course I could just 
   manually create, but if there are any ways to automate the setup of these 
   pages that would be fantastic. In my brief stint with Roam I had my daily 
   checkbox task list at the top, links to the pages I worked on that day 
   underneath and notes on what got done, and then free-form journaling 
   thoughts after that. I also had notes on dates ahead that I would see again 
   when that date rolled around. I couldn't get it to automatically add 
   repeating habit check-boxes, but that would be grand if possible. Some sort 
   of calendar view to review these pages (in addition to via their links) 
   would also be good, no idea if such a thing can be done in TiddlyWiki. But 
   that's extra, if I could just get the TiddlyWiki to automatically open to 
   "Today" that would be huge in itself. Anyone tried/got this?
   In terms of task management, being able to track tasks in general with 
   some automation (so things don't slip through the cracks) would be great. 
   The Francis Meetze way (
   to get real check-box-having, self-categorising tasks is certainly 
   interesting, though (a) I worry that needing a new Tiddler for every inane 
   household task would make the wiki really, really cluttered, and (b) I'm 
   not sure how this would integrate with the bullet-journal-inspired Daily 
   Note task tracking. Any experience with this? Any ideas?
   Ways to integrate external files so I can find them in context, rather 
   than through File Explorer, would be very welcome. (See above for ideas and 
   potential issues.)
   Also wondering about inline images; I know these can be done, but is 
   there a way to do it without cluttering up the wiki with extra Tiddlers? 
   (Ckeditor?) Or without bloating the wiki file if you have quite a few? What 
   are your experiences with this? How much of a problem is it really?
   I'd love to be able to capture the text of whole web pages like I can 
   with OneNote Web Clipper (when it works). Guards against sites taking down 
   an article I might need to refer back to. (Even if I take excellent notes, 
   being able to access the original text if needed can be important.) Is 
   there currently a way to do that with TiddlyWiki? Spotted TiddlyClip and 
   TagSpaces Web Clipper but not sure what would best fit the bill.
   Lastly, I'd like to know how much mobile