We're all set for the FMT beginning at 1500 UTC tomorrow.

A couple of minor changes from the earlier announcement:

* The 80M frequency will be around 3583 kHz, not 3577.
* The 2M frequency (within 50 Hz) will be 144.2743 MHz.
* We'll have a little more power on HF than we thought -- about 15 watts, rather than 5.

-------- Original Message --------
The Midwest VHF/UHF Society (MVUS, located in Southwest Ohio) is pleased
to announce that the third MVUS Frequency Measuring Test will be held on
December 28-30, 2009.

The MVUS Frequency Measuring Test is intended to supplement, not
replace, the ARRL FMT.

The test will use a novel format. Instead of the usual 5 to 15 minute
test, we will transmit simultaneously and continuously on 80, 40, and 20
meters for 48 hours. We hope this long transmission period, which will
encompass two full propagation days, will encourage new techniques and
experiments. For example, it should be possible to measure Doppler shift
caused by ionospheric raising and lowering.

The test will begin with a call-up starting at about 1445 UTC (0945 EST)
on 28 December. The continuous transmission period will begin at 1500
UTC (1000 EST) on Monday, December 28) and will end at 1500 UTC (1000
EST) on Wednesday, December 30.

The signal will be a continuous carrier with CW ID every ten minutes.
Transmissions will be from W8KSE in Dayton, Ohio (grid square EM79).

Here are more details:

Start time 1500 UTC (1000 EST) Monday, December 28, 2009.

Nominal frequencies: 3577, 7055, and 14055 kHz, plus or minus QRM.
NOTE: Check here right before the test for last minute frequency changes.

Power: about 5 watts.

Antenna: Vertical on 80M, inverted vee on 40M, and 3 element yagi at
about 90 feet, aimed west, on 20 meters,

Submit entries by January 15, 2010 using the new, improved submission
form at www.febo.com/pages/mvus-fmt/entry_form.html.

We hope this FMT will encourage new experiments (and experimenters!)
taking advantage of the long transmission duration. Therefore, a prize
will be awarded to the most interesting report received, as determined
by the MVUS Official Committee on Such Things. We also are planning
other performance based prizes, but have not finalized those or the
prize categories at this time.

 We will publish the official frequencies to time-nuts and fmt-nuts
shortly after the submission deadline , and will make the full results
available on the MVUS FMT web page as soon as we can.

Our goal is to transmit a signal known in frequency to parts in 10e-12
(i.e., less than 0.0001 Hz error at 10 MHz) and stable to a similar
level during the course of the transmission, as they will be derived
from an on-site Cesium-based reference. Frequencies will be measured at
the transmitter site with a system capable of microHertz resolution
referenced to a GPS disciplined oscillator, and will also be monitored
by another station in groundwave range that can measure the frequencies
with similar accuracy.

Further information will be posted at

For discussion about off-air frequency measurement, we suggest you check
out the FMT-nuts mailing list, sponsored by Connie Marshall, K5CM. For
details, go to http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/FMT-nuts.

If you have any questions, please send them to f...@mvus.org.

Looking forward to a fun event!

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
and follow the instructions there.

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
and follow the instructions there.

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