In my setup, I use the following filter:


What this does is gets all solar systems whose quadrant value matches the 
value passed into the macro this filter is in, then goes through two listed 
parts to get tiddlers whose planet values are in the solar systems, select 
only the species tiddlers, then sort them by title.  Since all solar 
systems and some planets have spaces in their names, *all solar_system and 
planet field values must be surrounded in [[ ]] for the listed part of the 
filter to work.*  If this is wrong, please let me know.

Since the square brackets must be around the planet and solar system names, 
I need to be able to set the solar system and planet fields in certain 
tiddlers with names surrounded by two pairs of square brackets ( 
[[Cardassia Prime]] instead of Cardassia Prime, for example).  Using a link 
widget will not work in this circumstance.

I have a form that lets me create new tiddlers based on a template empire 
event tiddler, and one of the fields that I manipulate is a planet field.  *The 
values of the planet field in these empire event tiddlers and the species 
tiddlers must be able to match up, meaning they need a pair of square 
brackets.*  The problem is, when I set the value of these form elements, a 
planet name comes up as simple text rather than a bracketed link (Rura 
Penthe instead of [[Rura Penthe]]).  I pass the value of the form into an 
action-setfield widget by using a targetField={{!!formField}} format 
(planet={{!!planet}}, for example).

The problem is, the value that shows up in the new event tiddler does not 
contain the square brackets, which makes it not work with the filter 
above.  What I'd like is some way to construct a string that has square 
brackets along with the field value and can be passed into a widget and 
work correctly.

When I do [[{{!!planet}}]], the result is exactly that string, 
[[{{!!planet}}]].  When I try to put it into a widget, it comes up as 
[[$parameter$]].  I'd like to find a way to construct a string literal, but 
I'm not sure how to do so.

Can anyone help me with this?

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