Re: [time-nuts] 1PPS accuracy of commercial GPS receivers

2009-05-15 Thread bg
Hi Ulrich,

> mind. On the other hand: If a good timing receiver has ended his "site
> survey" it's position messages stay constant, even if you move it around.
> Obviously that is not what you expect from a navigation system. Keep
> navigation and timing receivers clear apart from each other. They are as
> different as horse and zebra.

We had this discussion a few years ago here!

You are still wrong. The best timing receivers available are the geodetic
quality receivers that have an external frequency input. Sometimes they
are slightly modified versions of the standard geodetic receivers, but
they remain top class navigation receivers never-the-less.

Tell me a modern receiver used by a national time-lab for time-transfer to
other labs that is a bad navigation receiver!



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Re: [time-nuts] 1PPS accuracy of commercial GPS receivers

2009-05-15 Thread Magnus Danielson

Hal Murray skrev:

2D positioning requires at least 3 sats for resolving Lat, Long, T
(really X, Y, Z and T which a fixed relationship between X, Y and Z so
given two the third will be given, as the heigth is assumed). 

This has been discussed before, but I still don't really understand it.

I assume they take the data and solve what they can.  The answer will be a 
line in X,Y, Z and T.  Do they just pick the point on Z=0?  How much timing 
error does that turn into?

OK, X, Y and Z is not arbitrary axes, they have origo at the earth mass 
center, X sticks out through 0 E 0 N (0 meridian at equator), Y sticks 
out through 90 E 0 N and Z sticks out through the north pole. T is in 
GPS time (GPS week, Z-count, data bit in frame, C/A cycle in bit, C/A 
phase and carrier phase). The sats position in X_i, Y_i, Z_i and T_i is 
also known in this coordinate system as transmitted and calculated.

The actual pseudo-range to sat i is
p_i = sqrt((X-X_i)^2 + (Y-Y_i)^2 + (Z-Z_i)^2))

but this pseudo-range is skewed by c(T-T_i) where c is the speed of 
light. Additional time-skew components is found from ionosphere and 
troposphere among others.

The receivers time T needs to be in the neighborhood of correct, but as 
soon as the first sat is being tracked, just taking the time of that sat 
brings it within 100 ms at all times and the first 4-sat solution will 
remove the major part of that.

That is, if I move up 100 meters along that line, how much does T change?

Notice how the above equations is per sat, but speed of light is the 
conversion factor you need and it is "line of sigth" (not entierly true 
as the signal goes through dispersive athmosphere) to each sat which 
decides the time-skew.

I assume the answer is "not much", but I don't have a good feel for the 
numbers.  Is it lost in the other sources of noise?  Or at least not big 
relative to them?

1 ns is 30 cm. 10 ns is 3 m. 100 ns is 30 m. 333 ns is 100 m. However, 
your errors goes in different directions depending on sat, so this is 
why a good constellation helps to accuratly correct errors in all 

At 1ft per ns, 100 meters is 300 ns.  But lots of places on Earth are much 
higher elevation than 100 meters.  (I just used 100 meters as an example.)  
But that's the number for a satellite directly overhead.  The geometry fudges 
things.  If the satellites are low, the change in time will be close to zero.

What's the average angle of a satellite?  (or ones used in a GPS solution 
when you can only get 3 of them?)

One rarely speaks of average angle, and it is highly dependent on 
position on earth, so it is kind of not interesting.

There is another layer of fudging involved in the how-many-satellites 
discussion.  Sometimes the geometry is degenerate.  If the satellites are in 
(or close) to a line, you don't get a position offset to the side of the 
projection of that line on the surface of the Earth.

You can rule out those which gives too high deviation in T for the 
approximated X, Y, Z and T and cancel those contributions out before 
making another calculation.


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Re: [time-nuts] 1PPS accuracy of commercial GPS receivers

2009-05-14 Thread Hal Murray

> 2D positioning requires at least 3 sats for resolving Lat, Long, T
> (really X, Y, Z and T which a fixed relationship between X, Y and Z so
> given two the third will be given, as the heigth is assumed). 

This has been discussed before, but I still don't really understand it.

I assume they take the data and solve what they can.  The answer will be a 
line in X,Y, Z and T.  Do they just pick the point on Z=0?  How much timing 
error does that turn into?

That is, if I move up 100 meters along that line, how much does T change?

I assume the answer is "not much", but I don't have a good feel for the 
numbers.  Is it lost in the other sources of noise?  Or at least not big 
relative to them?

At 1ft per ns, 100 meters is 300 ns.  But lots of places on Earth are much 
higher elevation than 100 meters.  (I just used 100 meters as an example.)  
But that's the number for a satellite directly overhead.  The geometry fudges 
things.  If the satellites are low, the change in time will be close to zero.

What's the average angle of a satellite?  (or ones used in a GPS solution 
when you can only get 3 of them?)

There is another layer of fudging involved in the how-many-satellites 
discussion.  Sometimes the geometry is degenerate.  If the satellites are in 
(or close) to a line, you don't get a position offset to the side of the 
projection of that line on the surface of the Earth.

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

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Re: [time-nuts] 1PPS accuracy of commercial GPS receivers

2009-05-14 Thread Magnus Danielson

Poul-Henning Kamp skrev:

In message , "Ulrich Bangert" writes:

The receiver can use this redundant information in two ways:
a) to improve the solutions for the position
b) to improve the solutions for the time

but not both at the same time. 

That's just bogus.

First of all, you need four sats for a complete solution: X+Y+Z+T, second
the more sats you add after that, provided they do contribute gainfully,
will improve both the position and time solutions, for the very simple
reasons that they are one and the same solution.

Once you go to position-hold mode, all the sats contribute to is the
time solution, and in principle one sat is enough to get a solution,
because, as the name implies, you stop treating X+Y+Z as variables.

I totally agree. This is well covered in the books that go into the deep 
details of GPS navigation.

3D positioning requires at least 4 sats for resolving X, Y, Z and T 
coordinates, which translates to Lat, Long, heigth and T.

2D positioning requires at least 3 sats for resolving Lat, Long, T 
(really X, Y, Z and T which a fixed relationship between X, Y and Z so 
given two the third will be given, as the heigth is assumed).

T positioning requires at least 1 sat for resolving T.

Also, you can use the redundant information to identify false-tickers 
and remove them before final position is calculated, this is done by 
making a preliminary calculation and then compare the calculated time 
with the pseudo-range value for each and let those being significantly 
off be removed.

The pseudo-range system make the time of the receiver a critical 
variable to establish. The stability of the receives time will therefore 
also be a critical parameter in order to establish good quality 
positional values. High short-term stability oscillators is being 
deployed even in simple L1 receivers to reduce LO phase noise and its 
effect on code and carrier pseudo-range measures. All pseudo-ranges will 
depend on the actual distatance, but also on the time of the sat and the 
receiver. The sat time is being corrected into propper GPS time by 
additional correction values, such that remaining timing errors is to be 
found in the receiver. Phase offsets of the signal from the sats center 
of mass is also given, since it is the center of mass which the 
positional values of the sat indicate.

The receiver uses the previous time estimates to correct its own clock 
and advanced receivers use Kalman filtering for optimum clock 
estimation. Each positional solution also feeds the clock algorithm so 
that the clock is steered towards a zero offest. The pseudo-ranges is 
samples with a sample clock, which has known deviation from the local clock.

In the end, I can't see how this type of receiver would fit the claim 
that one has to optimize for position or time. It does not make sense to 
me, as I know the system. What is true is that not all receivers has the 
algorithms to provide optimum time solutions in the fixed geografical 
position (it's not fixed in time position). The same receivers where one 
has the time option performs the same on normal positioning. In fixed 
position the solution part of the receiver must know that the position 
is fixed in order to resolve all pseudo-ranges into time-offset only.

So, 3D positioning does not give the same time-stability as a fixed 
position does, that is true, but it is not the same as being claimed.


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Re: [time-nuts] 1PPS accuracy of commercial GPS receivers

2009-05-14 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp
In message , "Ulrich Bangert" writes:

>The receiver can use this redundant information in two ways:
>a) to improve the solutions for the position
>b) to improve the solutions for the time
>but not both at the same time. 

That's just bogus.

First of all, you need four sats for a complete solution: X+Y+Z+T, second
the more sats you add after that, provided they do contribute gainfully,
will improve both the position and time solutions, for the very simple
reasons that they are one and the same solution.

Once you go to position-hold mode, all the sats contribute to is the
time solution, and in principle one sat is enough to get a solution,
because, as the name implies, you stop treating X+Y+Z as variables.

Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20 | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

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Re: [time-nuts] 1PPS accuracy of commercial GPS receivers

2009-05-14 Thread Ulrich Bangert

as soon as a receiver sees more than 3 sats there is redundant information
available. The receiver can use this redundant information in two ways:

a) to improve the solutions for the position


b) to improve the solutions for the time

but not both at the same time. 

That implies that there are good position receivers available and good
timing receivers but not any that is suited well for both purposes (which
matches the market siuation pretty well). On a not-timing receiver the PPS
is more or less a useless gimick which may have accuracies as bad as 1 us or
even more. Dont't worry: These receivers are not made with a precise PPS in
mind. On the other hand: If a good timing receiver has ended his "site
survey" it's position messages stay constant, even if you move it around.
Obviously that is not what you expect from a navigation system. Keep
navigation and timing receivers clear apart from each other. They are as
different as horse and zebra.

Best regards
Ulrich Bangert

> -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
> Von: 
> [] Im Auftrag von Philip Pemberton
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2009 23:06
> An: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
> Betreff: [time-nuts] 1PPS accuracy of commercial GPS receivers
> Just out of idle curiosity, is there any significant 
> difference in 1PPS 
> accuracy between different GPS modules?
> I've got a pair of Trimble SVeeSix CM3 boards (firmware 4.13 
> if memory serves, 
> have to be reflashed to change the comm protocol, which can 
> be either TSIP or 
> NMEA) and an Axiom Sandpiper (SiRFStar II, RAM only, no 
> onboard NVM, SiRF 
> Binary or NMEA switchable on-the-fly) which are specified at 
> 1us and 40ns 
> accuracy respectively. As a comparison point, I've also been 
> looking at the 
> Fastrax iTrax321 (IT321) which is a solder-down "micro-GPS" 
> module based on 
> the "20-channel" SiRFStar III and is -- like the Trimble -- 
> specced at 1us 
> accuracy. This is one of the newer SiRFStar III based design.
> Am I missing something blindingly obvious here, or is there 
> really that much 
> spread in 1PPS accuracy on commercial receiver boards?
> Is 1us jitter really that good for a GPS module?
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Phil.
> ___
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Re: [time-nuts] 1PPS accuracy of commercial GPS receivers

2009-05-13 Thread Magnus Danielson

Philip Pemberton skrev:
Just out of idle curiosity, is there any significant difference in 1PPS 
accuracy between different GPS modules?

I've got a pair of Trimble SVeeSix CM3 boards (firmware 4.13 if memory 
serves, have to be reflashed to change the comm protocol, which can be 
either TSIP or NMEA) and an Axiom Sandpiper (SiRFStar II, RAM only, no 
onboard NVM, SiRF Binary or NMEA switchable on-the-fly) which are 
specified at 1us and 40ns accuracy respectively. As a comparison point, 
I've also been looking at the Fastrax iTrax321 (IT321) which is a 
solder-down "micro-GPS" module based on the "20-channel" SiRFStar III 
and is -- like the Trimble -- specced at 1us accuracy. This is one of 
the newer SiRFStar III based design.

Am I missing something blindingly obvious here, or is there really that 
much spread in 1PPS accuracy on commercial receiver boards?

Is 1us jitter really that good for a GPS module?

The 1 us figure is a historic figure relating to a worst case degrades 
GPS constellation situation when the 24 sat constellation has degraded 
significantly etc. This number comes out of ICD-200. A more commonly 
referred figure is 340 ns which is what the GPS constellation with SA 
enabled. In the SA-disabled world seeing lower numbers as 60-40 ns is 
not unreasnoble. Old 6 or 8 channel receivers was adequate for the older 
constellation situation, but seing 10-12 sats in todays world is not 
unreasnoble and naturally will the bias effects and other noise 
processes be lower. In addition has receiver technology advanced to 
better suppress various imperfections such as multi-path, weak signals 
and quick locking. In the other end, awareness of how the PPS is being 
used have improved how the PPS signal is generated and producing 
"sawtooth corrections" enables lower time quantization noise.

Old receivers can perform better in todays world, so we could modernize 
the specs by comparing them with newer boards in todays environment.

I am not sure if you really got a real answer, but hopefully may some of 
the difference become explainable to some degree.


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[time-nuts] 1PPS accuracy of commercial GPS receivers

2009-05-13 Thread Philip Pemberton
Just out of idle curiosity, is there any significant difference in 1PPS 
accuracy between different GPS modules?

I've got a pair of Trimble SVeeSix CM3 boards (firmware 4.13 if memory serves, 
have to be reflashed to change the comm protocol, which can be either TSIP or 
NMEA) and an Axiom Sandpiper (SiRFStar II, RAM only, no onboard NVM, SiRF 
Binary or NMEA switchable on-the-fly) which are specified at 1us and 40ns 
accuracy respectively. As a comparison point, I've also been looking at the 
Fastrax iTrax321 (IT321) which is a solder-down "micro-GPS" module based on 
the "20-channel" SiRFStar III and is -- like the Trimble -- specced at 1us 
accuracy. This is one of the newer SiRFStar III based design.

Am I missing something blindingly obvious here, or is there really that much 
spread in 1PPS accuracy on commercial receiver boards?

Is 1us jitter really that good for a GPS module?


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