[tw] Re: [TW5] Impressions thus far (and TW on node.js on Android)

2014-03-09 Thread oveek
Hi Danielo,

Yea it's really pretty nifty :) I can pull together more details, but at a 
high level, to build node.js for my phone what I did is clone the node.js 
source from github, and use the Android NDK (Native Development Kit) on my 
desktop computer to cross compile node.js targeted for the ARMv7 
instruction set.

The Android NDK includes a script that allows one to create a "standalone 
cross compiler toolchain". That toolchain can then be used to generate 
executables that are targeted to run on a different processor architecture 
than that of the host machine where the compile is being done. The result 
is an executable that can be run on an ARM processor.

I copied the compiled files over to my phone, and used a terminal 
application on my phone (provided by a really great Android app called 
Terminal IDE that provides an amazingly comprehensive suite of Linux 
utilities, including a shell) to run node.js from the command line.

That's the rough sketch of the process. 

On Thursday, March 6, 2014 7:44:09 PM UTC-5, Danielo Rodríguez wrote:
> Holly cr***! I'm really interested in your node.js implementation. How did 
> you compile node JS on your phone? Did you get some kind of executable as a 
> result? Could you describe the process? 
> Thanks in advance 

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[tw] [TW5] Impressions thus far (and TW on node.js on Android)

2014-03-05 Thread oveek
The main thing I'd like to say for the sake of general feedback is I am 
really liking TiddlyWiki5, and am very excited by what I'm seeing.

I've been a long time user and fan of TiddlyWiki (classic), TiddlyWeb, and 
TiddlySpace. Here are some thoughts from my recent use of TiddlyWiki5:

The TiddlyWiki5 interface is, to me, a huge improvement. I think it looks 
great, and is very functional from an UI perspective. While I've always 
loved TiddlyWiki, I was never fully satisfied with the default appearance 
and layout of TiddlyWiki classic, and felt compelled to tweak the base 
appearance and layout. With TiddlyWiki5 I feel like I can pretty much just 
dive in and use it from the get go (and present it to other people)–the 
default theme, layout, text styles, etc., are clean and attractive.

Elements of the UI that I'm appreciating from a workflow and usage point of 

   - *The* *"Open" tab*: Having the list of open tiddlers makes it easy to 
   jump between multiple tiddlers in the story. While editing one tiddler, I 
   can quickly jump down to refer to another by clicking it in the list in the 
   open tab, and then jump back to the one I was editing.
   - *Tags*: Adding multiple tags to tiddlers is quick and easy with the 
   filterable tag list. They also look good, and the ability to easily give 
   them a color is very nice.
   - *Search*: The immediate search-as-you-type function of the search box 
   makes finding a tiddler a quicker task. The advanced search of Shadow and 
   System tiddlers is a welcome addition that is a big help to tiddly hackers.
   - *Control Panel*: Lots of useful information here. The Advanced tab's 
   comprehensive list of modules gives an overview of "what makes the wiki 
   work." All the different types of js modules that provide core 
   functionality and additional features.
   - *List widget and tiddler filters*: These clearly provide powerful 
   functionality for creating dynamic self-updating lists of tiddlers (like 
   the task management example). Writing complex lists is a real brain teaser, 
   especially in the beginning while learning the concepts and associated 
   syntax. Combining TiddlerFilters, nested lists, TextReferences and other 
   concepts bring a lot of possibilities to the table.
   - *Snapshots:* when running as a server side app, this makes it easy to 
   grab a standalone wiki in a single click.
Those are a few of the frontend/UI highlights for me. There are quite a lot 
more, but I'll leave it at that for the moment. About running as a server 

   - *Node.js / server side*:I always prefer to run my wiki using a server 
   side component. I'm a big fan of TiddlyWeb / TiddlySpace so when the TW5 
   compatibility with TiddlyWeb is fleshed out I may switch to TW5 / 
   TiddlyWeb. That may be my ultimate combination as TiddlyWeb provides robust 
   user management and access controls, multiple storage adapters, and many 
   other features.
   In the interim though, I really like "tiddlywiki node.js app" as the 
   server side component as well, and I see various possibilities for cool 
   functionality here. Having tiddlers stored as flat files is useful. An user 
   on the TiddlyWikiDev group described how he is using git to version control 
   the tiddler files and share the wiki between several machines. I had been 
   thinking along those lines as well, and am now using git to synchronize my 
   wiki between my computer and phone...

   -  *Node.js / tiddlywiki on Android*: It's kind of amazing to see this 
   working as well as it seems to. I wanted to run TiddlyWiki5 on my phone and 
   be able to sync it with my computer. I think having tiddlers as separate 
   files lends itself better to version control, so that led me to wanting to 
   get node.js running on my phone. I was able to cross compile node.js for 
   ARMv7, copy it to my phone, clone the TiddlyWiki5 git repo onto the phone, 
   clone my wiki instance from my computer, and successfully run that TW5 
   instance on node.js on a Samsung Galaxy Note II. I haven't tested too much 
   yet, but I opened localhost:8080 in chrome and I was able to browse around 
   the wiki, and create and edit new tiddlers which were saved successfully to 
   the file system. The UI appears to scale and layout nicely to a mobile 
   screen size. The giant screen of the Note II helps too, and makes the wiki 
   surprisingly readable/usable.  

Great work so far, I'm using TW5 daily and loving it.


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[tw] Re: TW5 Writing down multiple tables

2014-02-03 Thread oveek
Hi Danielo,

I took a look at the code on your tiddlyspot page. Looks like a pretty 
elaborate tiddlywik table generator.

The problem is happening only for June because June 1st (2014) happens to 
be on Sunday, and so it doesn't need any empty / leading cells in the 

If you look at the console log output, you'll see that the table format for 
June is getting thrown off by a misplaced "|".

|! June 2014|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|
|! Sun|! Mon|! Tue|! Wed|! Thu|! Fri|! Sat|

You can add an if statement to handle the corner case and prevent the table 
from getting screwed up for any month where the 1st is on a Sunday. 

Try changing from this:

cal += lf;
cal += col;
// fill in the blank gaps until today's day day of the week. This is 
the first day of this month
for(var index=0; index < Calendar.getDay(); index++)
cal += '  ' + col;

To this:

// Only need a "special" first row with leading empty cells if the 1st 
of the month is *not* on Sunday.
if (Calendar.getDay() > 0) {
cal+= lf;
cal+= col;

//fill in the blank gaps until today's day day of the week. This is the 
first day of this month
for(var index=0; index < Calendar.getDay(); index++)
cal+= '  ' + col;

I tested the change out and it fixes the table / calendar for June.

On Friday, January 31, 2014 1:04:32 AM UTC-5, Danielo Rodríguez wrote:
> Hello
> I'm triying to do some kind of journal. So I wrote a macro that displays 
> every month as a table. I don't understand why every month is displayed 
> correctly except for June. In fact, June is only displayed incorrectly if 
> it has other month immediately above. If it is the first or stand alone, it 
> is displayed properly.
> If you want to check the code enter to  http://braintest.tiddlyspot.com/and 
> look for TestMonth.
> Thanks in advance.
> Kind regards.

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[tw] Re: tiddlyweb latest

2009-02-10 Thread Oveek Mallik

> Again, many thanks for your efforts.
> -- F.

I should also thank you, Eduard, for your detailed "what works, what
doesn't," posts. It was actually two of your other threads posted a
while ago that got me to try tiddlyweb. It's amazing, the more I use
it the more I realize its power and flexibility.
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[tw] Re: tiddlyweb latest

2009-02-10 Thread Oveek Mallik

> Again, many thanks for your efforts.
> -- F.

I should also thank you, Eduard, for your detailed "what works, what
doesn't," posts. It was actually two of your other threads posted a
while ago that got me to try tiddlyweb. It's amazing, the more I use
it the more I realize its power and flexibility.
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[tw] Re: TiddlyWeb latest experience

2009-02-05 Thread Oveek Mallik

On Feb 4, 1:37 am, "cd...@peermore.com"  wrote:

> (As an aside is it getting to the point where we should have atiddlywebgoogle 
> group?)

I think the only downside to that is lower TiddlyWeb exposure to the
general TiddlyWiki user population that browses this group. I
personally had been aware of TiddlyWeb for sometime and was watching
with great interest, but it was really this thread, and the other one
called "tiddlyweb installation," that made me sit up and take notice.
I hadn't realized how much progress had been made since its inception.

On the other hand, it would be a plus to have all of these great
discussions collected in one place as a reference. At the moment it's
a bit of a challenge keeping tabs on the topics in this group and the
TiddlyWiki Dev group.

Maybe there's a good way to answer both issues.

> > Is there a way to disable revisions?
> Not officially, yet, but I've made a 
> ticket:http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/901

> One thing you might consider is a store that saves N revisions, and
> truncates on the fly when N is hit.

Thanks. I appreciate that this isn't as simple as it appears on the
surface, and I don't feel it's that much of a high priority feature.
I'm satisfied with the temporary fix, and will worry about a cleaner
solution after sorting out some other issues...will be posting about
those soon.
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[tw] Re: TiddlyWeb latest experience

2009-02-05 Thread Oveek Mallik

Your points about revisions, and size not being a major factor, are
well taken.

> I think the best is to write a "cleansing" script.  Which just removes the
> older revisions.  (What happens in the python if there is only a file named
> 6, but no 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5?... Also what's the next revision's name?)

I didn't encounter this issue because I disabled revisions from the
very beginning (before doing any saves). But you raise a good point.
What I did wouldn't work in the case where tiddler revisions have been
saved for a while and then "switched off" using my simple hack.

As far as size goes, I can't argue with your logic. I guess for me
it's more the idea that bothers me. If I have a long tiddler, like
maybe a 1,000 words or more, and I fix a typo, the idea that all 1,000
words are saved again for the sake of one correction bugs me a bit. So
my hang up is with making many small changes to large tiddlers.

I'll consider the cleansing script idea too, that might be the better

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[tw] Re: TiddlyWeb latest experience

2009-02-02 Thread Oveek Mallik

I've been experimenting with tiddlyweb, and found this thread really
useful to get me going.

I won't comment too much on what's been said, but I really like the
concept of tiddlyweb, and so far I think the implementation is very
nice. I do like the decision of making "concrete" bags/folders where
tiddlers are stored as individual files, while recipes are used as the
more abstract list of ingredients/bags that can be combined to make up
a wiki. I sense a lot of potential here. I'd like to comment more on
this and other things later, but I have a specific question for the
time being.

Is there a way to disable revisions?

For now I've done it by using a simple hack in the tiddler_put()
method of the Store class in /tiddlyweb/core/tiddlyweb/stores/text.py.
I just replaced the line incrementing the revision variable with,
revision = 1. This causes tiddler updates to always be written to a
file named '1' instead of a new file each time.

The reason I want this is to avoid out of control proliferation of
these revision files. I plan on using MonkeyGTD with tiddlyweb, and
there will be a lot of toggling of status flags (triggering autosave)
and other minor edits that don't really require a revision history.
Also I tend to be a little obsessive, and edit and save in many little
increments as i'm entering information so that would also cause me to
end up with a whole bunch of extra files.

I do like having revisions in other situations, and like the
straightforward idea used in tiddlyweb, but a config option to disable
revisions would also be excellent (I'm assuming it doesn't already

For the record I'm running this out of svn under both Linux and
Windows using Python 2.6, and things seem to be working smoothly in
both cases. I'm still kicking the tires though.

I had also encountered that BeautifulSoup parser problem, and my
workaround was to save a tiddlywiki's store area as an html file and
import that using the 'twanager imwiki' command, but the latest svn
update allows me to simply import an entire tiddlywiki. I know you
addressed this in the Dev group.

Great work so far, and hope to give more feedback later.

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