Hi TwWizards

I just discovered WriteType, and I wonder if it would be feasible/
possible to create a TiddlyWiki clone with (almost) already available
plugins?? :

"WriteType is a free (and open source) program that helps younger
students experience success in writing. It is designed especially for
schools to transform technology from a barrier into an opportunity for
success. Some major features include:

Word Completion — As students type, word suggestions appear on the
right-hand side of the screen to complete the word being typed.
Clicking on the desired word will finish the word. WriteType will also
learn a student’s habits over time and make more relevant suggestions
based on what has already been written.
Reading Back the Document — WriteType will read back written text,
allowing students to catch errors they may not have caught reading it
back themselves.
Highlighting — Sections of the document can be quickly highlighted
while typing or while listening to the document being read back. This
lets students quickly flag areas they need to go back and review.
Grammar checking — WriteType will underline simple grammar and
formatting mistakes in the document, and offer to make the necessary
Auto-correction — Common errors, such as typing isnt instead of isn’t,
will be corrected automatically without the need for intervention."

Read more here:  http://www.socsci.umn.edu/~shinn024/writetype/index.html

If we could autogenerate a filtered list (suggestions) based on what
is being written in a tiddler (in editmode) - maybe with Eric's
PreviewPlugin as a wikifier/middlestep - and this list is getting it's
words/material from a line separated list of words (a glossary in any
language) - maybe some bits from an already existing "alias macro"
could do the job of autogenerating the "suggestions list"??
If clicking one of the suggested aliases would result in writing that
word instead of what was typed - that would awesome - however not a
necessary requirement ....

There are already online "reading back" devices which can be embedded
some way or another - even if it just has to be an external link...

Highlighting: @@,,@@

Grammar checking is part of a modern browser..

Auto-correction could be something that only happens when you click
done - and again I recon the AliasPlugin (in a modded version for
text) and a simple lineseparated list "some glossary" - can do the

Just an idea for develloping an app which might SELL TW as a writing
aid program ;-)

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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