Re: [time-nuts] FE-5680 frequency jump

2013-04-05 Thread Bob Quenelle
I found the cause of the 4 mHz  frequency jump.  I have an LPRO-101, an 
FE-5680, power supplies and a Motorola M12T GPS board in a surplus case. 
When I put the case away to work on another project I piled the hockey puck 
antenna and lead in the case and it happened to land on the FE-5680.  I 
noticed the antenna stuck firmly to the FE-5680 case when I got the project 
back out.  I found I could get a 6 mHz (0.6 ppb) shift comparing the 
frequency with residual magnetism from the magnet stuck on the FE-5680 case 
to the frequency after demagnetizing the FE-5680 case.  Unintentional C 
field adjustment.  Dope slap, live and learn.


-Original Message- 
From: Magnus Danielson

Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] FE-5680 frequency jump

On 04/02/2013 01:12 AM, Attila Kinali wrote:

On Mon, 01 Apr 2013 23:57:48 +0200
Magnus Danielson  wrote:

On 04/01/2013 10:06 PM, Bob Quenelle wrote:

I’ve been running an FE-5680 for maybe a total of 50 hours over the last
several months.  I found that an offset setting of 180 made it track GPS 
(previously-set) LPRO-101 10 MHz signals.  Even with power cycling, 
about 1/2 hour, with an offset setting of 180 the FE-5680 was stable. 

last time I turned on the FE-5680, it drifted with a setting of 180 and
needed a new setting of –415 to track the other signals.  That’s a 
change of
595 counts and with a resolution of 6.8 uHz per count, a frequency 
change of
4 mHz (0.004 Hz) and 0.4 ppb.   Operation at the new setting is stable 
now.  The lock signal indicates lock and the power supply voltage is 

15V.  I haven’t checked lamp voltage or VCXO voltage as that requires
  opening the case.

How long have it been turned on since last power-up?

Let it sit for a day at least.

I've found that it is easy to be in too much hurry to judge the
situation and trim things efter power-up. The crystal oscillator just
doesn't get the time to settle in.

That might be indeed the case. Figure 3 in [1] gives "quite high"
frequency aging differences after switch on and long run time.

Attila Kinali


You are confusing the VCXOs frequency drift with that of the rubidiums
(which is the result of the FLL locking of the VCXO to the rubidium

If the VCXO still has a fair distance to drift, then false locking can
occur while compating the initially quite vigorous drift rate. The only
real way to handle that is to sit and wait for it to settle down. Only
after that may trimming of the oscillator be done to zeroize the
integrator state.

A small commercial rubidium doesn't need very long to "get a feel" if it
is in good condition or not, but sitting on your hands and let it warm
up gives you a fair idea of just how skewed situation it is. That's also
true for caesium clocks.

So, sit on your hands and let it settle. Better yet, leave on while you
do other things. Just recall to put enought cooling on it!

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[time-nuts] FE-5680 frequency jump

2013-04-01 Thread Bob Quenelle
I’ve been running an FE-5680 for maybe a total of 50 hours over the last 
several months.  I found that an offset setting of 180 made it track GPS and 
(previously-set) LPRO-101 10 MHz signals.  Even with power cycling, after about 
1/2 hour, with an offset setting of 180 the FE-5680 was stable.  The last time 
I turned on the FE-5680, it drifted with a setting of 180 and needed a new 
setting of –415 to track the other signals.  That’s a change of 595 counts and 
with a resolution of 6.8 uHz per count, a frequency change of 4 mHz (0.004 Hz) 
and 0.4 ppb.   Operation at the new setting is stable for now.  The lock signal 
indicates lock and the power supply voltage is still 15V.  I haven’t checked 
lamp voltage or VCXO voltage as that requires opening the case. 

Before I start poking around, thought I’d ask if anyone has seen a similar 
symptom.  Time to open it up?

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[time-nuts] Simple method for comparing 10 MHz signals

2013-01-09 Thread Bob Quenelle
I kept putting off buying a nice counter and finally decided to try a phase 
detector circuit to compare 10 MHz standards.  It’s not novel, but I like the 
results so far.  It lets me see things I couldn’t see before.  I thought the 
idea might be useful to some of us who are equipment-limited.  The graph shows 
an LPRO-101 as the white trace and an FE-5680 as the red trace, both compared 
to a simple GPS standard.   The graph is just an example of a data collection 
run and doesn’t represent any particular level of performance.  It does show a 
lot of common mode change, indicating the GPS is changing during the run. Maybe 
I should say probably changing.  The whole breadboard circuit has 4 IC’s.  The 
blue trace is a measurement of the case temperature of the GPS standard.

The circuit uses 1/2 of a 74HC4015 4 bit shift register for each channel.  The 
D input of each 74HC4015 gets the Q-D output inverted by a gate from a 74HC04, 
forming a divide by 8 “Johnson counter”.  At the beginning of a run all 
74HC4015’s are simultaneously reset.  74HC86 XOR gates are used as phase 
detectors.  One input of each XOR connects to the Q-A output of the GPS 
74HC4015 and the other input connects to the Q-C output of the LPRO-101 or 
FE5680 74HC4015.  Using different taps gets the initial state of the XOR output 
close to 1/2 scale and known slope.  The average value of the XOR goes from 0 
to full scale for a phase change of 180 degrees.  180 degrees of the divide by 
8 corresponds to 400 nsec, +/- 2 cycles of 10 MHz.   

I already had a LabJack U6 data acquisition unit, which has several analog 
inputs and digital I/O.  Other similar products are available and inexpensive.  
LabJack has free data-collection software so you can get a file usable by Excel 
or whatever without writing any code.  For me it was easy and cheaper to 
convert the phase signal to a voltage and read it.  This approach isn’t useful 
for comparing PPS signals and isn’t as accurate as using a good TIC.  I’m 
looking forward to the TIC design in progress, but this project seems useful 
for now.<>___
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Re: [time-nuts] EIP545A 18GHz counter query

2012-11-27 Thread Bob Quenelle
Not that it's likely to help you, but a signature analyzer uses a shift 
register with feedback to generate a 4 hex character "signature" from a 
serial data stream.  It would only help if the troubleshooting tree includes 
a list a bad signatures for specific failures.

-Original Message- 
From: Chuck Harris

Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 7:45 AM
To: Chris Wilson ; Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] EIP545A 18GHz counter query

This one is usually an easy fix.  The EPROMS on the controller
card are using tin plated sockets, and they become tin-whisker
cities.  The counter will usually have enough oomph to blow any
transient whiskers away if it is left running, but if it sits
the whiskers will grow quickly and prevent the CPU from passing
its power on self-test, and you get the "--" display.

Take a high pressure air gun and blow under, around and through
the EPROM sockets from all directions and angles.  When you plug
the board back in, it should start to work again... for a while.

A more permanent fix involves removing the sockets and replacing
them with gold plated sockets with machined pins.

Also, on many of the 545A counters there is a design mistake on
the power supply board where the wire tie that holds an electrolytic
capacitor passes through the board.  The holes the wire tie passes
through are plated, and come through alongside of the +9V unregulated
traces... bringing ground and +9V together.  Drill or file the plating
out of the holes to prevent spurious blowing of the mains fuse.

-Chuck Harris

Chris Wilson wrote:

   27/11/2012 14:18

I bought a 18GHz EIP545A counter which the vendor said was working
fine the day before and when on overnight soak test, and also when
last used some months agao. But when he checked it on the morning of
my coming over to see it he found it had developed a fault... I bought
it off him cheaply, as seen, hoping it might be fixable.

Here's the basic tale:

It was acquired displaying just dashes. I checked the PSU voltages and
found the PSU section outputting well away from the manual figures. I
corrected these and checked supplies for ripple and they were all
good. I then decided to remove any board that was not essential to
operation. It came with a GPIB option board, so I pulled it. Luckily
this did some good and a working display appeared. There were three
tantalum caps on this board, as a matter of interest I pulled a leg on
each and tested them, all were OK. Refitting it killed the display
back to "dashes" again, so I set it aside as having an "unknown
fault", and continued. I can get it to accurately display up to
EXACTLY 188. MHz. Inputting 190. MHz gives zeros. It has three
frequency bands. Band one works perfectly right up and well beyond its
10Hz to 100MHz range. Band two often doesn't work at all, and just
diplays zeros, it's a 50 ohm input, compared to the 1meg 20pF Band 1
input. Sometimes by ramping the frequency up slowly from 100 MHz I can get 

seemingly random reading. Band 3, the GHz range, doesn't work at
all. Again, only zeros are displayed.

The machine has quite a good range of self diagnosis tests. Tests are
via the key pad. The first test checks the VCO and other stuff, and
should display an accurate 200. MHz. It displays well over, always
in the range 253.5 and the display isn't stable, it hovers over
several KHz. There's a tree menu to see where this issue could lie.
One limb suggests using a known good counter on the output of the VCO.
I did this and the output is miles high in frequency, about double,
and unstable. The tree menus goes on to suggest a phase lock circuitry

Further tests seem to depend in part upon using something called a
Signature Analyser, which I have never even heard of They suggest an
HP5004A, which is apparently pretty ancient. Is there a cheap way of
acquiring something to do this sort of testing? I believe given a few
pointers my scope, multi meter, sig gen and my other (working) Racal
counter could take me further.

It's a nice old thing, and I would quite like a means of counting into
the higher frequencies it offers, but don't want to spend too much
time or money on it. It works a damned sight more than when it first
landed, which has kind of given me incentive to push a bit further,
given I have a .pdf copy of the repair manual. Here's the page of the
schematic I think is relevant, if it is a phase locked loop problem.

This morning I realised there's a chip missing from a socket on the
board in question. It's U6, a flip flop, part of the pre scaler I
think? I assumed it was for some option, not fitted, but I am not so
sure now. A Chinese Ebay seller is breaking one of these machines and
he lists all the boards seperately, with decent photos. His board has
this socket populated, and looking at the schematic, (linked at the
bottom of this post), I think it's probably a vital componen