Re: [time-nuts] FCC Chair Talks Spectrum, Gets GPS Letter

2012-03-06 Thread SAIDJACK
I'm sorry, but Mr. Javad is on crack.
A simple WAAS upgrade on a GENERAL AVIATION aircraft already costs about  
$8000 fully installed.
This includes an antenna upgrade that I remember to be about $3000  
installed for the antenna itself.
$500 per plane to fix the issue? Yeah right. In what world does he live  in?
In a message dated 3/6/2012 16:38:28 Pacific Standard Time, writes:

The cost  of such retrofits is under $500 per aircraft. It would cost less 
than $20M to  fix any existing issues within the industry and only take a 
few months to  complete. Please also note that all existing GPS receivers are 
semi-obsolete  and will soon need to be replaced anyway (with or without 
LightSquared)  because current systems do not track the modernized signals of 
GPS, GLONASS  and Galileo.

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[time-nuts] FCC Chair Talks Spectrum, Gets GPS Letter

2012-03-06 Thread John Darwin Powers
FCC Chair Talks Spectrum, Gets GPS Letter

Chairman Julius Genachowski of the Federal Communications Commission spoke to a 
partisan crowd on Monday, February 27 at the Mobile World Congress in 
Barcelona. While he did not specifically mention the LightSquared controversy 
or the FCC’s role in it, he made a remark that could be interpreted as 
expressing regret over the episode. Meanwhile, GNSS manufacturer Javad Ashjaee 
wrote Genachowski a letter, in the form of an FCC docket comment, disagreeing 
with the decision to step back from a Lightsquared waiver and decrying the GPS 

Genachowski's Barcelona speech came two weeks after the FCC withdrew a 
conditional waver for LightSquared’s broadband plans to broadcast a powerful 
terrestrial signal in a band designated for satellites, because test signals 
interfered with GPS reception. While avoiding the topic by name, he stated that 
“We recognize that this is an incredibly fast-moving space, that no one has a 
crystal ball to predict the future, and that humility is a value to be honored 
in policymaking.”

This remark followed an avowal that “our mission is to unleash the potential of 
communications technology. We believe in the power of dynamic free markets to 
drive these benefits, and that government has an important but limited role to 
play in enabling innovation and investment in communications technologies and 
services, promoting competition, and empowering consumers.”

Sounding ominous notes for the future — at least as far as GPS is concerned — 
Genachowski patted the FCC’s back for opening television white-space spectrum 
to wireless use, and voiced appreciation for the agency’s newly granted 
authority to conduct voluntary auctions of broadcast spectrum, approved by 
Congress and signed into law by President Obama. “The new incentive auction law 
is concrete recognition by U.S. policymakers of the need to free up more 
spectrum for mobile broadband, and the need for ongoing innovation in spectrum 

Spectrum, it has become abundantly clear if it wasn’t already, is the wireless 
industry's lifeblood; each day brings a handful of forward-looking 
announcements of new products and services that will funnel massive amounts of 
data through limited frequency bands, at promised speeds that the current 
set-up will not bear. "Inefficiently used spectrum often isn’t the fault of 
existing licensees but instead traces back to government allocation decisions 
that predated auctions of spectrum for flexible use," Genachowski stated.

Meanwhile, JAVAD GNSS founder and CEO Javad Ashjaee published a letter he had 
written to Genachowski, on the FCC’s IB Docket No. 11-109, opened for public 
comment on the LightSquared situation. “I find your recent decision regarding 
LightSquared's network deployment to be unfair and harmful to not only the U.S. 
economy, but to the future of innovation,” Ashjaee wrote. “The only real issue 
is retrofitting faulty GPS units.”

“Please do not allow $14B of private investment in the nation's broadband 
infrastructure to disappear,” he continued, “especially when it will cost less 
than $100M to solve any problems associated with existing units. Your decision 
could render years of innovation and investment obsolete.

“GPS manufacturers should not be able to get away with faulty designs and the 
U.S. government should do not promote, support, and encourage design of flawed 
units. Even now, when the GPS industry is aware of a simple solution, they keep 
manufacturing and selling defective units to compound the problem.

“Please do not allow technology to lose to politics. It will be a national 
disaster if we lose 4G competitiveness and discourage investment in this 
country. If FCC loses control of the precocious spectrum in this case, who 
knows what will happen in the future?”

Javad's Comment to FCC

The Honorable Julius Genachowski
Chairman, Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

Ex Parte Communication. IB Docket No. 11-109

February 27, 2012

Dear Chairman Genachowski:

For the reasons outlined below I find your recent decision regarding 
LightSquared's network deployment to be unfair and harmful to not only the U.S. 
economy, but to the future of innovation.

It has been proven time and again that GPS and LightSquared can coexist. I 
demonstrated this to the PNT earlier this year, and results from independent 
labs confirmed my results. Even more telling, the recently published 
recommendations from the NTIA to the FCC do not dispute this fact.

The only real issue is retrofitting faulty GPS units. Let's take into 
consideration the aviation industry, which is highly regulated and extremely 
safety conscious. You can subpoena their retrofit histories and see when they 
found a problem in any parts of their aircrafts and how long it took them to 
fix the problems. Considering that changing a GPS antenna is easy task compared 
to other retrofits that they conduc

Re: [time-nuts] GPS World: short 'blurb' on the LF testing

2012-03-06 Thread Bill Riches
Aha - I did hear Cape May Fire up on 100 Khz - they are using the old loran
engineering site at the south end of Wildwood Crest NJ - 635 foot tower.

Bill Riches, WA2DVU
Cape May, NJ

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS World: short 'blurb' on the LF testing

2012-03-06 Thread Bob Camp

As mentioned in the presentation - there are years and years of papers making 
the same points. Tough to see hoe they are basing a new system on that.  
There's got to be more to the story.


On Mar 6, 2012, at 5:00 PM, Brooke Clarke  wrote:

> Hi:
> Here's a talk by the CEO of  given at ION.
> Have Fun,
> Brooke Clarke
> Pete Lancashire wrote:
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Re: [time-nuts] GPS World: short 'blurb' on the LF testing

2012-03-06 Thread Brooke Clarke


Here's a talk by the CEO of  given at ION.

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke

Pete Lancashire wrote:

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[time-nuts] GPS World: short 'blurb' on the LF testing

2012-03-06 Thread Pete Lancashire

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Re: [time-nuts] FE5680A 1 PPS and FAQ

2012-03-06 Thread beale
>  From: Sam Reaves 
>  I have a LED with a 330 ohm current limiting resistor on pin 3 (the 74ACT240 
> can sink up to 24mA and I am well below that) for the lock indicator. All of 
> my units lock and produce 10MHz although the 1pps never  switches.

Pin 3 is not driven by the 74ACT240. It is an input to the '240, and your LED 
is pulling it up above the logic threshold  see below.

How can I get a 1 PPS output?

A 1 microsecond wide, logic level 1 PPS signal appears on the DB-9 pin 6 
whenever the unit is locked (hard to see on an analog scope, should be easy on 
a digital scope). The PPS signal does not appear until the unit is locked (pin 
3 goes low). The current sink capability of pin 3 is weak, and if it is driving 
an LED + 1K resistor from +5V, that will leave pin 3 at 2.3V when locked, not 
enough to enable the 1 PPS signal. Advice: buffer the pin 3 lock signal before 
driving an indicator light. All being well, pin 1 of the 74ACT240 will drop low 
in step with the lock condition and the PPS signal will appear at the DB9.

Alternatively, it is easy to get a 1 pps signal from the 10 MHz output with a 
single picDIV chip (possibly with a 0.1uF cap and two 10k resistors to bias the 
sine wave to 1/2 the PIC power supply voltage). picDIV parts (based on 
PIC12F675 cpu) from Tom Van Baak take a 10 MHz clock input and generate a 1 PPS 
output. See also:

Thanks to Bob Grant for describing the pin 3 LED  pin 6 PPS problem.

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Re: [time-nuts] Loran in the US

2012-03-06 Thread Jim Lux

On 3/5/12 9:26 AM, Chris Albertson wrote:

The best and by far lowest cost solution is to pay TV stations and
maybe AM broadcast stations to add a timing pulse a few times per

I suppose you could do this by the FM subcarrier broadcast approach, 
too.. just like they used to distribute stock quotes, sports scores, and 
GPS differential corrections.

Or, you could use pager transmissions.

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Re: [time-nuts] Loran in the US

2012-03-06 Thread Alain2_4GBC

Hy Chris,

Here you can find something usefull.

in french:


-Message d'origine- 
From: Chris Albertson

Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 8:27 PM
To: ; Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Loran in the US

On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 10:09 AM, J. Forster  wrote:

Already been done, and patented, without adding pulses to  existing AM

Would you happen you know the patent number or something else I could
use to do a search on it? I know some one who is working on this.
I'd like to be able to point out what's already been done and

The best and by far lowest cost solution is to pay TV stations and
maybe AM broadcast stations to add a timing pulse a few times per

Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

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[time-nuts] FWD: More LightSpeed/Dish stuff from usenet:comp.dcom.telecom

2012-03-06 Thread Hal Murray

--- Forwarded Messages

Subject: DoD accused of subverting LightSquared plan in 2010 [telecom]
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2012 18:38:39 -0500

On LightSquared, Defense Department official urged synch up with GPS lobby

By ELIZA KRIGMAN | 3/2/12 9:33 AM EST

A Department of Defense official urged his colleagues in 2010 to
"synch up" with the GPS industry in order to defeat LightSquared's
plans to build the nation's first wholesale broadband network,
according to an email obtained by POLITICO.

The email came as the Global Positioning System Industry Council was
preparing to brief NTIA -- the White House technical advisers -- on
LightSquared's proposal.

"We need to synch up with them prior to them briefing NTIA to make
sure we are in lock step," the DoD official wrote to colleagues in the
Dec. 29, 2010, email.  He added: "Especially since they are our

Read more:
- -or-

- -- 
Bill Horne

--- Message 2

Newsgroups: comp.dcom.telecom
Subject: LightSquared will make for a better connection [telecom]
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2012 18:55:41 -0500

from, which offers blogs from elected officials:

LightSquared will make for a better connection

By Maine State Rep. Diane Russell, (D-Portland) - 03/05/12 03:35 PM ET

As a progressive state legislator, it's not every day that I find
myself championing a conservative infrastructure investment model like
the LightSquared project. However, my hometown was the last in the
nation to use the crank phone (no...not the rotary dial). I may still
get carded at the store, but I remember using the system. More than
most, I recognize the economic consequences of being on the wrong side
of the digital tracks.

While the federal government has been wasting trillions of dollars
building nations abroad, our own infrastructure here at home has taken
a hit, not the least of which is our broadband investment. It's great
that urban parts of the country have broadband Internet and reliable
cell phone service; the rest of us do not and that hurts the entire
American economy. Regardless of whether the investment is public or
private, it needs to be made. LightSquared is investing billions in
private money to deploy the most robust, reliable 4G mobile broadband
system in the country.
- -or-

- -- 
Bill Horne

--- Message 3

Subject: FCC avoiding LightSquared mistakes with Dish [telecom]
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2012 18:43:10 -0500


FCC avoiding LightSquared mistakes with Dish

By Kevin Fitchard Mar. 5, 2012, 8:22am PT

The Federal Communications Commission on Friday denied Dish Network's
request to build a terrestrial LTE network over its satellite
airwaves, but it didn't kill the satellite broadcaster's proposal
outright.  Instead the commission is kicking off a lengthy rule-making
process that would eventually govern how satellite spectrum could be
repurposed for ground-based networks.
- -or-

- -- 
Bill Horne

--- End of Forwarded Messages

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

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