Re: [time-nuts] Suggestion for a timing GPS receiver (Trimble / Ublox / other?)

2018-01-22 Thread Achim Gratz
Paride Legovini via time-nuts writes:
> I plan to build a decent GPS/GNSS-based Stratum 1 NTP server, and I'm
> looking for a good and possibly affordable timing GPS receiver.

Unless you plan to use the timing receiver for some other function, it
really is overkill for the purpose of setting up an NTP server and
otherwise also requires you to set up a proper antenna in order to
benefit from the extra precision.

> Am I overlooking something or missing interesting options?

I think that setting up at least three "good enough" NTP stratum-1
servers in your network gets you much better synchronization than trying
to get a single one more precise.  To that end, you can set one up for
around $60 if you use a raspberryPi and a NavSpark mini w/ patch antenna
(if you have reasonable reception with that).  You'll find that the NTP
clients will not see any measurable improvement once you have the NTP
servers down below 10µs deviation and it's possible to get each
individual server consistently below 1µs with a bit of care.  Having at
least three stratum-1 in your network will keep the clients synchronized
correctly when inevitably one of the servers will have the occasional
problem that makes its time wander off for a while.

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Re: [time-nuts] Cheap jitter measurements

2018-04-09 Thread Achim Gratz
Bob kb8tq writes:
>> Similarly, the box should be able to give me a pulse at a known time.
> how do you set up NTP to do that?

Not at all, that must be done in the kernel if you want any accuracy at
all.  But you could modify an existing device driver (for the LPT port)
to use GPIO instead to give you a PPS out (you'll probably want some
offset to the true second so it doesn't interfere with the PPS input).
I think it'd be best to combine a highres timer with some spin-loop to
keep that PPS pulse closer to the clock (it's been done that way for
other timing critical stuff before, not really a new idea).  Or, if it's
only slightly offset from the PPS in anyway, you could piggyback onto
the PPS reception.

> In both cases (pulse in and pulse out) the first step is to ask NTP
> “when was that?”. You still have a pretty big chunk of NTP in the
> middle of the process …. If NTP only “knows” what is happening (or can
> control what is happening) to +/- 300 ns. The guts of your data will
> be limited to the same 300 ns.

That's not quite how that works.  The resolution theoretically goes down
to nanoseconds and is ultimately limited by the timer clock.  In the
case of the rasPi that means about 52ns, but this is swamped by the
jitter of the interrupt latency.  But you can feed NTP better timestamps
if you figure out how to get them; on the Beaglebone you can use the RPU
(Dan Drown has been measuring some latencies that way), on the rasPi you
could use the VC4 (this is tricky business due to insufficient
documentation, but the hardware should be capable of scanning the GPIO
at 250MHz) or even an external TICC.

The other option is to use an MCU (or an FPGA) w/ Ethernet and hardware
timestamping to build a single-purpose NTP stratum-1 box.

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Re: [time-nuts] Cheap jitter measurements

2018-04-11 Thread Achim Gratz
Gary E. Miller writes:
> It tests the time to do two back to back clock_gettime().  Output
> looks like this:
> # ./clock_test 
> samples 101, delay 1000 ns
> min 67 ns, max 302 ns, mean 176 ns, median 197 ns, StdDev 52 ns
> You run it a few times and you will see the granularity in the
> measurements is 10's of ns, or more, depending on your CPU.

…and it has to be 52ns since the timer that's used by the kernel on the
newer rasPi runs off the 19.2MHz clock.

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Re: [time-nuts] getting accurate timing on RTL-SDR output

2018-04-13 Thread Achim Gratz
Jim Lux writes:
> So now the challenge is to "line em up".  An obvious approach is to
> transmit an inband pilot tone with some sync pattern, received by all,
> and I'm working on that too.

A maybe not-so obvious approach would be to use RTL-SDR that have been
modified for direct sampling (usually via the Q branch) and inject your
timing pulse there.  That would limit the disturbance of the actual
signal while still relatively easy to extract from the data stream.

> But right now, I have the idea of capacitively coupling the 1pps pulse
> from the GPS to the antenna input - the fast rising and falling edge
> are broad band and show up in the sampled data.

The trouble is that you are going to impair the already low dynamic
range.  The ENOB on the I/Q ADC is around 7bit only.

> And you can see, no surprise, that the sample clock in the RTL isn't
> dead on - over the 10 seconds, it looks like it drifts about 30- 50
> microseconds - that is, the RTL clock is slow by 3-5 ppm.

Not all of these are created equal.  Several manufacturers claim to
factory calibrate their TCXO to better than 0.5ppm.  I have currently
two RTL-SDR that certainly are within 1ppm.  These things get quite hot,
so it definitely takes some time before they stabilize even if they do
have a TCXO in them.

> SO here's the question for the time-nuts hive-mind...
> What's a good (or not so good) way to develop an estimator of the
> timing/frequency error. Post processing minutes of data is just fine..

There is a program called rtl_test that just checks how many samples it
gets in a certain amount of time.  Let it run for a few hours on a PC
with a GPS-disciplined PC clock and it'll give you a pretty accurate
estimate of the mean sampling clock deviation.

The other method is to tune to a signal of known frequency and check
what it reads as.  There is a program floating around that uses a GSM
station for that purpose.

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Re: [time-nuts] getting accurate timing on RTL-SDR output

2018-04-14 Thread Achim Gratz
jimlux writes:
>> A maybe not-so obvious approach would be to use RTL-SDR that have been
>> modified for direct sampling (usually via the Q branch) and inject your
>> timing pulse there.  That would limit the disturbance of the actual
>> signal while still relatively easy to extract from the data stream.
> That's where it's being injected.. I'm using the RTL-SDR V.3, which
> has the RF input fed right to the Q input.

OK, some more details (I did say it was a bit non-obvious :-) on that
idea.  The R820T tuner in the RTL-SDR v3 only uses the I input of the
RTL2832U as it's a low-IF architecture, leaving the Q inputs free and
unused in the normal mode of operation, which the direct sampling
modification takes advantage of by populating the Q branch with a direct
input.  The other commonly used tuner, the Elonics E4000, uses both
inputs, because it's using a zero IF architecture.  Thus it should be
possible to switch the RTL dongle to zero IF mode, get the I/Q samples
as per normal and you get two perfectly correlated data streams from two
different inputs.  You can modify the hardware to also have a direct
input on the I branch normally used by the tuner.  Alternatively, don't
modify the hardware and use the tuner to downconvert an RF sync signal
to the I branch (you can test if that works by just using it in direct
sampling mode with the I branch selected, but I think the tuner might
get switched off by the rtlsdr library, so there'd need to be some
modifications to the software).

Also, the RTL-SDR v3 does have a clock input, so you can modify the
hardware to use that and make its sampling coherent to a known clock
source.  That would allow you to align the sampling files only
sporadically and then rely on the known relation to the clock as long as
no USB frames are getting dropped.

No, I haven't done anything of that yet, but what initially got me
interested is the idea of correlating DCF77 (through an upconverter)
with GPS.  Still working on the antenna setup, it might be possible to
also receive TDF, MSF and maybe even RBU.  I did get as far as buying a
GPS timing module with a frequency output that I can use for the
external clocking to eventually get coherent sampling.

>> Not all of these are created equal.  Several manufacturers claim to
>> factory calibrate their TCXO to better than 0.5ppm.  I have currently
>> two RTL-SDR that certainly are within 1ppm.  These things get quite hot,
>> so it definitely takes some time before they stabilize even if they do
>> have a TCXO in them.
> Could well be.. I just turned it on, waited for the beagle to boot,
> captured the data, and moved on.

My RTL-SDR v3 is still in transit, but I expect your result to indicate
that it was still warming up based on what my other RTL based dongles

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Re: [time-nuts] Pulsars, clocks, and time nuts (Jim Palfreyman)

2018-04-14 Thread Achim Gratz
Bill Hawkins writes:
> It seems that pulsars are rotating stellar objects that have no reason
> to change their rotation, except to decay.

The whole point of that exercise was to determine which of the theories
that predict what the internal structure of a neutron star looks like is
more likely to be correct.  Here's a not too long and not too dense (pun
intended) writeup:

> Ruling out causes from the stellar object,

You've taken a wrong turn right there.  The timing variations that were
measured are (most likely) produced by the stellar object.

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Re: [time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-04-30 Thread Achim Gratz
Tim Lister writes:
> It has taken me quite a bit longer that I had hoped but I have finally
> published a writeup and howto of collecting raw ublox data, converting
> it to RINEX and how to do (or get the NRC experts to do) the
> post-processing. It's at a new website I have setup:
> Please let me know any comments or suggestions you have to improve it
> or make it more comprehensible and comprehensive.

Thanks for taking the time to write that up.  Out of curiosity, how far
away from the RINEX coordinates is an RMS or median of the original
coordinates as recorded by the GPS and how does the convergence curve
look like?  I'm trying to gauge how long I need to run my timing module
in survey mode…

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Re: [time-nuts] ✘NEO-M8N vs. NEO-M8T

2018-05-21 Thread Achim Gratz
Gary E. Miller writes:
> Which I always thought was pointless, that only works for a fixed
> antenna.  Any GPS in a fixed position lab will have a good rooftop
> antenna with clear skyview.

Except when it doesn't and then the ability to survive on fewer
visible/good satellites without going into holdover is most welcome.

> Except that requires a post process step, so not useful for real time.

No, you can very much use it to inform a consumer of the PPS in realtime
about the sub-quantization phase shift and have the PLL take this error
refinement into account.

> I just looked at the 'U-blox 8 Receiver Description' and it makes no
> mention of sawtooh anything.  Is that in a different doc?

No, it's in there, look for the UBX-TIM series of messages, specifically
TOS and TP.  However, it talks about offsets of the time pulse, not a

But there's a more specific description for series 6 timing receivers,
most if not all of which will be applicable to your series 8 module as

> I'll also test Surevey-In mode to see how much that helps.

_Any_ error in the surveyed position will show up as timing error that
also depends on the GPS constellation.  I think Lady Heather provides a
special plot to map these deviations to the GPS sky tracks.

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Re: [time-nuts] Raw phase data of super-5065

2018-06-11 Thread Achim Gratz
Attila Kinali writes:
> Unfortunately, I have no application that can read XPS files available.
> Can you send it as something more standard?

Okular opens the file without problems.  MuPDF should do the same, but I
can't test it at the moment.

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