Re: [time-nuts] Downloaded HPs SmartClock / Size of Lucent modules.

2014-12-29 Thread Hal Murray said:
 1) From what I gather,  the HP GPS timing receivers can be observed/
 controlled with HP SmartClock.  But where I download it from? I drew a blank
 with Google,  as well as the Microsemi site 

It's called satstat rather than SmartClock.

 2)  Can anyone with these $150 two-part Lucent boxes tell me the size of

The basic box is 9 5/8 x 6 x 2 1/2 (each)
That doesn't include the thickness of the front panel or connectors.
The front panel is 11 1/2 x 3

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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Re: [time-nuts] Downloaded HPs SmartClock / Size of Lucent modules.

2014-12-29 Thread Gerhard Hoffmann

Am 29.12.2014 um 00:39 schrieb Dr. David Kirkby (Kirkby Microwave Ltd):

2)  Can anyone with these $150 two-part Lucent boxes tell me the size of

The box itself:  65mm high, 152 mm deep, 244 mm wide

Front plate:  76 mm high, 274 mm wide

Just a little bit to big to fit into a 4 HU 19 box ( for both).

(still doing a night shift on the 5-10MHz doubler, filter  5 chan. 
distrib amp for it.

Or 4 chan 10 dBm 10 MHz  one 1pps on SMA )

BTW I once bought a generic chinese power supply as a fallback solution 
for my Dell laptop.
That turned out not to work because Dells talk to their PS. Nobody else 
seems to do that.

It now powers my Lucent duo.

I saw that the PS has an additional 12V input. That may ease the task of 
emergency power

from a lead or Li-IronPhosphate battery.

regards, Gerhard
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Re: [time-nuts] Soekris without a GPS receiver.

2014-12-29 Thread David J Taylor

From: Paul
I've avoided asking why you're doing this because -- to misquote Yoda --
Do nor do not, there is only try  But if you're not switching out the
system clock it doesn't really seem like either a time-nut or ntp-nut

Thanks for your comments, Paul.

The project arose partially because I was offered a net4501 and accepted as 
I had heard of its good reputation.  So far, the best results in terms of 
reported NTP offset have come from Raspberry Pi systems running a 
non-tickless Linux.  My previous FreeBSD system using the DCD line for PPS 
had to be converted to Linux, and is now not as good as it was, and perhaps 
similar in quality to non-tickless Linux on the Raspberry Pi cards.  So in 
the interests of knowing whether the net4501 could be even more precise, and 
perhaps tying it in with a recently purchased LTElite card, and learning 
more in the process, is why I'm doing this.

I hope that is within the remit of this group.

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Re: [time-nuts] KS24361 Ulrich Z83XX software mod works

2014-12-29 Thread Charles Steinmetz
Some time ago, there was a thread about whether Z38xx writes to the 
GPSDO's NV memory every second, raising the possibility that it could 
prematurely wear out the NV memory if it were used continuously to 
monitor a GPSDO.  Here is what Ulrich said (23 April 2013):

due to the discussion that evolved concerning Z38XX i looked up the sources
and found that indeed every time the current time is read using a




is sent in advance to make the receiver answer in the format that Z38XX
needs. I have not been aware that this could lead to NVRAM wear out but have
been thinking this simply sets the format of the next output. I have changed
the software so that the FORM F2 command is now only written once after
program start. The software can be downloaded from the usual place but I
have currently no time to test it.

My own experiences with NV memory that can only be written for a limited
number of times  (EEPROM on ATMEL processors) indicates that a clever made
NV writing routine would first compare the NV contents to what shall be
written on a byte by byte base and write only changed bytes.

Does anyone know for certain whether current vesions of the program 
really do not pose this potential risk to the NVRAM?

Best regards,


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Re: [time-nuts] New GPSDO on EBAY From China

2014-12-29 Thread Charles Steinmetz

Li Ang wrote:

This unit is done by BG7TBL. In his store on,
there is a adev chart. Please refrer to this link

That ADEV chart (see below) raises more questions than it 
answers.  At least the time constant is not too short (a very common 
problem with DIY GPSDOs).  But when the GPS takes over above the 
crossover (tau ~ 5000 seconds), the ADEV is ~2e-11.  GPS should be 
significantly better than this at 5000 seconds.  It appears that 
something is wrong with the design.

Best regards,


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Re: [time-nuts] New GPSDO on EBAY From China

2014-12-29 Thread Chris Albertson
I remember seeing this same unit here on this list some weeks ago.  As I
remember it is built from some plans that were published.   You can see
that it uses a surplus OCXO.  The seller is good to claim the specs of his
GPSDO as being two orders of magnitude above the OCXO.  because we don't
know what surplus OCXO this unit will be shipped with.   If you just want a
low cost GPSDO you can build one for maybe $50 total and then it is
repairable and should last forever.  If you want predictable performance
you'll have to buy a name brand commercial unit.  This Chinese built unit
looks to be aimed at someone who needs a lab bench reference to keep his
frequency counter on calibration and does not want to do any soldering.

On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 7:25 AM, David Smith wrote:

 Hello Friends,
 I found this new inexpensive GPSDO on ebay listed from a seller from
 It looks interesting and tempting BUT the seller doesn't give any
 spec's on the unit or osc type. The seller has 10 negative and 18 neutral
 feedback's in the past 6 months out of a total of 2110 for a feedback score
 of 99.6%; many for poor communication.
 Does anyone on the list have any experience with this GPSDO? Any advice on
 buying one?
 Best regards and Happy New Year!

 Dave - W6TE
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Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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Re: [time-nuts] Soekris without a GPS receiver.

2014-12-29 Thread Chris Albertson
Can't you combine a few Internet pool NTP servers with a local 1PPS
source?  The Internet servers will name the seconds.

Also if you really need a Motorola Oncore you can buy them for $20 on
eBay.  There is no shortage.  I paid $18 with free shipping for a UT+

I run the UT+ and leave the Thunderbolt powered off most of the time
because the power used by the TB is so high compared to the very modest
power draw of the UT+

On Sat, Dec 27, 2014 at 10:05 PM, Mike Cook wrote:

 I have had a look at the NTPns package and I don’t think that you will be
 able do what you want without something naming the seconds. As you have
 GPSDO’s to give you UTC aligned seconds you may be able to use the voice
 time service TIM to help you manually set the system clock to the nearest
 sec and then just have the 1PPS on gpio to get align the seconds to UTC. I
 have done this and it works ok. However, you won’t get the upcoming leap
 second adjustment (my bet is on Jun 30 next year, but it could be pushed
 out to Dec31 ). If you are not using snmp, you will not be able to do
 monitoring either.

 I would be inclined to use  NTP rather than NTPns as per I know that the 4501 has only 128Mb ,
 but that is easily enough.

  Le 27 déc. 2014 à 10:56, David J Taylor
 a écrit :
  I have a Soekris 4501 running with NanoBSD and have got as far as adding
 the PPS/DCD/GPIO modifications to the hardware.  NTPns itself is working,
 and the red LED is flashing as expected.
  I would now like to get NTPns working with that more precise timing
 which is available, but as I don't have an Oncore or a DCF77 receiver I am
 stuck.  Is it possible to use just the PPS/DCD line on its own for the
 fraction of the seconds, or would I need one or other of those receivers to
 make it work? If it can be made to work, what are suitable configuration
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Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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Re: [time-nuts] schematics of frequency counter

2014-12-29 Thread Magnus Danielson


Some quick statistic-processing.

Histogram of your data:
1.979 0
1.980 2
1.982   173
1.983   523
1.984  1031
1.985  1301
1.986  1131
1.987   648
1.988   236
1.989 8
1.990 1
1.991 0

The total sample count is 5100 (wc -l only gives 5099 since there is a 
missing end of line, but word count is 5100).

The average is about 1,985075 ns and it is reasonably gaussian, but with 
some systematics, notice how the slope is more abrupt on the higher end 
than the lower end. A quick and dirty spreadsheet gives me about 2,243 
ps RMS jitter, which isn't all that bad. Yes, it will spread out to that 
11 ps peak-to-peak jitter, but it is to be expected.

It's pretty respectable for a home-built.


On 12/28/2014 03:19 PM, Li Ang wrote:

Hi Bob,
I did some test according to your suggestions. DUT is a symmetricom x72
rb oscillator. Also, I've tried signal generator as the DUT. RS SMY01 is
not as good as HP8662A but that the best I've got. The signal geneator is
also using FE5650 as ref clock.

According to my test with the TDC today, this unit is not producing very
stable data.
I don't have accurate pulse generator, so this is how I test the TDC:
0) power the board with battery.
1) use FPGA to generate time pulse:
reg [15:0] shift;
always @(posedge refclk10M) begin
shift = {shift[14:0], sw_gate};
assign tdc_start = shift[3];
assign tdc_stop1 = shift[5];

2) use MCU to pull down sw_gate, the FPGA sync it to refclk10M domain and
generate input signal for TDC.

3) use TDC to test the time betwen tdc_start and tdc_stop1

The result is in number * 100ns = time between tdc_start and
tdc_stop1. (TDC highspeed clock is refclk10M/2).

There 2 issues from the test:
1) As we can see from the data, the number is around 1.98x not 2.00x. So
there is about 2ns delay between tdc_start and tdc_stop1 for this simple
test code. If it is from the PCB trace and something inside FPGA, this part
should be a constant value at certain temperature. I can calculate it by
measuring 2 cycles and 3 cylces. My current code has not implement this
part, it should provide some improvement. 2ns time error for 1s gate, that
is something.
2) For a 90ps TDC, I think the result should be something like +-0.001
cycle. But I get something like +-0.003 cycle. I do not know the reason for

2014-12-27 22:58 GMT+08:00 Bob Camp


(In reply to several posts. It’s easier for me this way)

Ok, that’s good news !!! (and useful data)

Your counter performance degraded a bit when you put in 5 db and not much
when you put in 8 db.

It’s also maybe *too* good news. I suspect that cross talk between the
channels may be impacting your results.

Next step is to try it with two independent sources and a bit more
attenuation. When you try it with two sources, you need to attenuate first
one source and then switch the attenuators to the other source. That will
help you see if crosstalk from one channel is more of a problem than from
the other channel.

One parts hint:

Cable TV attenuators are much cheaper than their fancy 50 ohm MIniCircuits
cousins. They are also something you can pick up down at the corner
electronics store. For this sort of testing they are perfectly fine to use.
At this point in the testing the mismatch between 75 ohms and 50 ohms is
not a big deal. You will need to adapt connectors, but you probably still
will save money.


Op-amps that have enough bandwidth and performance for a high input
impedance counter input are rare items. They also are not cheap. Often they
come as some sort of current feedback part with low(er) input impedance. If
you want your counter to work to 300 MHz, it should accept a 300 MHz square
wave. That might mean passing the third or even the fifth harmonic of the
square wave. An input channel with 900 or 1500 MHz bandwidth is quite a

One very simple solution is to just grab a high speed comparator like the
one used by Fluke / Pendulum (ADCMP565). Drive it directly with your input
or clock. Make it your front end device. That’s not an ideal solution, but
it will give you the bandwidth and a reasonable input impedance. It
requires messy things like a negative supply  or a “fake” ground (so would
the op amp). It also has an ECL output that needs to be converted to match
your FPGA ( hint: use the clock inputs, they are LVPECL compatible).
Driving into the FPGA with a differential signal is probably needed to
reduce crosstalk.

No matter how you do it, input channels are *not* an easy thing to do
properly. Even on commercial counters, they often are easy to fool.
Designing one is only the start. Fully testing it is equally complex.


Do not underrate your skills in any way. You are doing far more on this
project than any of the rest of the list members have done. We have talked
and talked forever about these chips. We talk a lot about these ideas. We
suggest lots of complex solutions to various 

Re: [time-nuts] Soekris without a GPS receiver.

2014-12-29 Thread David J Taylor

From: Chris Albertson

Can't you combine a few Internet pool NTP servers with a local 1PPS
source?  The Internet servers will name the seconds.

Also if you really need a Motorola Oncore you can buy them for $20 on
eBay.  There is no shortage.  I paid $18 with free shipping for a UT+

I run the UT+ and leave the Thunderbolt powered off most of the time
because the power used by the TB is so high compared to the very modest
power draw of the UT+


Using a mixture of PPS and local servers is exactly what I was aiming for, 

- NTPns doesn't support my PPS source

- for testing, using local servers alone, even the seconds don't get named 
correctly, even though NTPns shows they are being detected and one is even 
marked as SELECTED.

I was thinking that my already purchased LTElite might be a suitable PPS 
source, and perhaps even be able to drive the net4501's clock (at some point 
in the future).

SatSignal Software - Quality software written to your requirements

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Re: [time-nuts] schematics of frequency counter

2014-12-29 Thread Li Ang
Hi Magnus,
   The unit of these data is not ns but reference clock cycles (100ns).
TDC_GP22 measures the time between the edge of tdc_start and
tdc_stop1, then it measures the reference clock automaticly. The result you
get from it is the ratio of them.

2014-12-29 19:58 GMT+08:00 Magnus Danielson


 Some quick statistic-processing.

 Histogram of your data:
 1.979 0
 1.980 2
 1.982   173
 1.983   523
 1.984  1031
 1.985  1301
 1.986  1131
 1.987   648
 1.988   236
 1.989 8
 1.990 1
 1.991 0

 The total sample count is 5100 (wc -l only gives 5099 since there is a
 missing end of line, but word count is 5100).

 The average is about 1,985075 ns and it is reasonably gaussian, but with
 some systematics, notice how the slope is more abrupt on the higher end
 than the lower end. A quick and dirty spreadsheet gives me about 2,243 ps
 RMS jitter, which isn't all that bad. Yes, it will spread out to that 11 ps
 peak-to-peak jitter, but it is to be expected.

 It's pretty respectable for a home-built.


 On 12/28/2014 03:19 PM, Li Ang wrote:

 Hi Bob,
 I did some test according to your suggestions. DUT is a symmetricom
 rb oscillator. Also, I've tried signal generator as the DUT. RS SMY01 is
 not as good as HP8662A but that the best I've got. The signal geneator is
 also using FE5650 as ref clock.

 According to my test with the TDC today, this unit is not producing
 stable data.
 I don't have accurate pulse generator, so this is how I test the TDC:
 0) power the board with battery.
 1) use FPGA to generate time pulse:
 reg [15:0] shift;
 always @(posedge refclk10M) begin
 shift = {shift[14:0], sw_gate};
 assign tdc_start = shift[3];
 assign tdc_stop1 = shift[5];

 2) use MCU to pull down sw_gate, the FPGA sync it to refclk10M domain and
 generate input signal for TDC.

 3) use TDC to test the time betwen tdc_start and tdc_stop1

 The result is in number * 100ns = time between tdc_start and
 tdc_stop1. (TDC highspeed clock is refclk10M/2).

 There 2 issues from the test:
 1) As we can see from the data, the number is around 1.98x not 2.00x. So
 there is about 2ns delay between tdc_start and tdc_stop1 for this simple
 test code. If it is from the PCB trace and something inside FPGA, this
 should be a constant value at certain temperature. I can calculate it by
 measuring 2 cycles and 3 cylces. My current code has not implement this
 part, it should provide some improvement. 2ns time error for 1s gate, that
 is something.
 2) For a 90ps TDC, I think the result should be something like +-0.001
 cycle. But I get something like +-0.003 cycle. I do not know the reason

 2014-12-27 22:58 GMT+08:00 Bob Camp


 (In reply to several posts. It’s easier for me this way)

 Ok, that’s good news !!! (and useful data)

 Your counter performance degraded a bit when you put in 5 db and not much
 when you put in 8 db.

 It’s also maybe *too* good news. I suspect that cross talk between the
 channels may be impacting your results.

 Next step is to try it with two independent sources and a bit more
 attenuation. When you try it with two sources, you need to attenuate
 one source and then switch the attenuators to the other source. That will
 help you see if crosstalk from one channel is more of a problem than from
 the other channel.

 One parts hint:

 Cable TV attenuators are much cheaper than their fancy 50 ohm
 cousins. They are also something you can pick up down at the corner
 electronics store. For this sort of testing they are perfectly fine to
 At this point in the testing the mismatch between 75 ohms and 50 ohms is
 not a big deal. You will need to adapt connectors, but you probably still
 will save money.


 Op-amps that have enough bandwidth and performance for a high input
 impedance counter input are rare items. They also are not cheap. Often
 come as some sort of current feedback part with low(er) input impedance.
 you want your counter to work to 300 MHz, it should accept a 300 MHz
 wave. That might mean passing the third or even the fifth harmonic of the
 square wave. An input channel with 900 or 1500 MHz bandwidth is quite a

 One very simple solution is to just grab a high speed comparator like the
 one used by Fluke / Pendulum (ADCMP565). Drive it directly with your
 or clock. Make it your front end device. That’s not an ideal solution,
 it will give you the bandwidth and a reasonable input impedance. It
 requires messy things like a negative supply  or a “fake” ground (so
 the op amp). It also has an ECL output that needs to be converted to
 your FPGA ( hint: use the clock inputs, they are LVPECL compatible).
 Driving into the FPGA with a differential signal is probably needed to
 reduce crosstalk.

 No matter how you do it, input channels are *not* an easy 

Re: [time-nuts] New GPSDO on EBAY From China

2014-12-29 Thread Marco IK1ODO -2
The OCXO is a Morion (Russia) MV89A. You may download a datasheet 

Looks decent, stability vs. temperature and aging are as usual.

BG7TBL is a Chinese radioamateur, quite known for his designs.

73 - Marco IK1ODO

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Re: [time-nuts] New GPSDO on EBAY From China

2014-12-29 Thread Bob Camp

Ok, well that’s a move forward on this GPSDO. There is a *lot* more data on 
that listing than there was a month ago. 

Thanks for digging it up  and posting the link.

If you look at the ADEV at 1 second, it’s running at 2.67 x10^-11. That’s all 
coming from the Erratum Rb that they are using as a reference. At 100 seconds 
the Rb should be around 2.67 x10^-12 and the MV-89 should be about  2x10^-11. 
They combine as the square root, so that would be 3.3 ppt or less. The unit is 
running at 4.8 ppt so the filter is having some impact at that point. 

Out around 5,000 seconds the unit has a major hump. The Nortel GPSTM has a 
similar hump, but much closer in. It’s performance at 5K seconds is much 
better. The Lucent KS boxes beat this part across the entire range. That makes 
some assumptions, since there is no good ADEV data inside 100 seconds on the 

The final question about the plot would be - what happens at longer tau? The 
run was stopped before it really got past the peak in the filter. It would be 
nice to see some data that at least gets back down to  1 ppt at the longer 
tau’s. Without that data it’s unclear how well the whole system is doing. 
That’s not to say it’s not doing well. It could be doing a great job, there’s 
just no way to know from the data. 

My guess is that this is very much like your counter project, just a bit 
further along. They have a nice looking unit, but are still trying to figure 
out the bugs and finish up the software …


 On Dec 28, 2014, at 6:19 PM, Li Ang wrote:
   This unit is done by BG7TBL. In his store on, there is a adev
 chart. Please refrer to this link
 2014-12-29 1:56 GMT+08:00 Dan Rae
 On 12/28/2014 7:25 AM, David Smith wrote:
 Hello Friends,
 I found this new inexpensive GPSDO on ebay listed from a seller from
 Dave, these have been discussed in the past at some length on this list.
 I would point out that they use a re-cycled Morion OCXO.  I have had two of
 these ovens from China; one worked fine, the other has a very high level of
 spurious outputs.  I would be wary of using these in anything without first
 testing them thoroughly.
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Re: [time-nuts] New GPSDO on EBAY From China

2014-12-29 Thread xaos
You have to give the guy credit for trying.
What is a shame here is that he did not
publish the schematics and the source code.

If anyone knows him he should just ask him. We tend to
be sceptics here but that's the nature of the game.
However, I don't want anyone to think that we are elitist.

I remember my first GPSDO, by Brooks Sherra,
on QST. I remember reading the schematic and the
source code many times until I got it. It
is the reason I got interested in time-nuts
to begin with.

So, I think we would all benefit from going a bit
deeper on this new unit. I hope the designer
is reading this.


On 12/29/2014 12:50 AM, Charles Steinmetz wrote:
 Li Ang wrote:

 This unit is done by BG7TBL. In his store on,
 there is a adev chart. Please refrer to this link

 That ADEV chart (see below) raises more questions than it answers.  At
 least the time constant is not too short (a very common problem with
 DIY GPSDOs).  But when the GPS takes over above the crossover (tau ~
 5000 seconds), the ADEV is ~2e-11.  GPS should be significantly better
 than this at 5000 seconds.  It appears that something is wrong with
 the design.

 Best regards,


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Re: [time-nuts] Downloaded HPs SmartClock / Size of Lucent modules.

2014-12-29 Thread Didier Juges
Clearly off-topic, but hopefully it will stop here...

The Dell supplies use a 3 wire cable and have a resistor in the power
supply connecting the 3rd wire to ground. The value of that resistor tells
the laptop the current capability of the supply (they have various models
between 3.0 and 4.5A) so that the laptop can determine if it will have
enough current to run. This is mostly applicable when the laptop is plugged
into a docking station, because the current demand is then quite a bit
higher. If the laptop cannot read the resistor value, it may refuse to run
(or ask you to press F1 to force it to run anyhow) The 3rd wire is pretty
small (because it carries negligible current) and it is sometimes the first
one to break. You are then left with a perfectly usable 19.5V power supply
that cannot power a Dell laptop but that is fine for many GPSDO and Rb
oscillators :)

Didier KO4BB

On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 10:11 PM, Gerhard Hoffmann wrote:

 Am 29.12.2014 um 00:39 schrieb Dr. David Kirkby (Kirkby Microwave Ltd):

 2)  Can anyone with these $150 two-part Lucent boxes tell me the size of

 The box itself:  65mm high, 152 mm deep, 244 mm wide

 Front plate:  76 mm high, 274 mm wide

 Just a little bit to big to fit into a 4 HU 19 box ( for both).

 (still doing a night shift on the 5-10MHz doubler, filter  5 chan.
 distrib amp for it.
 Or 4 chan 10 dBm 10 MHz  one 1pps on SMA )

 BTW I once bought a generic chinese power supply as a fallback solution
 for my Dell laptop.
 That turned out not to work because Dells talk to their PS. Nobody else
 seems to do that.
 It now powers my Lucent duo.

 I saw that the PS has an additional 12V input. That may ease the task of
 emergency power
 from a lead or Li-IronPhosphate battery.

 regards, Gerhard

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Re: [time-nuts] schematics of frequency counter

2014-12-29 Thread Magnus Danielson


Darn, not reading all the notes. Again.

Well, in that case, scaling should be done... then you get average of 
198,5075 ns and 149,8 ps RMS jitter, with 1,1 ns peak-to-peak.

The jitter is okish then, but a little better would indeed be nice.


On 12/29/2014 01:55 PM, Li Ang wrote:

Hi Magnus,
The unit of these data is not ns but reference clock cycles (100ns).
TDC_GP22 measures the time between the edge of tdc_start and
tdc_stop1, then it measures the reference clock automaticly. The result you
get from it is the ratio of them.

2014-12-29 19:58 GMT+08:00 Magnus Danielson


Some quick statistic-processing.

Histogram of your data:
1.979 0
1.980 2
1.982   173
1.983   523
1.984  1031
1.985  1301
1.986  1131
1.987   648
1.988   236
1.989 8
1.990 1
1.991 0

The total sample count is 5100 (wc -l only gives 5099 since there is a
missing end of line, but word count is 5100).

The average is about 1,985075 ns and it is reasonably gaussian, but with
some systematics, notice how the slope is more abrupt on the higher end
than the lower end. A quick and dirty spreadsheet gives me about 2,243 ps
RMS jitter, which isn't all that bad. Yes, it will spread out to that 11 ps
peak-to-peak jitter, but it is to be expected.

It's pretty respectable for a home-built.


On 12/28/2014 03:19 PM, Li Ang wrote:

Hi Bob,
 I did some test according to your suggestions. DUT is a symmetricom
rb oscillator. Also, I've tried signal generator as the DUT. RS SMY01 is
not as good as HP8662A but that the best I've got. The signal geneator is
also using FE5650 as ref clock.

 According to my test with the TDC today, this unit is not producing
stable data.
 I don't have accurate pulse generator, so this is how I test the TDC:
0) power the board with battery.
1) use FPGA to generate time pulse:
reg [15:0] shift;
always @(posedge refclk10M) begin
shift = {shift[14:0], sw_gate};
assign tdc_start = shift[3];
assign tdc_stop1 = shift[5];

2) use MCU to pull down sw_gate, the FPGA sync it to refclk10M domain and
generate input signal for TDC.

3) use TDC to test the time betwen tdc_start and tdc_stop1

The result is in number * 100ns = time between tdc_start and
tdc_stop1. (TDC highspeed clock is refclk10M/2).

There 2 issues from the test:
1) As we can see from the data, the number is around 1.98x not 2.00x. So
there is about 2ns delay between tdc_start and tdc_stop1 for this simple
test code. If it is from the PCB trace and something inside FPGA, this
should be a constant value at certain temperature. I can calculate it by
measuring 2 cycles and 3 cylces. My current code has not implement this
part, it should provide some improvement. 2ns time error for 1s gate, that
is something.
2) For a 90ps TDC, I think the result should be something like +-0.001
cycle. But I get something like +-0.003 cycle. I do not know the reason

2014-12-27 22:58 GMT+08:00 Bob Camp


(In reply to several posts. It’s easier for me this way)

Ok, that’s good news !!! (and useful data)

Your counter performance degraded a bit when you put in 5 db and not much
when you put in 8 db.

It’s also maybe *too* good news. I suspect that cross talk between the
channels may be impacting your results.

Next step is to try it with two independent sources and a bit more
attenuation. When you try it with two sources, you need to attenuate
one source and then switch the attenuators to the other source. That will
help you see if crosstalk from one channel is more of a problem than from
the other channel.

One parts hint:

Cable TV attenuators are much cheaper than their fancy 50 ohm
cousins. They are also something you can pick up down at the corner
electronics store. For this sort of testing they are perfectly fine to
At this point in the testing the mismatch between 75 ohms and 50 ohms is
not a big deal. You will need to adapt connectors, but you probably still
will save money.


Op-amps that have enough bandwidth and performance for a high input
impedance counter input are rare items. They also are not cheap. Often
come as some sort of current feedback part with low(er) input impedance.
you want your counter to work to 300 MHz, it should accept a 300 MHz
wave. That might mean passing the third or even the fifth harmonic of the
square wave. An input channel with 900 or 1500 MHz bandwidth is quite a

One very simple solution is to just grab a high speed comparator like the
one used by Fluke / Pendulum (ADCMP565). Drive it directly with your
or clock. Make it your front end device. That’s not an ideal solution,
it will give you the bandwidth and a reasonable input impedance. It
requires messy things like a negative supply  or a “fake” ground (so
the op amp). It also has an ECL output that needs to be converted to
your FPGA ( 

Re: [time-nuts] schematics of frequency counter

2014-12-29 Thread Bob Camp

 On Dec 29, 2014, at 7:55 AM, Li Ang wrote:
 Hi Magnus,
   The unit of these data is not ns but reference clock cycles (100ns).
 TDC_GP22 measures the time between the edge of tdc_start and
 tdc_stop1, then it measures the reference clock automaticly. The result you
 get from it is the ratio of them.
 2014-12-29 19:58 GMT+08:00 Magnus Danielson
 Some quick statistic-processing.
 Histogram of your data:
 1.979 0
 1.980 2
 1.982   173
 1.983   523
 1.984  1031
 1.985  1301
 1.986  1131
 1.987   648
 1.988   236
 1.989 8
 1.990 1
 1.991 0

One way you can get a “chopped tail” like that is when a TDC runs out of range. 
That can happen either because there is a problem in the TDC or in other cases 
because there is a handoff problem between the FPGA and the TDC. I saw a lot of 
plots like this doing the Wave Union TDC stuff on an FPGA setup. 


 The total sample count is 5100 (wc -l only gives 5099 since there is a
 missing end of line, but word count is 5100).
 The average is about 1,985075 ns and it is reasonably gaussian, but with
 some systematics, notice how the slope is more abrupt on the higher end
 than the lower end. A quick and dirty spreadsheet gives me about 2,243 ps
 RMS jitter, which isn't all that bad. Yes, it will spread out to that 11 ps
 peak-to-peak jitter, but it is to be expected.
 It's pretty respectable for a home-built.
 On 12/28/2014 03:19 PM, Li Ang wrote:
 Hi Bob,
I did some test according to your suggestions. DUT is a symmetricom
 rb oscillator. Also, I've tried signal generator as the DUT. RS SMY01 is
 not as good as HP8662A but that the best I've got. The signal geneator is
 also using FE5650 as ref clock.
According to my test with the TDC today, this unit is not producing
 stable data.
I don't have accurate pulse generator, so this is how I test the TDC:
 0) power the board with battery.
 1) use FPGA to generate time pulse:
 reg [15:0] shift;
 always @(posedge refclk10M) begin
 shift = {shift[14:0], sw_gate};
 assign tdc_start = shift[3];
 assign tdc_stop1 = shift[5];
 2) use MCU to pull down sw_gate, the FPGA sync it to refclk10M domain and
 generate input signal for TDC.
 3) use TDC to test the time betwen tdc_start and tdc_stop1
 The result is in number * 100ns = time between tdc_start and
 tdc_stop1. (TDC highspeed clock is refclk10M/2).
 There 2 issues from the test:
 1) As we can see from the data, the number is around 1.98x not 2.00x. So
 there is about 2ns delay between tdc_start and tdc_stop1 for this simple
 test code. If it is from the PCB trace and something inside FPGA, this
 should be a constant value at certain temperature. I can calculate it by
 measuring 2 cycles and 3 cylces. My current code has not implement this
 part, it should provide some improvement. 2ns time error for 1s gate, that
 is something.
 2) For a 90ps TDC, I think the result should be something like +-0.001
 cycle. But I get something like +-0.003 cycle. I do not know the reason
 2014-12-27 22:58 GMT+08:00 Bob Camp
 (In reply to several posts. It’s easier for me this way)
 Ok, that’s good news !!! (and useful data)
 Your counter performance degraded a bit when you put in 5 db and not much
 when you put in 8 db.
 It’s also maybe *too* good news. I suspect that cross talk between the
 channels may be impacting your results.
 Next step is to try it with two independent sources and a bit more
 attenuation. When you try it with two sources, you need to attenuate
 one source and then switch the attenuators to the other source. That will
 help you see if crosstalk from one channel is more of a problem than from
 the other channel.
 One parts hint:
 Cable TV attenuators are much cheaper than their fancy 50 ohm
 cousins. They are also something you can pick up down at the corner
 electronics store. For this sort of testing they are perfectly fine to
 At this point in the testing the mismatch between 75 ohms and 50 ohms is
 not a big deal. You will need to adapt connectors, but you probably still
 will save money.
 Op-amps that have enough bandwidth and performance for a high input
 impedance counter input are rare items. They also are not cheap. Often
 come as some sort of current feedback part with low(er) input impedance.
 you want your counter to work to 300 MHz, it should accept a 300 MHz
 wave. That might mean passing the third or even the fifth harmonic of the
 square wave. An input channel with 900 or 1500 MHz bandwidth is quite a
 One very simple solution is to just grab a high speed comparator like the
 one used by Fluke / Pendulum (ADCMP565). Drive it directly with your
 or clock. Make it your front end device. That’s not an ideal solution,
 it will give you the 

Re: [time-nuts] Soekris without a GPS receiver.

2014-12-29 Thread Paul
On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 7:02 AM, David J Taylor wrote:

 Using a mixture of PPS and local servers is exactly what I was aiming for,

 - NTPns doesn't support my PPS source

I don't understand this.  But getting a compatible GPS seems reasonable to
move forward.

 - for testing, using local servers alone, even the seconds don't get
 named correctly, even though NTPns shows they are being detected and one
 is even marked as SELECTED.

This would be the part where I said reach out to PHK regarding NTPns.

Getting back to the try -- I assume you've read  Notice that while the gpio results
are a win over the serial port they're nothing to write home about although
that may be because he used ntp rather than NTPns.

[columns are host, refid, delay, offset, jitter]
His Soekris numbers (presumably 10Mb ethernet): .GPS. 1.012 -0.117 0.499 .PPSC. 0.990 -0.052 0.729

My numbers (typical desktop with serial PPS talking to a dedicated ntp
server also using serial PPS):

*ntpa   .GPPS.  0.179  0.003  0.003

Or the Raspberry Pi and its jittery network interface:

+rPi1  .GPPS.  0.436 -0.006 0.036

So for a try you could build a low-latency, high-res time-stamper (per
PHK) based on a 4501 but you can't get that precision out of the box so
it's of limited practical use. It sounds like you want something practical
but I'm not sure.
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Re: [time-nuts] Soekris without a GPS receiver.

2014-12-29 Thread Chris Albertson
On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 4:02 AM, David J Taylor wrote:

 - NTPns doesn't support my PPS source

 - for testing, using local servers alone, even the seconds don't get
 named correctly, even though NTPns shows they are being detected and one
 is even marked as SELECTED.

Why not run the normal ntpd?  Seems it would do what you want.

I don't see how a PPS source can NOT be supported.  I'm talking about just
the 1Hz square wave signal, no serial data.   Just like ntpd's  type 22
clock.  See this  It is just
a signal of the correct voltage, no data.


Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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[time-nuts] Lucent KS-24361 power connector

2014-12-29 Thread Martin A Flynn

I am making up cables with slide latches for the Lucent KS-24361.


 * Are pins (Pin3 - Pin 9) in the P1 / DE-9 power connector assigned,
   or spare?
 * Has anyone determined the pin out for J3 / DE-9 alarm connector?

Martin Flynn

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Re: [time-nuts] Lucent KS-24361 power connector

2014-12-29 Thread Bob Camp

As far as anybody knows, the only pins on the power plug are the two assigned 
to power in. The rest are unused.

The alarm outputs are a couple of opto isolator outputs. As yet, nobody seems 
to know what they do. The pins are 5,6 and 7,8. 


 On Dec 29, 2014, at 7:14 PM, Martin A Flynn wrote:
 I am making up cables with slide latches for the Lucent KS-24361.
 * Are pins (Pin3 - Pin 9) in the P1 / DE-9 power connector assigned,
   or spare?
 * Has anyone determined the pin out for J3 / DE-9 alarm connector?
 Martin Flynn
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[time-nuts] Are these PRS10's worth it ?

2014-12-29 Thread Tim

Hi all,

Been on the lookout for a PRS10 to build a GPSDO+RB arrangement and I 
see these...

Is this just a reheat-the-bulb fix or do you suspect something more ?

Not knowing much about the PRS10, I'm just wondering if its worth the 
ri$k :)



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