While just passing by to catch up, I noticed a remark on how it is
important to use the latest versions of plugins in public TWs (so to
not cause problems for plugin-authors with people reporting already
solved issues etc).

It struck me that just maybe it would be possible to have a simple
"update this plugin" button in toolbar for plugins. It wouldn't quite
solve the above problem fully but it would probably diminish it and
also for non-public wikis it would perpahs smoothen things -
particularly if combined with some check whenever a macro is called,
i.e some toggle switch that when 'on' makes every macro call also send
a ping to the original plugin source and compare revision numbers. Ok,
maybe the latter is a bit complicated, but I'd guess several parts of
the idea are already implemented in the existing update/import

Ok, I'm just throwing this out here. It's not a question nor anything
of immediate concern.


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