Re: [time-nuts] RPi/ beagle bone-like computer without video

2016-12-02 Thread folkert
> >If you really need Linux and it needs to be small and low cost and low
> >power, then look at the "Pi Zero".  It is a very small Pi that sells for
> >only $5.   It has video but just don't plug in the cable.
> >
> The Pizero and Pi A are about the same power: 400 mW with Wifi off, idle;

I'm measuring 0.350A with max cpu usage on all cores and the following

power off the display
/opt/vc/bin/tvservice -o

switch off the ethernet blinkenlights
llctl f0 l0 d0

Apart from that I read somewhere that the beaglebones have terrible EM
characteristics. But I can't find my source so take it with a grain of
salt :-)

Folkert van Heusden

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[time-nuts] measuring os latency for pps

2015-08-25 Thread folkert

Not sure if it is interesting for you guys but I wrote a simple program
for e.g. Linux (or any other system with the pps api implemented) that
listens on a pps source waiting for a pulse and then toggles a gpio
pin. That way you can measure the latency introduced by the the kernel
when listening from userspace. Note that there's a little extra latency
due to the gpio-pin handling.

It is on github:

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail cok yonlu kullanimli bir program, loglari okumak, verilen
kommandolari yerine getirebilen. Filter, renk verme, merge, 'diff-
view', vs.
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Re: [time-nuts] MSF Scheduled Maintenance Periods

2015-02-10 Thread folkert
 Could it be that they changed something with their setup?
 A couple of years back I could receive MSF fine (Gouda, the
 Netherlands) but this year (reconnected the radio in January) no bit
 comes in at all. The led on the radio also flickers dramatically, not
 once per second.
 I'm not aware of any significant changes.  Could it be that you have more
 interference at 60 kHz than two years ago?

Could be. I replaced a couple of regular pcs with tons of raspberry

Folkert van Heusden

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Re: [time-nuts] MSF Scheduled Maintenance Periods

2015-02-09 Thread folkert
 MSF Scheduled Maintenance Periods
 The MSF 60 kHz standard-frequency and time signal, broadcast by Babcock on
 behalf of NPL, is occasionally taken off-air to allow maintenance work on
 the masts and antennas at Anthorn Radio Station to be carried out in safety.
 This means that your radio-controlled clock will not be picking up the MSF
 signal, so may not be working correctly.

Could it be that they changed something with their setup?
A couple of years back I could receive MSF fine (Gouda, the
Netherlands) but this year (reconnected the radio in January) no bit
comes in at all. The led on the radio also flickers dramatically, not
once per second.

Folkert van Heusden

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[time-nuts] linux kernel pps support

2014-12-17 Thread folkert
Did a test for a while: every 5 minutes I would look at the output of
ntpq -c pe -n for jitter of the pps source.
This pps source was measured either in the kernel (this newly added
gpio pps support in the raspberry pi) or in user space using my own

kernel pps interrupt handling
root@detijd:/etc# while true ; do echo `date +%s` `ntpq -c pe -n | grep` ; sleep 300 ; done | tee -a /pps.log

root@detijd:/etc# cat /pps.log | awk '{ print $11; }' | awk 'BEGIN { max = -1; 
min = 1000; } { if ($1  max) { max=$1; } if ($1  min) { min=$1; } t+=$1; n++; 
} END { print min, max, t/n, n; }'
0.001 0.124 0.0131945 797

This is minimum, maximum (yes that's 124!) and average. And I took 797
samples which is almost 3 days.

average temperature of soc: 49.7 with stddev of 1.87

note: I looked at ntpq every 30 seconds(!)
root@hetlicht:/var/log/ntpstats# cat /rpn.log | awk '{ print $11; }' | awk 
'BEGIN { max = -1; min = 1000; } { if ($1  max) { max=$1; } if ($1  min) { 
min=$1; } t+=$1; n++; } END { print min, max, t/n, n; }'
0.001 0.101 0.00955351 27797

This is over 9,6 days.

average temperature of soc: 51,1 with stddev of 4.01

- kernel   : 13.2us jitter on average
- userspace:  9.6us jitter on average

Folkert van Heusden

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Re: [time-nuts] raspberry pi, pps interrupts by kernel

2014-12-14 Thread folkert

  I tested it...and could not get it to work. gpsd opens pps0 but strace
  does not show me the regular ppsapi syscalls and also ppstest gives a
  time out.
 e.g. I did an strace and I did not see any PPS_FETCHs passing by.
 I verified with lsof that gpsd does have pps0 open.

With help from Hal I got it to work!
I thought you could just poke the gpio pin number in that /sys
virtual file. You can't. The bcm2708 code needs to know the pin number
at boot time.
Then, you can't get the pps via gpsd: when gpsd opens /dev/ttyAMA0 to
talk to the gps, a new /dev/pps1 is created, for that AMA0 device. That
pps1 is not the one you need; the serial port on the raspberry pi has no
dcd pin so pps1 points to nothing. Yes it is connected to the ldisc but
that has no (hardware) dcd pin connected to it.
So long story short: you need to configure an atom driver in ntpd which
then correctly opens /dev/pps0 and then the share memory coupling with
gpsd. Yeah or connect ntpd directly to /dev/ttyAMA0 but then you'll
miss the possibilities of running the nice gpsmon application.

Folkert van Heusden

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Re: [time-nuts] Beaglebone NTP server

2014-12-14 Thread folkert
  On my rpi the jitter is between 2 and 10us iirc but it is a while since
  I tested it. A quick peak shows me currently 3us jitter. Not bad for a
  userspace solution imho.
 Really?   The PPS to GPIO interface is handles in user space?  It is not
 interrupt driven?

Yes it is. But, until today, I used a software solution which
interfaces the interrupt to ntp. I did that because I hate recompiling
kernels and the pps code for rpi+gpio was not in the main distrio.

Folkert van Heusden

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Re: [time-nuts] gravity, space and time

2014-12-13 Thread folkert
 If I understood it well, we should occasionally encounter gravitational
 waves going through, well, the whole galaxy. As time and space are
 intertwined, those ripples may be measured somehow I guess.
 Isn't this that we as time nuts community can help the scientific
 world with? E.g. create some kind of grassroots effort where our very
 accurate clocks can detect this? I can imagine all kinds of reasons
 that existing infra for this may not always be able to detect this on
 its own.
 What do you think?

Thank you all for the replies.
Conclusion: not feasible.

I got inspired by this project: which
installs radiation monitors all over the world at peoples homes and
then monitors for gamma radiation. Cool project. It's with atmel328
cpus, ethernet and a geiger muller device in a tiny metal box that can
be installed outside.

Folkert van Heusden

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[time-nuts] raspberry pi, pps interrupts by kernel

2014-12-13 Thread folkert

Years(?) ago I wrote a program rpi_gpio_ntpd to be able to use a pps
with a raspberry pi (or any other linux system with standard gpio pin
support) and ntp. Works fine altough the jitter is between 0 and 15us.

By accident I read
where it is written that the standard(?) image (the one installed with
the rpi_update script) now includes kernel gpio pps support!
I've installed that kernel and indeed, there now is a
/sys/module/bcm2708/parameters/pps_gpio_pin file to which you echo
the pin number on which you feed the pps signal.

I tested it...and could not get it to work. gpsd opens pps0 but strace
does not show me the regular ppsapi syscalls and also ppstest gives a
time out.
I'm probably missing something trivial here but if any other of you
would like to give it a try please let me know (here) if and how you

Folkert van Heusden

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Re: [time-nuts] raspberry pi, pps interrupts by kernel

2014-12-13 Thread folkert
 I tested it...and could not get it to work. gpsd opens pps0 but strace
 does not show me the regular ppsapi syscalls and also ppstest gives a
 time out.

e.g. I did an strace and I did not see any PPS_FETCHs passing by.
I verified with lsof that gpsd does have pps0 open.

 I'm probably missing something trivial here but if any other of you
 would like to give it a try please let me know (here) if and how you

If this special driver is not going to work, I might try this:
maybe the pps-ldisc driver works for that.

Folkert van Heusden

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[time-nuts] gravity, space and time

2014-12-12 Thread folkert

If I understood it well, we should occasionally encounter gravitational
waves going through, well, the whole galaxy. As time and space are
intertwined, those ripples may be measured somehow I guess.
Isn't this that we as time nuts community can help the scientific
world with? E.g. create some kind of grassroots effort where our very
accurate clocks can detect this? I can imagine all kinds of reasons
that existing infra for this may not always be able to detect this on
its own.
What do you think?

Folkert van Heusden

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Re: [time-nuts] tcxo

2014-12-11 Thread folkert
 Some of the Arduinos (not sure about Mini 04 but I am suspicious) use
 ceramic resonators rather than real crystals and thus may have extremely
 poor frequency stability. See here
 for an example.

Very intriguing material, those crystals. I wonder what happens in them
that they start to tick(?) at precisely 16MHz for example.

 Is there some reason you are using a 16.9344 MHz oscillator rather than
 16.0? The processor will probably work, but timing of Arduino functions
 like millis() and software serial baud rates will be affected.

Misread I guess :-|
Like that time that I bought 20 max690 instead of max680 ics. sigh.

 On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 2:19 PM, folkert wrote:
   I'm experimenting a bit with time keeping.
   For that I use cheap low power hardware like raspberry pies and
  Hi people,
  Thanks for all the replies! Took a bit to respond but I had the flu.
  My objective is, to get the best precision/accuracy possible with said
  The first step is preparing an arduino. I found one that has an easy to
  desolder crystal:
  Bought a couple of those and some of these:
  While waiting for these and the parts for the schematics, I'm toying
  around with implementing ntp servers (well, sntp) for arduino. With
  lots of blinkenlights of course and with ethernet. Not trivial I can
  This is the jitter plot of a test where time is fed from an RTC module.
  I did not plot the drift but it is +/- 120 seconds in the 3.8 days I
  measured it.
  Folkert van Heusden
  Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
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 --Jim Harman
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Folkert van Heusden

Multitail est un outil permettant la visualisation de fichiers de
journalisation et/ou le suivi de l'exécution de commandes. Filtrage,
mise en couleur de mot-clé, fusions, visualisation de différences
(diff-view), etc.
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Re: [time-nuts] tcxo

2014-12-10 Thread folkert
 I'm experimenting a bit with time keeping.
 For that I use cheap low power hardware like raspberry pies and

Hi people,

Thanks for all the replies! Took a bit to respond but I had the flu.

My objective is, to get the best precision/accuracy possible with said

The first step is preparing an arduino. I found one that has an easy to
desolder crystal:
Bought a couple of those and some of these:

While waiting for these and the parts for the schematics, I'm toying
around with implementing ntp servers (well, sntp) for arduino. With
lots of blinkenlights of course and with ethernet. Not trivial I can
This is the jitter plot of a test where time is fed from an RTC module.
I did not plot the drift but it is +/- 120 seconds in the 3.8 days I
measured it.

Folkert van Heusden

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Re: [time-nuts] Beaglebone NTP server

2014-12-07 Thread folkert
 I prefer the Beaglebone to the Pi because of the silly USB glitch but out
 of three BBBs only one will run for more than a month without wedging.
 This may be because I run Debian but as with the Pi USB bug it's not much
 comfort when the box fails.  The Pi I use as an NTP server ran for 4 months
 and developed a filesystem error.  It's been up two months post-repair.  If
 I depended on a server built around a dev board I'd be careful to make the
 SDcard/eMMC read-only and build more than one.

Regarding the fs error: consider replacing ext3 for f2fs. F2fs does
software wear leveling.

Folkert van Heusden

Nagios user? Check out CoffeeSaint - the versatile Nagios status
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Re: [time-nuts] Beaglebone NTP server

2014-12-07 Thread folkert
  I have a Z3805A and a Beaglebone, and would like to set up an NTP
  server for the lab.  Any kernel drivers and/or setup hints would be
  appreciated :)
 Actually, I was thinking of doing exactly the same thing.  I am interested
 in any answers for this too.

If compiling a kernel is required and too daunting, then there's
Initially only for raspberry pi but I noticed I made it generic enough
to work on all linux systems with pps via gpio.
On my rpi the jitter is between 2 and 10us iirc but it is a while since
I tested it. A quick peak shows me currently 3us jitter. Not bad for a
userspace solution imho.

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail è uno flexible tool per seguire di logfiles e effettuazione
di commissioni. Feltrare, provedere da colore, merge, 'diff-view',
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[time-nuts] tcxo

2014-12-07 Thread folkert

I'm experimenting a bit with time keeping.
For that I use cheap low power hardware like raspberry pies and
I noticed that the accuracy of a crystal makes a big difference. Did a
bit of googling and I learned that a txco may help solve that.
Something that keeps a constant temperature that is that I can then
glue/solder to the crystal of those systems.
My question now is: does anyone know of a simple schema for such a
I'm not entirely new to soldering but large schemas with lots of
components are a bit daunting as I don't have the background knowledge
to debug them if I soldered something wrong.

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail är ett flexibel redskap för att följa en eller flera logfiler, utföra
kommandon, filtrera, färglägga, sammanfoga, o.s.v...
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Re: [time-nuts] looking for low-power system for gps ntp timekeeping NANOSG20

2013-07-04 Thread folkert
  Oh for convenience. I need to patch ntpd to use linux pps (afaik) and on
  other systems I successfully run gpsd with ntpd (read: low jitter).
 Using gpsd with ntpd reduces the jitter versus just using ntpd by itself?

No I meant that running that combination is successfully because I see
low jitter.

Folkert van Heusden

Multitail est un outil permettant la visualisation de fichiers de
journalisation et/ou le suivi de l'exécution de commandes. Filtrage,
mise en couleur de mot-clé, fusions, visualisation de différences
(diff-view), etc.
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Re: [time-nuts] looking for low-power system for gps ntp timekeeping NANOSG20

2013-07-03 Thread folkert

I decided to buy a Nanos G20. Not too expensive, real serial port,
debian linux pre-installed.
I don't want to sound harsh as the people from Nanos probably did their
best to produce a good product, but for timekeeping it is totally crap
and also useless.
Well, unless I did something wrong.
I recompiled the kernel to enable PPS support, installed gpsd and ntpd,
configured at all and let it run for a while.

allan deviation:


 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
x127.127.28.0.NMEA.   0 l3   16  3770.000  -994.05   7.857
x127.127.28.1.PPS.0 l7   16  3770.000  -250.13 572.812
+   .PPS.1 u   66  128  3770.553   -0.055   0.033
* u   99  128  3770.237   -0.062   0.039
+  .PPS.1 u   44  128  3770.646   -0.013   0.321

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail na wan makriki wrokosani fu tan luku den logfile nanga san
den commando spiti puru. Piki puru spesrutu sani, wroko nanga difrenti
kroru, tya kon makandra, nanga wan lo moro.
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Re: [time-nuts] looking for low-power system for gps ntp timekeeping

2013-07-03 Thread folkert
Here's a review of several small low power linux systems:

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail is a versatile tool for watching logfiles and output of
commands. Filtering, coloring, merging, diff-view, etc.
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Re: [time-nuts] looking for low-power system for gps ntp timekeeping NANOSG20

2013-07-03 Thread folkert said:
  remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
 x127.127.28.0.NMEA.   0 l3   16  3770.000  -994.05   7.857
 x127.127.28.1.PPS.0 l7   16  3770.000  -250.13 572.812
 +   .PPS.1 u   66  128  3770.553   -0.055   0.033
 * u   99  128  3770.237   -0.062   0.039
 +  .PPS.1 u   44  128  3770.646   -0.013   0.321
 Something is broken.  What NMEA device are you using?  Why are you using gpsd 

It is a garmin 18x lvc.

 rather than ntpd's NMEA driver?

Oh for convenience. I need to patch ntpd to use linux pps (afaik) and on
other systems I successfully run gpsd with ntpd (read: low jitter).

 It looks like the NMEA side it is off by a second.  Some devices do that.  
 You can fix that with some fudging.

Yes, I'm not so worried about the nmea part, I might even decide to
remove it from the configuration. What I mean is: if I set the clock to
the current time, than it is only a matter of keeping it at that with
the pps.

 The PPS stuff is off by 250 ms.  Are you using the wrong edge?  (Got a scope 

Well, the offset is not constant. If you look at you see it is
between 0 and -1ms. I now notice that it is not random-ish but consists
of a few specific values:

folkert@belle:~$ cat peerstats | grep | awk '{ print $5; }' | cut 
-c 1-6 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
503 -0.874
497 -0.875
486 -0.999
467 -1.000
365 -0.249
332 -0.250
201 -0.857
188 -0.125
184 -0.142
140 -0.124
131 -0.000
113 0.
108 -0.166
 24 -0.833
  5 -0.200
  2 -0.856
  2 -0.799
  2 -0.199
  1 -0.167
  1 -0.143
  1 0.0002
  1 0.0001

This is with 3754 lines.

If I clean it a little:

1000x -0.8745
953x  -0.9995
697x  -0.2495
328x  -0.1245

and so on.

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail är ett flexibel redskap för att följa en eller flera logfiler, utföra
kommandon, filtrera, färglägga, sammanfoga, o.s.v...
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Re: [time-nuts] looking for low-power system for gps ntp timekeeping NANOSG20

2013-07-03 Thread folkert
 Thanks for your graphs, but what are the Y-axis units! is in ms and not
the delay, the offset instead.

 Inn your billboard above, the PPS looks to be on the wrong edge -
 perhaps the pulse is 250 ms wide and you are syncing to the trailing
 edge and not the leading.

well the offset is not constant. Now it is even 1 second:

 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
x127.127.28.0.NMEA.   0 l5   16  3770.000  -1002.1   0.096
* l9   16  3770.000  -1000.2 394.379
+   .PPS.1 u   64   64  3770.548   -0.360   3.083
+ u  108  128  3770.251   -1.128   0.918
-  .PPS.1 u   34   64  3771.153   -0.755   3.958

 Can you check that out?  I recall that

I can but I think (open for telling me I'm wrong) the primary problem is with 
the offset jumping all over the place: see my mail a couple of minutes ago.

 it's the positive going transition on the DCD connection which needs
 to be on the exact second.   I think you are using the Garmin GPS
 18x LVC.  There was a firmware update which ensured that the serial
 adta arrived /before/ the /next/ second edge rather than after it.
 Ensure your firmware is 3.70 or later.  See:
 I see that 3.80 is now out, but I think I am still on 3.70.

I'll have a look at it this weekend.

Folkert van Heusden

Multitail es una herramienta flexible que permite visualizar los log
file y seguir la ejecución de comandos. Permite filtrar, añadir
colores, combinar archivos, la visualización de diferencias (diff-
view), etc.
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Re: [time-nuts] looking for low-power system for gps ntp timekeeping

2013-07-02 Thread folkert
 The thing that finally canned the BB for me was the short SD card life.
   Even though the implementation uses a virtualized root file system, it
 still writes to the SD card about once a second.  The result is that
 even industrial grade SD cards rarely live over a year.  With the Black
 they tried to address the problem by putting some NAND memory on board
 but that only prolongs the problem and with components that are not
 easily changed.
 I've only ever had one SD card go dead on me on my entire fleet, and I
 suspect that was actually my fault, not Debian's :)

Recent Linux kernels (3.8) have a new filesystem called 'f2fs'.
This is a logging filesystem: it appends data instead of overwriting
(and does a flush if the fs gets full).
This should increase the lifespan.
I have a couple (6) of raspberry pi's (pies?) using this filesystem and
indeed it seems to help.

Folkert van Heusden

Multitail est un outil permettant la visualisation de fichiers de
journalisation et/ou le suivi de l'exécution de commandes. Filtrage,
mise en couleur de mot-clé, fusions, visualisation de différences
(diff-view), etc.
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Re: [time-nuts] looking for low-power system for gps ntp timekeeping

2013-07-01 Thread folkert
Yes but how much power do they use?
These arm boardjes are  5 watt, some even 1 watt.

On Mon, Jul 01, 2013 at 07:43:49AM -0700, Chris Albertson wrote:
 For a few dollars LESS you can get an Intel dual-core Atom board.  It is a
 standard PC motherboard.  These can run a file server, a web server, SSH
 and NTP all at the same time and have about 90% idle time on the CPU.
  (Running those other processes does not effect NTP.)
 Those tiny Arm boards are best until the price gets about about $45.  Above
 that I think they are not a great value.
 On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 3:57 AM, David J Taylor wrote:
  How do folks think that the Odroid/U2 might compare?**renewal_2011/products/prdt_**info.php
  More expensive than Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone black, but higher
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 Chris Albertson
 Redondo Beach, California
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Folkert van Heusden

Always wondered what the latency of your webserver is? Or how much more
latency you get when you go through a proxy server/tor? The numbers
tell the tale and with HTTPing you know them!
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Re: [time-nuts] looking for low-power system for gps ntp timekeeping

2013-06-28 Thread folkert
 I think the problem is that if you are not clear about what your big
 picture goal is then yu only get a bunch od not so helpful comments like
 use this is worked for me..
 So what exactly do you want.   Are you looking for a very low power, say
 under 5W server.   Something that is very easy to set up and maintain.
  You have two GPSes, will both go on the same NTP server or do you wnt to
 set up two NTP servers

It must be a system  5 watt, so probably an ARM system. It will only
run ntpd so not much ram is required.
It will have 10 (ntp-)clients so a very powerfull processor is not

Folkert van Heusden

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[time-nuts] looking for low-power system for gps ntp timekeeping

2013-06-27 Thread folkert

I own a couple of GPS modules (garmin 18(x) lvc) which I would like to
use as a time-source.
Now my server already has such a module connected (via gpsd and a pci
rs232 interface) and my raspberry pies too (adafruit modules) so I'm
looking for a low-power computer with a complete RS232 connector (DB9)
with all signals attached so that I can feed it a PPS. Also real
RS232 so that I don't have to mess with resistors and such.

I'm considering either this one:
or this one:
What do you guys think: would they be any good for timekeeping? Known


Folkert van Heusden

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Re: [time-nuts] looking for low-power system for gps ntp timekeeping

2013-06-27 Thread folkert
 As you already know, your Raspberry Pi with the Adafruit module
 alone would make an excellent NTP server.  About 4 watts power
 consumption, and lower cost than those you list.
 What else do you need?

Well I have the garmins already laying around and I would like to give
'm good use.

Folkert van Heusden

-- is a service that enables you to show that
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the contents of a file (this file can be a word document, a jpeg
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Re: [time-nuts] raspberry pi, adafruit gps ntp

2013-06-22 Thread folkert

The last 25 hours I measured the jitter of my RPi-with-userspace PPS
processing. In the following graph you'll see those measurements. Each
row is an hour:
There's some kind of wave in it which I cannot explain: everything not
related to timekeeping (apart from sshd) is disabled on that device. No
cron, no at, not even the processes that monitor the state of the
network port.
Allan deviation:

Folkert van Heusden

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Re: [time-nuts] raspberry pi, adafruit gps ntp

2013-06-17 Thread folkert
 After 51 minutes of ntpd run-time this gives:
  remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
 *firewall.intran 3 u7   64  3770.560   -0.506   0.493
 -belle.intranet. 3 u   58   64  3770.560   -0.470   0.405
 -time2.intranet. u   56   64  3771.034   -1.282   1.392 u   28   64  377   17.580   -0.160   0.490
 xSHM(0)  .NMEA.   0 l1   16  3770.000  -359.47  10.670
 +SHM(1)  .PPS.0 l18  3770.0002.964   0.061

After 12,5 hours:

 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
* 3 u  280 1024  3770.534   -0.924   0.579
- 3 u  451 1024  3770.625   -0.920   0.560
- u  278 1024  3771.661   -2.347   0.665
+ u  295 1024  377   17.719   -0.357   0.978
x127.127.28.0.NMEA.   0 l5   16  3770.000  -309.57  40.640
+ l48  3770.0002.231   0.005

Looking good!
It is probably selecting due to an accidental prefer
keyword for that server in the configuration.
I'm surprised that the jitter goes down to 0.005 as I'm now measuring
the PPS from userspace. My program runs with real time scheduling and
maximum priority but still the kernel needs to do a context switch etc.
when it receives the pps pulse.

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail er et flexible tool for å kontrolere Logfiles og commandoer.
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Re: [time-nuts] raspberry pi, adafruit gps ntp

2013-06-17 Thread folkert
Hi David,

 That sounds good, Folkert - perhaps you might publish the details
 somewhere? I'd like to try it myself, but my Linux and C knowledge
 is limited.

Here it is:

Please let me know if anything is unclear: I'll then enhance e.g. the
readme.txt and such.

 For comparison, on three RPi cards here with modified kernels to get
 PPS from a GPIO pin, using ntpq -pn I see jitter values of 0.002,
 0.002 and 0.002/0.004.  The 0.002 seems to be near the sys_jitter
 limit as reported from ntpq -c rv.

That's indeed better. The results I see are probably also influenced by
the fact that this RPI also does other things (software defined radio,
camera and measuring the light intensity outside).

 Cards 1 and 2 are just doing NTP, the third card is running a data
 collector processing signals from a DVB receiver stick, and sending
 the derived data over a Wi-Fi link to a PC running Plane Plotter
 using the dump1090 program. This gives a CPU load around 35%.  It
 would be interesting to know how your version handles a busy RPi.

Hmmm, I'll see if I can setup an RPI which only does the time keeping
and see if that gives better results.

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail na wan makriki wrokosani fu tan luku den logfile nanga san
den commando spiti puru. Piki puru spesrutu sani, wroko nanga difrenti
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Re: [time-nuts] raspberry pi, adafruit gps ntp

2013-06-17 Thread folkert
 Thanks, Folkert, that's most helpful!  One thing which is unclear to
 me is what do you mean by pin 8?  Is that a programming number, or
 does it refer to the GPIO header?  I did try and find this in the
 RPi documentation, but it's not clear.

Check this picture:

GPIO pin 8 is in the upper right block with SPI in it.
GPIO 8 (CE0) is written above it. By the numbering on that diagram it is
physical pin 24.

 I'm currently using NTP driver type 22 on the RPi I would like to
 test with. If I move to the type 28 driver it doesn't matter that
 PPS is left supported in the Linux kernel.  Please confirm there is
 no need to revert to a kernel without PPS support.  Is there a
 simple way of stopping the OS stealing that GPIO pin - turning off
 PPS support with a simple edit?

If I remember correctly, the kernel patch uses GPIO 18 (PCM_CLK), so
using GPIO 8 will work fine with the patched kernel.

 What might matter, of course, is that I would need to move the
 actual PPS signal to a different pin as kernel-PPS and your program
 would not live together, as both would want to grab that pin.  So it
 may mean making a small hardware change as well if I can't turn off
 PPS support.

Maybe, but I'm not an electronics expert (not at all in fact) you can
feed both pins?

 One thing you might want to try is to pulse one of the GPIO pins in
 response to the rising-edge interrupt you get, to see what the delay
 is when measured by a 'scope.

Ok, I've uploaded version 0.2 which can do so.
This version can also, in debug mode, show the offset of the local clock
to the PPS timestamp.

Folkert van Heusden

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Re: [time-nuts] raspberry pi, adafruit gps ntp

2013-06-17 Thread folkert


 Fine, Folkert.  The GPIO pins are numbered in your program exactly
 as I would expect, and the diagram just confirms that.  Yes, the
 patched kernel can remain, and PPS operation should be unaffected.
 I was able to drive the two pins (GPIO 18 and GPIO 8) in parallel,
 and I have a signal level of about 2.5 V from a resistive divider.
 I'm actually driving it from a Trimble SMT module where the serial
 is over the USB, and gpsd see the GPS data perfectly.

Is the serial over usb working stable on your rpi?
I have lots of problems with usb devices dropping from the usb bus. Also
with a powered hub.

 Thanks for the monitoring output.  The tie delay between the PPS
 leading edge and the change of the monitoring line varies between
 270 to 390 microseconds, so despite the jitter being reported in the
 3-5 microsecond range, the internal clock is perhaps running about
 1/3 millisecond behind real time.  You will be able to see the
 performance compared to kernel-PPS here:


 and a comparison with other stratum-1 Raspberry Pi cards here:
 The software compiled and installed without any issues.  I've yet to
 figure out how to get it to auto-start - you might like to add that
 to your instructions.  I may add a section to my Web page with a
 step-by-step guide, as this is so much easier than have to use a
 non-standard kernel.

Will do.

For now:

edit /etc/rc.local and add the following (BEFORE the exit 0 statement
and AFTER the #!/bin/sh line):

/usr/local/rpi_gpio_ntp -N 1 -g 8

(replace '8' by the gpio pin)

Folkert van Heusden

Curious about the inner workings of your car? Then check O2OO: it'll
tell you all that there is to know about your car's engine!
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[time-nuts] raspberry pi, adafruit gps ntp

2013-06-16 Thread folkert

Ok today my friend Henk (Henk are you still subscribed here?) soldered
the raspberry pi on my adafruit ultimate gps breakout v3. Apart from the
soldering things were totally easy to get to work: only a few tweaks to
cmdline.txt and inittab and the serial data streamed in.
I decided _not_ to patch the kernel after a couple of issues with
missing include files and such. But as only watching the nmea stream
gives bad results, I needed to find an alternative for the PPS signal.
So I wrote a little program which watches the GPIO port using poll
(which waits for an interrupt) and then pokes in the shared memory
segment of ntpd.

After 51 minutes of ntpd run-time this gives:

 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
*firewall.intran 3 u7   64  3770.560   -0.506   0.493
-belle.intranet. 3 u   58   64  3770.560   -0.470   0.405
-time2.intranet. u   56   64  3771.034   -1.282   1.392 u   28   64  377   17.580   -0.160   0.490
xSHM(0)  .NMEA.   0 l1   16  3770.000  -359.47  10.670
+SHM(1)  .PPS.0 l18  3770.0002.964   0.061

I started the program with statistics logging enabled so I will produce
some nice graphs after a day or so.

Folkert van Heusden

Feeling generous? -
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Re: [time-nuts] NTP on RaspberryPi

2013-05-27 Thread folkert
In 3 weeks I have 2 connected to a GPS with PPS, I'll publish the
results here. It is great stuff, these RPIs.

On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 09:30:47AM -0700, Chris Albertson wrote:
 NTP does not really sync to a server.  What it does is use the set
 of reference clocks that pas the clock selection criteria.  THere is
 an algorithm that determines if a reference clock is reasonable or
 not.A reference clock can be a GPS or another NTP server or a cell
 phone service or any of a dozen other things but GPS and other servers
 are by far the most common.
 Your RPI is three leves removed from a GPS.  It is operating as
 stratum 3 the second RPI is stratum 2.  Both are doing really good
 for using a networked ref. clock.   I would not blain the RPI.  If you
 are doing better than a millisecond with no local PPS it is good.
 On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 9:15 AM, folkert wrote:
   Besides I got them to run NTP and they're too jittery for my taste.
  How good/bad were they?
  What were you using for a time source?  Does it have PPS support?
  Here's ntpq -c pv for one of my RPIs after 25 days of uptime:
  associd=0 status=0615 leap_none, sync_ntp, 1 event, clock_sync,
  version=ntpd 4.2.6p5@1.2349-o Fri May 18 20:30:57 UTC 2012 (1),
  processor=armv6l, system=Linux/3.8.10+, leap=00, stratum=3,
  precision=-20, rootdelay=25.184, rootdisp=73.646, refid=,
  reftime=d54cac1f.18aa9126  Sun, May 26 2013 17:43:27.096,
  clock=d54cb273.b755933f  Sun, May 26 2013 18:10:27.716, peer=34195,
  tc=10, mintc=3, offset=0.182, frequency=-47.006, sys_jitter=0.377,
  clk_jitter=0.558, clk_wander=0.051
  Hmmm found out that it syncs to random hosts on the internet.
  Ok an other one which syncs against an other pc with PPS (and a few
  folkert@weerpi ~ $ ntpq -c rv
  associd=0 status=0615 leap_none, sync_ntp, 1 event, clock_sync,
  version=ntpd 4.2.6p5@1.2349-o Fri May 18 20:30:57 UTC 2012 (1),
  processor=armv6l, system=Linux/3.8.10+, leap=00, stratum=2,
  precision=-20, rootdelay=0.807, rootdisp=7.669, refid=,
  reftime=d54cb1e1.9d6e8f07  Sun, May 26 2013 18:08:01.614,
  clock=d54cb2e4.7d1cdae3  Sun, May 26 2013 18:12:20.488, peer=41936, tc=9,
  mintc=3, offset=0.220, frequency=-31.405, sys_jitter=0.647,
  clk_jitter=0.074, clk_wander=0.003
  folkert@weerpi ~ $ uptime
   18:12:25 up 15 days,  3:48,  1 user,  load average: 0.12, 0.17, 0.15
  Folkert van Heusden
  Multitail est un outil permettant la visualisation de fichiers de
  journalisation et/ou le suivi de l'exécution de commandes. Filtrage,
  mise en couleur de mot-clé, fusions, visualisation de différences
  (diff-view), etc.
  Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
  time-nuts mailing list --
  To unsubscribe, go to
  and follow the instructions there.
 Chris Albertson
 Redondo Beach, California
 time-nuts mailing list --
 To unsubscribe, go to
 and follow the instructions there.

Folkert van Heusden

-- is a service that enables you to show that
at a certain point in time, you had access to a hash-value reflecting
the contents of a file (this file can be a word document, a jpeg
image, everything).
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Re: [time-nuts] NTP on RaspberryPi

2013-05-26 Thread folkert
  Besides I got them to run NTP and they're too jittery for my taste. 
 How good/bad were they?
 What were you using for a time source?  Does it have PPS support?

Here's ntpq -c pv for one of my RPIs after 25 days of uptime:

associd=0 status=0615 leap_none, sync_ntp, 1 event, clock_sync,
version=ntpd 4.2.6p5@1.2349-o Fri May 18 20:30:57 UTC 2012 (1),
processor=armv6l, system=Linux/3.8.10+, leap=00, stratum=3,
precision=-20, rootdelay=25.184, rootdisp=73.646, refid=,
reftime=d54cac1f.18aa9126  Sun, May 26 2013 17:43:27.096,
clock=d54cb273.b755933f  Sun, May 26 2013 18:10:27.716, peer=34195,
tc=10, mintc=3, offset=0.182, frequency=-47.006, sys_jitter=0.377,
clk_jitter=0.558, clk_wander=0.051

Hmmm found out that it syncs to random hosts on the internet.

Ok an other one which syncs against an other pc with PPS (and a few

folkert@weerpi ~ $ ntpq -c rv
associd=0 status=0615 leap_none, sync_ntp, 1 event, clock_sync,
version=ntpd 4.2.6p5@1.2349-o Fri May 18 20:30:57 UTC 2012 (1),
processor=armv6l, system=Linux/3.8.10+, leap=00, stratum=2,
precision=-20, rootdelay=0.807, rootdisp=7.669, refid=,
reftime=d54cb1e1.9d6e8f07  Sun, May 26 2013 18:08:01.614,
clock=d54cb2e4.7d1cdae3  Sun, May 26 2013 18:12:20.488, peer=41936, tc=9,
mintc=3, offset=0.220, frequency=-31.405, sys_jitter=0.647,
clk_jitter=0.074, clk_wander=0.003

folkert@weerpi ~ $ uptime
 18:12:25 up 15 days,  3:48,  1 user,  load average: 0.12, 0.17, 0.15

Folkert van Heusden

Multitail est un outil permettant la visualisation de fichiers de
journalisation et/ou le suivi de l'exécution de commandes. Filtrage,
mise en couleur de mot-clé, fusions, visualisation de différences
(diff-view), etc.
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Re: [time-nuts] DCF77 PPS

2013-03-18 Thread folkert
Silly 1,2 instead of 0,0012 fudge: indeed a mistake.

How I measured when I wrote the first message:
 - I waited for a bit to be received
 - exact after the bit was received and read by my testprogram, I
   would check what the offset was to a second. e.g 13:45:12.456 would
   be an offset if 456ms
 - the linux system returns in microseconds, I would simple discard
   those 3 extra digits. eg. 13:45:12.456987 would become .456

Saturday night I connected the testprogram to NTP: when a bit was
received, I would check how many microseconds after the second the
system was and send that to NTPd (like above but doing microseconds
After a couple of days this gives:

 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
o127.127.20.1.GPS.0 l1   16  3770.000   -0.001   0.002
- u   52   64  3760.114   -0.021   0.021
x192.168.62.129  SHM(0)   2 u   49   64   372.080  154.251  82.784
x82.95.142.92129.70.132.363 u   25   64  377   36.867   78.199   1.989
x127.127.28.0.SHM0.   1 l58  3770.000  -263.48   3.437 
- u   18   64  377   17.321   -3.490   0.468
- u   12   64  377   17.292   -3.296   0.776
*   .PPS.1 u   20   64  377   19.607   -2.342   0.294
+ .GPS.1 u   64   64  377   21.556   -2.370   0.730
+  .PPS.1 u   40   64  377   20.372   -2.363   0.441
-   2 u   42   64  377   18.350   -2.479   6.184

The (SHM0) source is the dcf77 pps source. does the same trick by the way using an MSF receiver but
lets ignore that for now.

Allan deviation plot:

Offset plot:
last 800 measurements:

  So my guestimate is that 259 and 263 are the values to look for and I should
  ignore the others so that I don't confuse ntpd. 
 That doesn't make sense to me, probably because I don't understand your data 
 collection environment and/or maybe it's dong something strange.

Hopefully my explanation above makes it more clear.

While writing this I got an epiphany: I think I know what causes the
0.26s offset: the serial port is configured at 50Bps, 8, n, 1. So each
byte takes 10 bits (8 data-, 1 start- and 1 stop bit). So a maximum of 5
characters per second or 0,2s per character. Each DCF77 bit is signalled
as a byte to the system, so that explains 0,2s of the offset seen. Maybe
the receiver needs another 0,6s +/- to convert the received bits into
something it can transmit over the TX line of the serial port.

What I should do, is open the casing of the receiver and connect the
signal coming from the antenna to the DCD pin of that serial port.

 Do you have a scope?  The simplest way to see what's going on would be to 
 trigger on the PPS from the GPS unit and look at the DCF77 signal.

I don't have one but in a couple of weeks it is my birthday so maybe

  The result was neither! From visual inspection it looked as if only 3 or 4
  different offsets were registered. So I ran 3 tests where I took 120
  offset-samples, masked of the microseconds ...
 How did you mask off the microseconds?  Did you do that in binary or drop the 
 right part of an ascii string?  If you masked in binary, maybe you got 2 
 extra bits.

I did it the ascii way.
value = floor(value * 1000.0) / 1000.0;

 There are 2 parts to decoding something like the DCF77 signal.  One is to get 
 an accurate marker for the PPS signal.  The other is to figure out the time 
 for each PPS by decoding the pattern of pulse widths.  You should be able to 
 see the pulse widths if you capture both sides of the PPS signal.

Yes, I read this weekend that 0 and 1 are 100ms versus 200ms.

 One common way to get a large/strange offset is to use the wrong edge of the 
 PPS signal.  If that's what was happening, I'd expect to see several clumps 
 of offsets corresponding to the different pulse widths.  I only see one broad 

It's probably the naive way of measuring (see my epiphany).

 I wouldn't worry about confusing ntpd, at least not at this level.  It has a 
 noise reduction mechanism.  It puts all the samples into a fifo.  When the 
 driver (PPS/Atom or SHM or ...) gets polled, ntpd sorts the buffer then 
 discards 1/3 of the samples as (potentially crazy) outliers.

Thanks  regards,

Folkert van Heusden

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Phone: +31

[time-nuts] DCF77 PPS

2013-03-15 Thread folkert

Now that my two servers have a garmin 18x lvc connected to them, their
time keeping is nice.

E.g. this one:

 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
o127.127.20.0.GPS.0 l6   16  3770.000   -0.006   0.003
[ other clocks skipped for brievety ]

They can be reached from the internet at:
- ipv4  ipv6
- ipv6 only  - I had to restart ntpd on
  that system 10 minutes ago because I confused ntpd by opening the
  serial via which the gps is connected accidently with an other
  program, so it has to settle

Both systems run Linux. Clock1 kernel 3.2 and clock2 runs 2.6.38.

Without ntpd + gps it looses minutes per day (altough when I checked
minutes ago the drift was only 13.637 ppm?!).

I used to also have an MSF receiver but a couple of years the radio
transmitter in England was replaced by a weaker one so I receive mostly
noise now.

Now that it works, it is somewhat boring.
So I got my DCF77 clock from the attic and decided to use it different
then how I'm supposed to use it: as a PPS source! I figured (inspired by
As a quick test I hacked the testdcf.c to show the number of
milliseconds the clock was at when it had received a bit. If I remember
correctly DCF77 sends 60 bits per minute so each bit should be at a
second edge. I expected either a small constant difference or values
that would be over the whole -0.5s ... 0.5s band.
The result was neither! From visual inspection it looked as if only 3 or
4 different offsets were registered. So I ran 3 tests where I took 120
offset-samples, masked of the microseconds and checked how often each
offset occured:

test run 1:
  1 251
 17 255
 38 259
 37 263
 22 267
  5 271

test run 2:
  1 251
 10 255
  1 257
 43 259
  1 261
 44 263
 17 267
  3 271

test run 3:
  2 255
 18 259
 60 263
 32 267
  8 271

Column 1: number of occurences, column 2: the offset.

So my guestimate is that 259 and 263 are the values to look for and I
should ignore the others so that I don't confuse ntpd.

What do you guys think?

(Regarding the 250+ ms offset: the distance of my house to Mainflingen
in Germany (where the DCF77 atomic clock is located) is +/- 374.766km (I
live in Gouda, the Netherlands), so that is an offset of +/- 1.25012s.)

Folkert van Heusden

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[time-nuts] garmin 18 lvc versus garmin 18x lvc with pps ntp

2009-05-20 Thread Folkert van Heusden

Could not find any help anywhere on the web so you guys are my last
I have 2 computers running a linux PPS enabled kernel and ntp.
One of the two has a garmin 18 lvc, one has a garmin 18x lvc.

The one with the 18 lvc is neatly synced:
 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
*GPS_NMEA(1) .GPS.0 l3   16  3770.0000.014   0.000  
-muur.intranet.v .DCFa.   1 u6   64  3770.113  -12.192   0.047
-thegateap.intra   2 u   13   64  3770.663   -4.427   0.099
xtuinhuis.intran .MSFS.   1 u   43   64  3761.834  -21.121   0.897
xSHM(0)  .MSFU.   2 l   39   64  3770.000   26.207  16.002  .PPS.1 u   18   64  377   17.628   -3.813   0.445
+chime2.surfnet. .GPS.1 u   40   64  327   21.176   -3.315   0.123  .PPS.1 u   36   64  377   19.826   -3.448   0.352

the other with the 18x lvc not so much:
 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
*GENERIC(0)  .DCFa.   0 l   50   64  3770.0007.370   6.659
xGPS_NMEA(0) .GPS.0 l7   16  3770.000  -657.92  11.250 
---  .PPS.1 u  441 1024  377   20.1478.310   1.973
-chime1.surfnet. .GPS.1 u  498 1024  377   17.6748.282   0.340  .PPS.1 u  571 1024  377   20.0658.279   0.383
-belle.intranet. .GPS.1 u   37   64  3760.097   12.165   0.062
-thegateap.intra 2 u  962 1024  1760.0956.811   0.720
xtuinhuis.intran .MSFS.   1 u  936 1024   761.971   -8.080   0.559

As you can see it's offset is huge. Somewhere between -600 and -700 and
on average around -657ms.

Once (or twice) it ran fine; offset and jitter both around 0.00xms.
Others seem to have this problem with that lvc version as well.

I verified that the system receives pps-signal:
mauer:/usr/local# for i in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do cat /sys/class/pps/pps1/assert ; 
sleep 1 ; done

The assert/clear is also not too short:
mauer:/sys/class/pps/pps1# cat  assert clear
so no problem there for the system to capture them.

Is there a way that i can verify that ntpd also sees these events?

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail is a versatile tool for watching logfiles and output of
commands. Filtering, coloring, merging, diff-view, etc.
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Re: [time-nuts] Linux time servers

2009-05-15 Thread Folkert van Heusden
 You might consider switching to FreeBSD for more reasons than just 
 timing, It's much faster than Fedora and I found the new 7.1 version easy 

much faster in what respect? tested how?

Folkert van Heusden

-- - multitail is tail on steroids. multiple
   windows, filtering, coloring, anything you can think of
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,

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Re: [time-nuts] Linux time servers

2009-05-15 Thread Folkert van Heusden
 Anyone got any good Linux time systems for PCs ?

Make sure you have a recent kernel installed with the PPS patch applied:

 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
* l5   16  3770.000   -0.014   0.006

That system is only up for 1 day so the offset (and jitter) will get better 
later on.
Typically the offset outputted by ntpq is around 0.001 and the jitter 0.000.
This is with a Garmin 18LVC.

I also have a DCF77 receiver connected to a system:
 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
* .DCFa.   0 l   14   64  3770.000   -2.193   7.711

and an MSF receiver (using my driver),
it is a lindy precision clock connected via USB:
 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
x127.127.28.0.SHM0.   2 l   58   6470.000   11.120   6.601

Folkert van Heusden

To MultiTail einai ena polymorfiko ergaleio gia ta logfiles kai tin
eksodo twn entolwn. Prosferei: filtrarisma, xrwmatismo, sygxwneysi,
diaforetikes provoles.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,

time-nuts mailing list --
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Re: [time-nuts] Linux time servers

2009-05-15 Thread Folkert van Heusden
 :  You might consider switching to FreeBSD for more reasons than just 
 :  timing, It's much faster than Fedora and I found the new 7.1 version easy 
 : much faster in what respect? tested how?
 The usual benchmark that's cited here is the mysql tps scaling better
 than Linux.  See for example  The numbers in
 this paper are a little dated (being for 7.0 and a little over a
 year old), they show good scaling.  Of course, this isn't the place to
 debate that in extreme detail (for example, there are other pages I
 can't find right now that show newer versions of Linux, some better,
 some worse as changes to the scheduler help or hurt performance).  It
 is no longer the case that you can automatically assume Linux performs
 better.  You have to measure things and make sure you use the system
 that best matches your performance requirements.
 Also, on a 7.1R system, you need to make sure that you enable tagged
 queueing.  A last minute change botched it.  7.2R is out now too.

You can't say that freebsd is faster than linux; you specifically need
to specify what version of freebsd and what version of linux you're
using. Also the hardware platform matters as well as the compiler (and
version) used to compile mysql and numerous other parameters.

What would be interesting is how a specific linux-kernel with the pps
patches by rodolpho compare to a specific freebsd version with the same
ntpd compiled using the same gcc and such.

Folkert van Heusden

Feeling generous? -
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,

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Re: [time-nuts] Linux time servers

2009-05-15 Thread Folkert van Heusden
 What would be interesting is how a specific linux-kernel with the pps
 patches by rodolpho compare to a specific freebsd version with the same
 ntpd compiled using the same gcc and such.
 I think first of all, it would be interesting what your quality
 parameters are...
 Prescision ?
 Resolution ?
 Reliability ?

Reliability is, I think, for me the most important. E.g. that it doesn't
jitter all over the place and that the jitter is also as constant as

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail na wan makriki wrokosani fu tan luku den logfile nanga san
den commando spiti puru. Piki puru spesrutu sani, wroko nanga difrenti
kroru, tya kon makandra, nanga wan lo moro.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,

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