I have a tiddler with a new tiddler macro:

<<newTiddler tag:"ProblemsList" label:"add problem" title:"input short
description of problem here" text:{{store.getTiddlerText

and the text at ProblemTemplateWith is
<<tiddler ProblemTemplate2 with: '<<view title>>'>>, but it doesn't

I also tried:
<<tiddler ProblemTemplate2 with: "{{tiddler.title}}">>, but that
doesn't work either

I need the new tiddler to have reference to its own title, so for
example I'd have a tiddler titled "right shoulder pain" and the text
would be:
<<tiddler ProblemTemplate2 with: "right shoulder pain">>, or some way
of getting the tiddler macro to automatically use its own title in the
"with" portion.

Does anyone have any ideas?
Dave Parker
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