This is very nice Morris - thank you very much for sharing!! - and for
making it easily merged into a working TW!
TwT-TreeView is great - and I'm looking forward to see every new thing
you add to it's capabilities.

I find that it is the first TW-version, that I review constantly,
because of the great visual simplicity provided by the treemaps and
the nice layout.
I look forward to the point where I have translated TheProjectManager
into "TeachersDanish" for my own adoption of TwT-TreeView - and I
can't wait to see what new ideas will come to mind - in the process...

Thanks again - for your great work and it is as always exhilerating
fun to read your comments :-) Keep up the good spirit -
(As if you needed it ;-)

YS Måns Mårtensson

On Jun 16, 12:57 am, Morris Gray <> wrote:
> TWT-Treeview now comes standard with a simple ProjectManager module.
> While the ProjectManager is called simple it is only done so because
> it is simple in use and easy on the environment. It is suitable for
> any project large or small.
> Now you are freed from the tyranny of maintaining dozens of status
> stages of your projects.  There are no goals to dream up, no deadlines
> to set, no multiple tick boxes to swap status as you go along. No
> aggravating deadlines since it isn't hooked to an unrelenting
> unforgiving calendar; or worse a clock.  In short is doesn't look even
> close to being a GTD dreamed up by a detail obsessed clock watching
> zealot :-)
> It puts you in control.  You know what projects you are doing, you
> know where they stand, you know what the priorities are.  You don't
> need a project manager that takes more time to maintain than the
> project itself.
> Yet is is quite capable of organizing building the Great Pyramid which
> is nothing more than a bunch of shaped stones (and a mysterious
> lifting device) that don't even require mortar; or something more
> complicated like an Eiffel Tower which is a lot of iron and a bunch of
> rivets should you need one for your local school fête.
> It fits nicely into the same procedures used by the amazingly simple
> Treeview menu.  Every task falls neatly into the right places
> automatically as you add them.  (In fact tasks are only mentioned
> once, in want of a better word, you can call them anything you want.)
> You can add it to your existing TWT-Treeview by importing a well
> defined small group of tiddlers and with a few of the existing
> tiddlers being automatically updated.  Or download the latest TWT-
> Treeview with it installed. You can be ready to move that mountain
> within minutes.  Don't be fooled by its simplicity it's capable of
> doing anything you can dream up.
> Morris;-)
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