Re: [time-nuts] Anyone Using a Yahoo Email Account - PLEASE READ !!

2013-01-31 Thread Raj
This news is old, refers to Yahoo Voices. IF you had anything to do with this 
service then you need to worry.
You can check here to see if your password has been stolen:

The S pam we are receiving is from a XSS exploit that steals your cookie if I 
am not mistaken and sends out
email from your logged on account. As I had figured this out long ago, some web 
sites have code that gets
into your logged in Yahoo or other WEB email and spams the address book and it 
happens ONLY when you
open one of those s pam links. Your PW is not compromised, but you can be safer 
changing it if affected!

Read here

Yahoo and others reported they fixed this but I am still seeing s pam from in my groups and
other email providers that I have not encountered before.

Don't open strange links & I have deleted my address book on Yahoo with one 
email that alerts me if I
goofed and clicked on a spam link!


At 31-01-2013, you wrote:
>As you have seen, the Group has been getting sammed lately. Most soams
>never get posted to the Group, but some do. These apparently come from
>hacked Yahoo email accounts.
>Yahoo itself was hacked, and the passwords to about half a million Yahoo
>email addresses were obtained.There are articles about it here
>and here
>The latter article also gives a link to see whether your particular
>address is on the list.
>What is happening here is that the hackers have obtained access to other
>people's Yahoo email accounts.  If that applies to your address, they
>can read all your mail, and send mails /as though they were you./   So
>they will happily spam any groups that are connected with that email
>address. We have now had several cases of it in a matter of a few days,
>so I thought it time to take action.
>PLEASE: If you use a Yahoo account to access this Group, either check the
>second link and change your password, or just change your password.
>Thank you,
>time-nuts mailing list --
>To unsubscribe, go to
>and follow the instructions there.

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[time-nuts] Anyone Using a Yahoo Email Account - PLEASE READ !!

2013-01-30 Thread J. Forster

As you have seen, the Group has been getting sammed lately. Most soams
never get posted to the Group, but some do. These apparently come from
hacked Yahoo email accounts.

Yahoo itself was hacked, and the passwords to about half a million Yahoo
email addresses were obtained.There are articles about it here

and here


The latter article also gives a link to see whether your particular
address is on the list.

What is happening here is that the hackers have obtained access to other
people's Yahoo email accounts.  If that applies to your address, they
can read all your mail, and send mails /as though they were you./   So
they will happily spam any groups that are connected with that email
address. We have now had several cases of it in a matter of a few days,
so I thought it time to take action.

PLEASE: If you use a Yahoo account to access this Group, either check the
second link and change your password, or just change your password.

Thank you,



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