Re: [time-nuts] any WWV audio recordings available?

2010-02-09 Thread Dean Weiten
Hi there,

Some time ago, I "hot rodded" the "tg" program that comes with the open
source "ntp" package and cleaned it up, making options for different
output formats, including IEEE 1344 extensions on the IRIG, and cleaned
up the WWV output for DST shifts, quality coding, etc.

When you posted your question, I did a quick look, hacked in libsndfile
calls, and made it so it can generate clean IRIG-B or WWV audio WAV
files of arbitrary duration, starting at arbitrary times.  The
generation actually runs much faster than real time, resulting in huge
files for long time frames, stored in seconds.

As an example, please find at , a 221k ZIP
archive that expands out to a 92M WAV file of simulated WWV audio from
2010-02-10 07h10Z to about 17h29Z.

Is this helpful?


Dean Weiten
Phone:(204)-888-1334 (home)
  (204)-771-4925 (cell)
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Re: [time-nuts] any WWV audio recordings available? (synthetic WWV output fixed, I think)

2010-02-13 Thread Dean Weiten
Hi Scott et al.,

I compared the sound output from TG to an AU file provided by NIST, and
sure enough, it did sound weird.

I had a closer look at the TG customization that I had done, and indeed,
the whole u-Law audio compression thing was all messed up in my code. 

The problem is that the original was written for a Sun workstation, and
it (apparently) used u-Law compression, or at least in the original TG
program, it was turned on.

In order to keep things the same and use the same tables, I thought I
had turned on u-Law compression, but apparently I did something
incorrectly. Therefore, I've now modified it to be linear, at least when
compiled for non-Sun systems.

So now the 100 Hz subcarrier should be 6 dB down, as I believe it is
supposed to be.

There are two sample files, 1 hour long each, in the ZIP archive at .  Please
give them a try/listen and let me know if it sounds more realistic.


Dean Weiten
Phone:(204)-888-1334 (home)
  (204)-771-4925 (cell)
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Re: [time-nuts] Yukon Power

2010-04-08 Thread Dean Weiten
Actually, these days, in the widely-connected continental area of US &
Canada (with exceptions like Texas), the frequency will be much closer
than +/- 0.5 Hz. Power systems will start "islanding" and shedding load
if frequency goes outside say +/- 0.1 Hz. It's very important for the
power system frequency to stay stable - energy flows and therefore
revenue flows depend on it. The power utilities are absolutely anal
about tracking frequency and maintaining it precisely.

It turns out that an AC power line is almost entirely inductive in
nature. This means that the power flow has little to do with the
voltage, more or less all about the phase angle difference between the
ends. Actually, a voltage difference generally means a reactive power
flow, which is counter-productive, so voltage is maintained very
constant as well. At the transmission line between cities, you see the
bird's eye view aggregate of power consumption - and utilities will put
systemic voltage support at various points to ensure that voltage is
well matched.

In order to keep the system stable, power utilities must maintain strict
frequency control.

In the case of Whitehorse YT, they are not connected to the continental
grid and therefore are not subject to the same controls. The power is
probably generated by diesel, coal, or perhaps hydro power. It is much
more difficult to maintain frequency control under these conditions - a
single big load (like a mill) "dumping" because of some disturbance, can
change your load base substantially, throwing the frequency way out of
whack. You can't instantaneously change the speed of the motor or
turbine shaft, so you have to slowly bring the system back in line.

Here in Manitoba where I live, we have hydro-electric generation way up
at the north end of the province supplying something like 90% of our
power, with most of the load in the south, separated by, hmm, something
like 800 km. Plus, we actually export *a lot* of power into the
north-central states. In the 1960s, Manitoba Hydro built an AC-to-DC
converter up north and a DC-to-AC converter down south, and ran the 800
km with a 500 kV DC line. There are lots of benefits to this, but one of
the biggest ones is that the phase & frequency of the output of the
DC-to-AC converter can be controlled on a cycle-by-cycle basis - it's
done with thyristors (huge SCRs, used to be mercury-arc but now almost
all solid state), so there are no rotating shafts. This gives our power
system excellent stability. In fact, Manitoba Hydro can modulate the
output of the DC-to-AC converter to help stabilize the system from
other, external disturbances. The possibilities are limitless. Of
course, the downside is that the loss of that DC line to the north
leaves us up a creek, and that happened about a decade ago when a
cyclone went through and took it down. What an exciting time that was!

The frequency of the AC system up north from the generators to the
AC-to-DC converter station is not well controlled. If we dump a big load
in the south, the DC system changes almost instantly to adjust, but then
there's nowhere for the energy to go, so the northern AC system goes way
up in frequency. Conversely, if we add a big load in the south, it can
go down, but then that's generally planned, and more controlled. They
say you don't run your clock on the frequency up north. In fact, nobody
does, because it's high voltage transmission, and there isn't enough
population to justify putting a distribution substation in there - some
folks complain that they can SEE the transmission line, but they are
forced to run on diesel generated power. It isn't a conspiracy, it's
pure practicality and economics - you can't just drop a wire and plug in
your stove! OK, maybe I digress, sorry.

What I do find interesting is that the Yukon folks don't have multiple
cross-correlated timing systems checking each other. If the frequency
were to go very low (say 50 Hz) it will cause significant dissipation in
power transformers and the like, perhaps even damaging them. It turns
out that flux in the core of said transformers is related to V/f, so if
the frequency drops over 10%, you get a substantial increase in flux,
and if you are close to the saturation of the core, well, let's say that
makes for not-so-happy customers.

Heavens, designing such systems is what I (used to) do. I could close my
eyes and see the design - it wouldn't be that difficult! Maybe I should
give them a call.

So when I see derogatory comments directed at the Yukon power folks, be
careful - they might be guilty of not having a backup time tracking
system, perhaps even of not tracking it automatically. But, it's much
more difficult when you are not connected to the continental grid!


Dean Weiten.

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Re: [time-nuts] IRIG B

2010-05-25 Thread Dean Weiten
Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 09:08:18 +0100
From: "Clive Green" 
Subject: [time-nuts] IRIG B
Message-ID: <000d01cafbe1$6f6788b0$4e369a...@com>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="iso-8859-2"

Can anyone help with a modern IRIG B chipset manufacturer

Many thanks

Clive Green


Hi Clive and the group.

I can't give you a lead on an ready-made chipset, but I've implemented an 
IRIG-B decoder in a 68HC11 and in an 68HCS12.  I found the difficult part to be 
the analog section, as it can introduce significant uncertainties in the timing 
stream, especially in a modulated signal.  We got ours down to around 10 uSec 
which we considered quite good.  Of course the 5 volt logic levels of the 
unmodulated signal makes it easier to get better accuracy.

The IRIG-B decoder work I did was implemented on power systems relays & 
disturbance recorders several years ago, then I left the company and in the 
meantime, they changed over to an FPGA implementation and skipped the processor 
altogether.  Now I'm back with that same company (although ownership has 
changed), but I haven't yet had a chat with the new FPGA designer to find out 
how he did it :-)

I've also tweaked and "upgraded" (well in my opinion) the TG program of the NTP 
package, which generates WWV(H) and IRIG-B audio signals in *NIX operating 
systems.  It was targeted for the Sun Sparc and I moved it to OSS audio which 
was what I was using on X86 GNU/LINUX at the time.  I think I submitted it for 
inclusion in the NTP package but I don't think it ever got in there; I used to 
claim that it was rejected, but then again it's also possible that I didn't 
submit it correctly.  I can give this to you if you would like.

If you would advise on your application and parametric requirements, perhaps I 
(or someone else on the mailing list) could make further suggestion or help 


Dean Weiten

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Re: [time-nuts] GPS->audio interface

2009-05-10 Thread Dean Weiten
Hi there,

It turns out that the NTP package has a built-in utility called "tg"
which can generate IRIG-B time code.  I'm not familiar with what you are
trying to do.  If you have a computer that is keeping accurate time
(through your GPS clock??), you can generate a nice audio IRIG-B.  It
was developed to allow testing of the NTP IRIG-B **input** function. 
NTP has a bunch of front ends for all kinds of code inputs.

I played with tg from NTP 4.2.2p3 quite extensively some time ago, and
created a version with a bunch more options, including IEEE 1344
extensions, and corrected a couple of bugs etc.  Also, I play a bit with
the timing to allow "tg" to omit or insert strategic single cycles to
correct for the clock error on the audio card.   Plus much more, mostly
to help me test an IRIG-B decoder. 

Oh yes, I also did a bunch of adjustments to the WWV(H) output option
from "tg".  Not many folks care about WWV(H) any more, though :-)

I'm not sure if any of you would be interested in this modified "tg". 
Let me know if you do.  I had submitted it to the NTP gurus some time
ago, and they didn't seem too terribly interested.


Dean Weiten.

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Re: [time-nuts] PC-104 ISA by Luis Cupido

2008-02-26 Thread Dean Weiten

As have many others, I've stubbed my toes on ISA interfacing lots of 
times.  The best reference on the subject is "Interfacing to the IBM (r) 
Personal Computer", by Lewis C. Egeebrecht, from Sams.  It's old and may 
be out of print, but it's an essential resource for anybody dealing with 
8 or 16-bit ISA.  You will have to ignore the sections in PS/2 Micro 
Channel architecture of course :-)  There are a few typos (e.g chapter 
10 - description of SBHE - SBHE should be inverted, and /SBHE=0 A0=1 is 
odd byte 8 bit transfer not "invalid") but it is an *excellent* reference.

Back to your problem.  8 bit I/O should work if you are decoding the 
lower 16 bits of address (NB **only** 16 bits) qualified by AEN low and 
using /IOW & /IOR to strobe.  One common error that I've made a few 
times is to ignore the AEN, which typically works but messes up the DMA 
so that floppy drive access fails.  Be sure to leave I/O Channel Ready 
alone unless you want to extend the I/O cycle time; and then only drive 
it low when your device is accessed.

To enable 16 bit I/O, you drive I/O CS 16 low when you have valid 
address to your board (address & AEN, no need for strobe), then you must 
do an 8 bit or a 16 bit cycle in accordance with A0 & /SBHE.  This 
because the X86 instruction set allows for 8 and 16 bit I/O, and you 
don't know which one you will be seeing when you get selected.

That should be all there is to it.  All this with the caveat of course 
that free advice is worth...  well, you know :-)


Dean Weiten
dmw -at-

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Re: [time-nuts] Features of a Precision Clock?

2006-10-07 Thread Dean Weiten
Hi there,

Having worked with the folks who operate the power utilities (I designed
protective relaying and recorder electronics for several years), I can
advise that they do take the long-term accuracy of their power
seriously.  However, the short-term is not a big concern, and in fact,
they cannot control it all that well.

It turns out that power flow on an AC line requires a phase difference
between end points (as opposed to a DC system where it is resistance
that counts).  The resistance of the line is not important.  This is
because power transmission lines are almost pure inductive reactance -
in power systems terms, the line angle (impedance angle) is generally
near to 90 degrees.

Systems are connected at multiple points, like a mesh of rubber bands
connecting weights and support points.  Some of these points are heavier
(down) or pull stronger (up), some have stronger bands, some have very
weak bands.

When the load changes, or when a line opens or closes, the phase angles
of the power through all these interconnected ties will shift to
establish a new equilibrium.  In so doing, your power will advance or
retard somewhat.  If you have a clock running on the phase of AC power,
your clock will gain or lose a bit of time.  It is unclear whether you
will ever be corrected - the new equilibrium might just be a fact of life.

The prime movers of the systems (generators) are almost all physical
moving devices, like hydro-electric (water dams) or thermal (coal,
natural gas, or nuclear powered turbines).  When they are loaded down,
they slow down - and when less loaded, they speed up.  This isn't as bad
as it sounds - the rest of the system rolls along at the "system
frequency", and the generator's slight frequency change actually becomes
a phase change, which, as per above, changes its power output.  Then the
generator gets back into sync, but with a phase angle different than before.

As you can imagine, it is a challenge to maintain tight control of the
phase, with all the changing conditions on the power grid.  In the case
of our utility (Manitoba Hydro), they keep power system clocks at the
big "24 by 7" staffed power stations and in the main control room, and
will, under their rules of operation, tweak things slightly over time. 
I am not certain of the rules of operation, or of the way they tweak
things (generator bias?), but could find out from friends and
colleagues, if you wish.

Here in Manitoba, we are blessed to have much of our power supplied from
the hydro-electric generators in the north, through a DC link.  It turns
out that this is economical above a certain distance and power level -
related partly to the "skin effect" (yes it becomes important, even at
60 Hz).  At the south end of the link, we have a DC-to-AC inverter
system (huge - pretty impressive), fibre optic fired thyristors
(equivalent to triacs?  SCRs?).  We can change the firing angle on a
cycle-by-cycle basis, adjusting the power flow in and out, and exerting
extraordinary control of the system phase.  We use it to stabilize the
system more than for power frequency correction, but I assume that this
could be done too, just unsure of the algorithm.

Of course, the system is a lot more complex than I describe it here,
with phase shifting transformers, tap changers, and more modern
back-to-back DC links, wind generation at the distribution (lower
voltage) level, etc.  More complex than I understand, to be sure.  But
those are the basics.


Dean Weiten,
Elecsys Solutions,
Winnipeg, Manitoba.

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Poor Man's IRIG-B Generator?

2006-12-14 Thread Dean Weiten
Hi there,

The "standard" source package for the Network Time Protocol package,
found either at or through download with/for a LINUX
distribution, has a tool in the "utils" directory called "tg", which
stands for "tone generator".  It can generate simple modulated IRIG-B
and WWV(H) time signals on an audio card.  Unfortunately, I found that
it would not compile for X86 - it was apparently written for the
SparcStation, I think.  I've modified it to work with Open Sound System
(a modern LINUX sound system), and added all kinds of IRIG options,
including IEEE 1344 yes/no, daylight savings time, proper second-of-day,
1998 or 2002 format (includes years), etc.  I also tweaked the WWV(H)
format to make it more correct, e.g. skipping the 440 Hz tone on the
29th second, etc.

Unfortunately, I haven't got around to contributing the source back
yet.  Looking just now, it's not obvious **how** to contribute back. 
I'll check that out later.

In spite of this... should you be running LINUX, and should you wish to
download NTP (you have to have NTP source before you can compile "tg" -
may even have to have the core software compiled), I can provide a file
"tg.c" which will drop right on top of the existing "tg.c" in the
"utils" directory, and give you these features.  Just drop me a line. 
As always, your mileage might vary, no warranties, etc.

One caveat: with any sound card output, the sample rate is only as good
as the time card's clock source.  This means that the output frequency
is only as good as that clock source.  Since the signal is just sine
waves output continuously, this means that the IRIG-B output time will
drift from the system clock.  I was working on monitoring the difference
and correcting for this long-term drift.  I haven't completed this yet. 
It would create a small short term variation in the frequency, but
IRIG-B clients would not care.

As an aside, I've implemented a couple of IRIG-B time decoders as part
of my job.  One of them automatically handled modulated and unmodulated
on the same input, switched and level-compensated automatically, and fed
a highly accurate (hmm, "highly" is dubious when you are talking IRIG-B,
but let's say "impressively" accurate given the signal characteristics)
"on-time" signal to a DSP, which then synchronized its sampling to it. 
It was part of the framework for a power system relay & recorder product
line, .  For some
reason, I find such things exciting and gratifying.  I guess this is why
I subscribe :-)


Dean Weiten

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Scopes and 1 PPS signals?

2007-10-23 Thread Dean Weiten
); SAEximRunCond expanded to false

Hi there,

One option that I've used is to put a flip-flop on the signal, turning
the 1 PPS short pulse into a 1/2 Hz square wave.  You can always see
that on the DSO, and it may even be easier to catch the rising and
falling edges on other assorted equipment (depending on the equipment).


Dean Weiten.

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