Is there a known conflict here?

If you click on Matthew or any of the items on the right to open up
the tiddler with the pagewise FET you'll get the first 12 verses, each
of which are the contents of individual tiddlers.  If you then double-
click one of those verses, it'll open up not the FET tiddler but the
verse tiddler for editing (because of the TiddlerWithEditPlugin).

Here's the wierd behaviour:  if you now done/close that verse tiddler,
then press the "next" button on the FET tiddler, and then the back
button to the first set, the verse/tiddler that you opened to edit is
now missing, and will stay missing until you reload the entire TW.

Is this fixable?

(6.8M, takes 30-60 seconds to load)
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