Re: [time-nuts] seeking a time/clock software architecture

2011-09-24 Thread Magnus Danielson

On 24/09/11 00:13, Jim Lux wrote:

On 9/23/11 2:00 PM, Chris Howard wrote:

Seems like a lot of unknowns. You would have to
have sensors monitoring the sensors.

I think the "clock model" (insofar as variations in the oscillator) are
outside the scope, as long as the effect of that variation can be
represented cleanly.

For example, with a simple 2 term linear model t = clock/rate + offset,
you can describe the *effect* of a rate, and if the rate changes, the
model changes. As long as you keep track of the rates and offsets you've
used in the past, you can reconstruct what "clock" was for any t or vice

Which is more or less what calibration records is about.

Infact, how all these measures are intended to be used to provide a 
corrected measure with uncertainty bounds is not very well covered in 
the papers. It's scattered around.

As for the model at hand... the optimum 2-term model and its update log 
might not provide best performance with parameteres directly 
interchangeable with the optimum 3-term model. That being said, meaning 
that the phase error, frequency and drift does not provide a good source 
for phase error and frequency and vice versa.

You might consider to standardise the models in order to provide the 
quality in interchange of measurements. You might require to have 
support for several models and essentially provide a frame-work standard 
for transporting model data. Interconnecting models might need 
additional tought.

I need to think about that one.

A clock model predictor might use all those factors to better estimate
the rate. Having a high order polynomial model might let you not need to
update the model parameters as often. That's a tradeoff the user could
make: Do I use a 2 or 3 term clock to time transformation, and update it
once a minute, or do I use a 20 term transformation, and update it once
a month.

A 20 term model requires fairly high precision and good rate 
measurements to become meaningfull. Irregular updates as such is not a 
problem, as long as you can induce precission into the system when needed.

OK, so if you wanted an output from your Time API that gave you a
"estimated uncertainty of time" (think like the accuracy estimates from
GPS receivers), what would that look like?

Estimated parameters:
timeoffset, frequencyoffset, driftoffset

Uncertainty matrix

Just look in the manual of a better GPS and you essentially see the 
Kalman filter model and its parameters popping out.

Do you give a 1 sigma number? What about bounding values? (e.g. the API
returns "the time is 12:21:03.6315, standard deviation of 1.5
millisecond, but guaranteed in the range 12:21:03 to 12:21:04)

You do not want bounding values, noise forms makes it hard. one-sigma 
values help. In all this, I keep thinking Kalman filter (or the like).

If you want a standard way of present numbers, you will have to build 
that ontop on standard models.

It would be interesting to see what a combination of mutual 
synchronisation within a constellation and central synchronisation would 
yield. Your constellation would maintain contact with each other and 
pull eachother to some form of average time (according to arbitrary 
time-scale) and then use the earth link to provide long term 
corrections. A good mutual synchronisation strategy would allow the 
constellation to shrink and grow without falling completely appart.

If you provide ranging mechanisms within the constellation path delays 
can naturally be compensated out of time.

I would expect that a fancy implementation might return different
uncertainties for different times in the future (e.g. I might say that I
can schedule something with an accuracy of 1 millisecond in the next 10
minutes, but only within 30 milliseconds when it's 24 hours away)

This is true, but if you need higher certainty at a particular time you 
can schedule a synchronisation event or two where uncertainties can be 
reduced. If you have the Kalman state and state-vector, you can run the 
predictor into the future.

The mechanics of how one might come up with this uncertainty estimate
are out of scope, but the semantics and format of how one reports it are
in scope for the architecture.

I think you will need to look at the clock models being used. It may be 
that the models all belong to Kalman types, but with different model 
sizes... but then someone needs a particle filter model... what if the 
IMU model is used... time and position.

At least a survey over feasable models needs to be done to see what can 
be done.


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Re: [time-nuts] seeking a time/clock software architecture

2011-09-24 Thread Magnus Danielson

On 24/09/11 00:21, Jim Lux wrote:

On 9/23/11 2:24 PM, Chris Albertson wrote:

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 12:32 PM, Jim Lux wrote:

On 9/23/11 10:50 AM, Chris Albertson wrote:

Yes, in the general case, but in the spacecraft case, I think we're more
concerned about smoothness and such over time spans of days, maybe
weeks and

More about establishing time correlation between multiple
in a constellation, for instance.

I think better to have your system be usable in the "real world" and
then the spacecraft to use "real world" standards when it can. If it
can handle the ful general case then it will work in the spacecraft
too. So Chinese lunar calenders are a good mental exercise. At any
rate piece wise 2nd order polynomial will work in all cases I can
think of because you can always make the pieces really small if need
be to the point where it becomes a table look up.

hmm.. 2nd order for time, or 2nd order for rate (3rd order for time). I
keep thinking it would be nice to have the derivative of rate be
continuous (although I confess I can't think of anything beyond gut feel
for that). Maybe for all the "common cases" that's sufficient for a
"predict into the future for a reasonable time"

Spacecraft spend a fair amount of time on the ground in testing.
People swap out parts. I work in telemetry and you should see the
database of tens of thousands of polynomial functions that must be
used to process data. from say a DeltaIV. It's not only clocks but
dozens of sensors that get changed out in the months preceding launch.

Yes.. And there's no standard form that I've been able to discern for
how those polynomials are specified. It's
vehicle/spacecraft/instrument/software tool specific.

So if you're writing a program to handle it automatically, you need to
code up something special each time. These days, we get telemetry
calibration in forms like .pdf files generated from a word document,
plots from Matlab, Excel spreadsheets in some unique form, various and
sundry import/export files from whatever program they're using to
process telemetry, and so forth. There was an effort a few years back to
try and standardize "mission data systems" but I don't know that it ever
really worked. The cost to write those custom ingest routines is small
in the context of a $150M mission every couple or three years.

(maybe there is a standard for this.. I know there is a IEEE standard
for sensor calibration data.. I should take a look at it again.)

Once you pulled data out of telemetry or whatever, putting it in XML 
form according to a DTD fitting your needs should not be too hard, and 
further processing should not take too much effort to extract data.

Essentially what RINEX does, but without the XML wrapper.


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[time-nuts] HP5065A

2011-09-24 Thread Magnus Danielson

Fellow time-nuts,

I now have three 5065A in my lab (not all mine) and I can now conclude 
that the A15 PSU board C8, C9 and C10 caps has gone bad on all three. 
The only difference on the first one is that the process has not gone as 
far as to blown the caps, but two of the leads has began the process and 
turned dark purple on the upper half. Also, one of the caps have been 
replaced by a 220 uF cap at some time.

I already have some fashinating photos of the two other boards lying 
around (on Facebook actually...).

I've already stocked up on replacement caps so replacing them all will 
be my first priority.

Another difference I've noted is that the last one in (Thursday to be 
exact, arrived with two cesiums from a fellow time-nut) proved much more 
modern. The A15 assembly does not even have the rectifier diodes on it, 
but it has been placed off-board. I think this is to provide better 
cooling and I seriously consider to modify the other two up to that 
standard. The rectifier diodes don't get sufficient cooling as it sits 
in its compartment, all sides but the top being closed and then only 
perforated holes for self-convection.

Mounting the rectifiers onto the large aluminium frame would better cool 
them over time.

Another surprice in the later 5065A is the 5061-106 retrofit, where the 
105 oscillator is being replaced with a 10811 oscillator. Will be fun to 
compare against the older variants.

Lack of time for lab duty and lack of space in lab is main obsticle 
right now, but it's fun with some progress at least.

Once I got these three rubidiums of the actual bench, there is a bunch 
of cesiums to investigate.

Need to come up with a suitable measurement rig for all this now. This 
morning I was considering the use of either one of my 5,55 MHz OCXOs 
or the 5,55 MHz out of the TS-105A rubidium (BNC on the back) to set 
up a DDMTD system with a bunch of channels. I start to need it for real 


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Re: [time-nuts] seeking a time/clock software architecture

2011-09-24 Thread Jim Lux

On 9/24/11 1:58 AM, Magnus Danielson wrote:

It would be interesting to see what a combination of mutual
synchronisation within a constellation and central synchronisation would
yield. Your constellation would maintain contact with each other and
pull eachother to some form of average time (according to arbitrary
time-scale) and then use the earth link to provide long term
corrections. A good mutual synchronisation strategy would allow the
constellation to shrink and grow without falling completely appart.

If you provide ranging mechanisms within the constellation path delays
can naturally be compensated out of time.

Precisely so.  I figure the whole "synchronization/syntonization of an 
ensemble of clocks of varying quality with aperiod updates" has probably 
been addressed in the literature in some way.

I would expect that a fancy implementation might return different
uncertainties for different times in the future (e.g. I might say that I
can schedule something with an accuracy of 1 millisecond in the next 10
minutes, but only within 30 milliseconds when it's 24 hours away)

This is true, but if you need higher certainty at a particular time you
can schedule a synchronisation event or two where uncertainties can be
reduced. If you have the Kalman state and state-vector, you can run the
predictor into the future.

That is what I was thinking.

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[time-nuts] Fluke 207 vlf rcvr schematic please

2011-09-24 Thread paul swed
Hello to the group I wonder if anyone might have the fluke 207 vlf manual. I
am actually looking for the phase shifter board.
I think it actually uses a regenerative divider from what I can tell and
suspect the issues I see are at that point. Slightly off frequency 100hz.
Which is actually pretty large.
Thanks in advance
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Re: [time-nuts] HP 10811 Response I Replies

2011-09-24 Thread WarrenS
Does your Mode B 10811 use a different xtral or same xtral, different 

What does Mode B do better, ... and worse?
Why was it not used in the 10811?

When trouble shooting a freq stability problem, usually the more data the 

What can really help to narrow down the cause or see the cause/effect,
is to study a High Speed (100+ sps), High Resolution (>1e-12) plot of the 
frequency change with time.
That way one can see if the freq change is instantaneous or happens in 
steps, is the change monotonic, if there is a time constant to the freq 
change what is the TC's value and shape, is the freq change in fixed values 
or random noisy steps and now and if the freq returns to the original value.
With a good freq plot, the source of the problem can often be narrow down to 
a single possible source.
And the best tool that I know of for making that kind of plot is a TPLL-2.0 

Here is a freq plot that has nothing to do with the existing problem,
It is just an example where a TPLL-1.0  freq plot is useful in identifying 
the source of some "noise".

and another example showing a plot of purposely induced "Noise" that only a 
few instruments could even measure:



WarrenS wrote:

I have to wonder if the unit being tested had its high impedance oven
control points lifted off the PCB board and on Teflon standoffs like the
production units?


It was a production unit, no modifications whatsoever.
The oven change is an interesting theory; I never thought of that.
I have a mode B 10811 on hand that I could use to test that theory.

Rick Karlquist N6RK

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Re: [time-nuts] HP 10811 Response I Replies

2011-09-24 Thread Rick Karlquist
WarrenS wrote:
> Does your Mode B 10811 use a different xtral or same xtral, different
> frequency?
> What does Mode B do better, ... and worse?
> Why was it not used in the 10811?

Mode B is the same crystal on a different frequency
(about 10.95 MHz).  It does not have a turnover and
the tempco is much higher than mode C.  It makes
a very sensitive thermometer and is therefore useful
for evaluating the oven.  The reason is not used in
a production 10811 is obviously that for timebase
use, you definitely don't want a high tempco.


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Re: [time-nuts] Fast than light neutrino

2011-09-24 Thread Javier Serrano
On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 10:38 PM, Bill Dailey  wrote:

> The article is actually pretty fascinating regarding how it was all done.
>  Light can't go through rock (very far), neither can most other particles
> (some farther than others). Neutrinos can pass through earth and the sun
> unimpeded.  It is neat apparently they set up a fiber optic link to test the
> timing between the 2 locations (modeled the correct
> Length).

Not quite. We used a traditional common view time transfer setup, using two
Septentrio PolaRx2e receivers and two CS4000 Cesium clocks. Then the signals
had to be sent from the GPS receiver locations to the extraction at CERN and
to the cavern in Opera, and we did have to take care of fiber delays.

More details here:
And for reference, the general paper here:


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Re: [time-nuts] seeking a time/clock software architecture

2011-09-24 Thread Magnus Danielson

On 24/09/11 15:12, Jim Lux wrote:

On 9/24/11 1:58 AM, Magnus Danielson wrote:

It would be interesting to see what a combination of mutual
synchronisation within a constellation and central synchronisation would
yield. Your constellation would maintain contact with each other and
pull eachother to some form of average time (according to arbitrary
time-scale) and then use the earth link to provide long term
corrections. A good mutual synchronisation strategy would allow the
constellation to shrink and grow without falling completely appart.

If you provide ranging mechanisms within the constellation path delays
can naturally be compensated out of time.

Precisely so. I figure the whole "synchronization/syntonization of an
ensemble of clocks of varying quality with aperiod updates" has probably
been addressed in the literature in some way.

It has. I can dig up some references for you.

The trivial essentially pulls the clocks towards each other. The more 
complex will include weighing. This problem has been beaten to death.

NIST has made a line of publications on their A1 atomic scale and 
algorithms for it, including code actually.

Mutual synchronisation has also been investigated in telecom situations. 
Essentially, if two clocks steer against each other they will lock 
half-wise. Common mode changes will still affect them but diffrential 
mode changes (including noise) will become somewhat reduced.

I would expect that a fancy implementation might return different
uncertainties for different times in the future (e.g. I might say that I
can schedule something with an accuracy of 1 millisecond in the next 10
minutes, but only within 30 milliseconds when it's 24 hours away)

This is true, but if you need higher certainty at a particular time you
can schedule a synchronisation event or two where uncertainties can be
reduced. If you have the Kalman state and state-vector, you can run the
predictor into the future.

That is what I was thinking.

That would be fairly trivial.

We should discuss filter models then.


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Re: [time-nuts] Fast than light neutrino

2011-09-24 Thread Magnus Danielson

On 24/09/11 18:15, Javier Serrano wrote:

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 10:38 PM, Bill Dailey  wrote:

The article is actually pretty fascinating regarding how it was all done.
  Light can't go through rock (very far), neither can most other particles
(some farther than others). Neutrinos can pass through earth and the sun
unimpeded.  It is neat apparently they set up a fiber optic link to test the
timing between the 2 locations (modeled the correct

Not quite. We used a traditional common view time transfer setup, using two
Septentrio PolaRx2e receivers and two CS4000 Cesium clocks. Then the signals
had to be sent from the GPS receiver locations to the extraction at CERN and
to the cavern in Opera, and we did have to take care of fiber delays.

More details here:
And for reference, the general paper here:

I was about to ask for the specific papers of time calibrations, even if 
the overview presentation indicates that the verification steps I expect 
to be there have been done. Also the path calibrations needs to be 
described more in detail than in the paper.

First thought was that someone forgot to compensate for GPS antenna 
cable delays.

Do you have direct fiber between the locations?


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Re: [time-nuts] Fluke 207 vlf rcvr schematic please

2011-09-24 Thread Don Henderickx

On 9/24/2011 9:39 AM, paul swed wrote:

Hello to the group I wonder if anyone might have the fluke 207 vlf manual. I
am actually looking for the phase shifter board.
I think it actually uses a regenerative divider from what I can tell and
suspect the issues I see are at that point. Slightly off frequency 100hz.
Which is actually pretty large.
Thanks in advance
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I have a fluke 207 and manual. I will look for it tomorrow. Getting it 
scanned might be a problem?

Will let you know.

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[time-nuts] 60 Hz timelapse

2011-09-24 Thread Scott Newell
I finally built a timelapse movie of the 60 Hz clock + webcam 
experiment.  It covers about a week, but there may be a gap or 
three.  It's a 20 MB file (tested with VLC and mplayer).

I need to improve the lighting to eliminate the horrible shadow 
around the second hand, switch to LED lighting, add some delay to 
catch the radio clock at :00, and maybe overlay the cycle error graph.

newell  N5TNL

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Re: [time-nuts] Fluke 207 vlf rcvr schematic please

2011-09-24 Thread Dave M

On 9/24/2011 9:39 AM, paul swed wrote:

Hello to the group I wonder if anyone might have the fluke 207 vlf
manual. I am actually looking for the phase shifter board.
I think it actually uses a regenerative divider from what I can tell
and suspect the issues I see are at that point. Slightly off
frequency 100hz. Which is actually pretty large.
Thanks in advance

I have a fluke 207 and manual. I will look for it tomorrow. Getting it
scanned might be a problem?
Will let you know.

If you're in a hurry, you can buy the Fluke 207 manual from the following 
online vendors:

dgminala at mediacombb dot net

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Re: [time-nuts] Fluke 207 vlf rcvr schematic please

2011-09-24 Thread paul swed
Everyone I want to thank you for your help.
I was sent the snippet I needed and the 207 lives. Copying wwvb right now.
Needs a bit more tlc like getting the phase accumulator working correctly.
Annoying as they actually are. But the rcvr looks pretty hot. The chart
recorders running now and making plots.
Thanks again.

On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 10:13 PM, Dave M  wrote:

>  On 9/24/2011 9:39 AM, paul swed wrote:
>>> Hello to the group I wonder if anyone might have the fluke 207 vlf
>>> manual. I am actually looking for the phase shifter board.
>>> I think it actually uses a regenerative divider from what I can tell
>>> and suspect the issues I see are at that point. Slightly off
>>> frequency 100hz. Which is actually pretty large.
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Paul
>>> WB8TSL
>>> __**_
>  Paul
>> I have a fluke 207 and manual. I will look for it tomorrow. Getting it
>> scanned might be a problem?
>> Will let you know.
>> Don
>> wa9ylp
> If you're in a hurry, you can buy the Fluke 207 manual from the following
> online vendors:
> https://www.ridgeequipment.**com/store/manuals/search.php?**
> query=Fluke+207
> Cheers
> David
> dgminala at mediacombb dot net
> __**_
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Re: [time-nuts] Fast than light neutrino

2011-09-24 Thread Javier Serrano
On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 1:36 AM, Magnus Danielson <> wrote:

> I was about to ask for the specific papers of time calibrations, even if
> the overview presentation indicates that the verification steps I expect to
> be there have been done. Also the path calibrations needs to be described
> more in detail than in the paper.

I'll discuss with Pablo to see how we can put more stuff on the web.

> First thought was that someone forgot to compensate for GPS antenna cable
> delays.

We did not forget. The two GPS calibration campaigns (zero baseline and
portable receiver) were done with antenna and antenna cable included.

> Do you have direct fiber between the locations?

You mean between CERN and Gran Sasso? No, but that's certainly something we
could explore for the future.


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