[tw] Tiddlywiki to Mediawiki

2009-06-10 Thread shanny

Hi All,

I am a newbie and have been assigned with a task of uploading a bunch
load of tiddlywikis to the master Mediawiki website.

The idea is to release a particular section of the mediawiki as
tiddlywiki to the field agent and whenever a tiddlywiki is updated,
need to be update to the master mediawiki website.

So basically i need two way conversion -
  from mediawiki to tiddlywiki
and from tiddlywiki to mediawiki

There are a few resources for extracting from mediawiki to tiddlywiki
(namely MediaWikiAdaptorPlugin and MediaWikiFormaterPlugin) which i
found in tiddlyvault.com

I also need the otherwise - from tiddlywiki back to mediawiki.

Could anyone help on this please.


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[tw] Re: Tiddlywiki to Mediawiki

2009-06-12 Thread Shanny

Thanks FND,

mediawikiunplugged is absolutely great. Luv it.
This is apt for the ongoing check out and check back ins.

But now i got a list of old Tiddlywikis which needs to be uploaded to

Somewhere i read i need to convert the tiddlywiki to word and then use
a macro to rewrite it back to mediawiki.
But this macro doesn't works for Word2007.

What is the best way to do it.?

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