LOL dude!

On Apr 1, 9:01 am, "Paul Downey (psd)" <>
> Hi There!
> I'm a big fan of TiddlyWiki, and have enjoyed using it for a couple of
> years now, even being motivated enough to develop the odd patch and
> plugin! All well and good, but I have noticed a few fundamental
> weaknesses with TiddlyWiki which I think I've managed to address in a
> new product which I've been quietly working on in the background. It's
> something I'm really quite proud of, and which I'd like to share with
> you all today!
> So I hereby announce TiddlyFlash - a clean-room implementation of
> TiddlyWiki written in Adobe ActionScript and targeted at Flash Player
> 10.
> TiddlyFlash has a number of advantages over the current HTML/CSS/
> JavaScript version of TiddlyWiki, notably:
> * Flash is universal where as capable browsers are becoming harder to
> find. Using Flash gives developers a write once, run anywhere
> experience, freeing them from worrying about cross-browser issues.
> Everybody loves Flash and has it installed and enabled on their
> desktops, laptops and phones.
> * TiddlyFlash users benefit from a number of advanced features such as
> animations, sound, videos, control of web cameras and 3D bump-mapped
> texture and shading. These are essential for most wiki use-cases and
> heralding a new era of animation, slick-shading and other "Because I
> Can" developments not possible with current browsers. This
> particularly important for those of us who use the current browser of
> choice, Internet Explorer.
> * SEO is a solved problem for Flash now Google indexes the text inside
> many Flash files.
> * Accessibility is a solved problem for Flash: it's simple to add key-
> shortcuts and you can always keep a separate copy of the text for use
> in screen readers.
> * it is possible, indeed trivial, to hide the TiddlyFlash content
> inside a binary Flash file, allowing TiddlyFlash to hide text from Web
> and desktop searching technologies. This is particularly useful when
> running a guerilla TiddlyFlash on a machine with Google search or
> Apple Spotlight installed and you don't want people to find your
> content.
> * furthermore, it seems feasible to implement Digital Rights
> Management (DRM) for TiddlyFlash text, essential for building business
> critical documents.
> * offline mode, something which we know has been tricky for some
> browsers, is now a simple matter of downloading the Adobe AIR platform
> and running a version compiled, packaged and made available for this
> ubiquitous environment.
> * browser cookies are easily cleared and are often blocked by some
> people overly cautious about privacy. Such people aren't as aware of
> Shared Local Objects (LSO)* and it's unusual for them to be cleared,
> greatly assisting the more sticky storage of TiddlyFlash options.
> * whilst it's true that there are few viable ways of building Flash
> applications with free software, the excellent Adobe Flash CS4 is a
> very reasonable $699, so it's actually better than free to write and
> distribute Flash programs. It is true that there are some minor
> licensing things to worry about, but in many cases it doesn't cost
> anything to distribute Flash programs.
> * view-source of TiddlyWiki has introduced a number of security issues
> and has been an obstacle to anyone wanting to develop commercial
> TiddlyWiki plugins. TiddlyFlash brings the advantage of a closed-
> source ecosystem, protecting my and plugin developers revenue streams.
> * the unconventional Open Source nature of TiddlyWiki can be an issue
> for certain users, notably those within enterprises, therefore
> TiddlyFlash will be delivered as a trusted-source binary. Of course
> there will be a conventional EULA to OK to protect your supplier from
> errors, inadvertent or otherwise. I may consider providing paid-for
> support contracts given that shouldn't be too onerous to meet the
> expected standards for a typical commercial software product, and can
> probably be outsourced.
> * trusted-source code means we can have a TiddlyFlashStore, where you
> will be able to buy quality controlled TiddlyFlash software and where
> developers may upload their plugins and verticals on a reasonably and
> non-discriminatory fair revenue share. Registration will of course be
> subject to my approval and at a nominal fee of, say $99 USD per
> application.
> * ActionScript is a much nicer version of JavaScript, and coming from
> a single vendor, means it is more coherently designed, stable, better
> documented and with an understandable roadmap than the supposedly
> standard ECMA JavaScript. Anyone who decides to join the TiddlyFlash
> Developers' Programme will find writing plugins and extensions far
> easier and more satisfying. (Note, I may keep some of the more
> advanced developer features hidden, depending if I decide to write my
> own plugins. I may also run premium developer courses for those
> wanting to upskill from JavaScript to TiddlyFlash ActionScript.)
> * the future of the Web is Rich Internet technologies such as Flash,
> not in the current mish-mash of competing ad-hoc and Open Source
> browsers and the current limiting constraints which put greater value
> in documents and hyperlinks over cool interactions and effects. I
> think most everybody here must agree that browsers are an antiquated
> technology,  subject to diminishing interest from developers and Web
> designers. I for one am happy to abandon TiddlyWiki and leave it with
> the browser to wither on the vine!
> Going forward, I'm pretty certain it's feasible for TiddlyFlash to be
> ported to Microsoft Silverlight for similar advantages but for those
> who prefer Microsoft, possibly for those who worry Adobe may not be
> around forever or trust them not to exploit their status as a single
> suppler. So if anyone is interested in porting TiddlyFlash to
> TiddlySilverlight, I'm more than happy to discuss terms. Feel free to
> shoot me an email and I'll get my lawyer pass on an NDA, which you can
> sign and fax back to me before we proceed further with negotiation for
> a source code license terms, i.e. business as usual!
> I think you must agree this is very promising avenue. I'm almost ready
> to launch subject to resolving a number of small issues, for example
> cutting and pasting text, high CPU use and permalinks to Flash-
> tiddlers has turned out to be much harder than you'd imagine, but
> these somehow feel less important as time goes on.
> As you can imagine, I'm very excited by this project, as indeed I was
> by the idea of a mainstream TiddlyWiki for the Enterprise** last year.
> Aren't you?
> Paul (psd)
> --
> *
> **

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