Fellow time-tickers,

        Well, I suppose it was due to happen. The GPS receiver in my Odetics 
425 finally died. Hard. The thing's been intermittent for nearly the entire two 
years since I became its new owner, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that 
the thing finally keeled.

        I would REALLY like to restore this grand old beastie, not just because 
I like the workmanship but because it has a unique history. Its last home, 
before I got it, was the Amundsen Antarctic Research Station as part of the 
AST/RO program.

        So -- Before I start stretching my brain cells, and those of a close 
friend, and try to come up with a way to interface a generic NMEA receiver 
module into this wonderful old beast, I have a couple of questions to put to 
the group, especially those who used to (or still do? Hopefully?) work for 

        (1) Does ANYone have a working Magellan OEM 5000 receiver module that 
they would be willing to part with? If so, please contact me off-list.

        (2) The schematics I have are poor-quality copies that were reduced to 
letter size from the original ANSI size D pages. Does anyone have schematics of 
this unit's MPU board that are more readable?

        (3) Failing finding a Magellan receiver -- Fitting a standard receiver 
to this beast is going to require some reverse-engineering, and perhaps 
modification of the firmware. The section that communicates with the GPS 
receiver uses a 68B09 CPU.

        Suggestions on what tools would be most useful to this effort, as well 
as any hints those who have worked with 6809's might have. I do have available 
a Fluke 9100 series CPU troubleshooting system, with a 6809 pod.

        (3) Was there EVER a case where a generic (as in NMEA-speaking) 
receiver was used with the 325/425 series? If so, please provide details. Or 
did they get retired before NMEA became the defacto standard?

        Keep in mind that if I can come up with a viable way to do this, it 
will likely mean a new lease on equipment life for all owners of 325/425 
systems, because in the event it all works I will make the details of the 
process freely available.

        Looking forward to hearing anything that might help.

        Thanks much.

Bruce Lane, Owner & Head Hardware Heavy,
Blue Feather Technologies -- http://www.bluefeathertech.com
kyrrin (at) bluefeathertech do/t c=o=m
"Quid Malmborg in Plano..."

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