Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-08-01 Thread Henk ten Pierick
); SAEximRunCond expanded to false

On Aug 1, 2007, at 0:51, Dr Bruce Griffiths wrote:


 There is no theory to show that sigma delta modulators of order higher
 than 2 are actually unconditionally stable.

Yes, but with the Gerzon-Craven theory is is possible to predict  
stability of noise shapers. My experience with Gerzon-Craven in a  
number of noise shapers is very good, and upto 11th order (never  
tried more).

 Merely simulating the device is not conclusive proof that the  
 will never saturate, albeit infrequently.
 Most implementations include saturation detection circuitry that  
 the modulator should this occur.

We use feed-forward and graceful degradation. In this way saturated  
noise shapers recover correct. In our application overdriven noise  
shapers can not be avoided at input signal transients.

 If saturation isn't too frequent then for most purposes this is only a
 minor annoyance.
 However cascaded first order modulators as employed in the MASH
 technique are stable in theory and practice.

How to match analog circuits with digital circuits for the mash, that  
is the question. How do you avoid leakage?

 However if one adopts a non linear control theory approach, one can
 actually design high order modulators that both stable in theory  
 and in

Unconditionally? Do you have a link for me?


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Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-08-01 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths
); SAEximRunCond expanded to false

Henk ten Pierick wrote:
 However if one adopts a non linear control theory approach, one can
 actually design high order modulators that both stable in theory  
 and in

 Unconditionally? Do you have a link for me?




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Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-07-31 Thread Henk ten Pierick
); SAEximRunCond expanded to false

On Jul 24, 2007, at 1:32, Dr Bruce Griffiths wrote:

 Perhaps a software implementation of a 1 bit oversampled DAC the 1 bit
 output of which is low pass filtered to control the EFC input is the
 closest approach to this ideal.
 With an appropriate algorithm the idle tone and inherent instability
 problems (of high order modulators - 3rd or higher order) of the sigma
 delta modulator will not occur.

It is easy to design stable sigma delta converters of orders higher  
than two. I have calculated a 7th order ADC which is implemented on  
silicon and stable of coarse. A 11th order sigma delta with  
oversampling ratio 128 is stable in simulation and has 228dB snr.  
{This is no typo two hundred and twenty eight dB)
Higher order sigma delta converter require higher order  
reconstruction filters  but it is easy to design for more bandwidth  
than needed and so to relax the filter spec.


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Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-07-31 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths
); SAEximRunCond expanded to false

Henk ten Pierick wrote:
 On Jul 24, 2007, at 1:32, Dr Bruce Griffiths wrote:

 Perhaps a software implementation of a 1 bit oversampled DAC the 1 bit
 output of which is low pass filtered to control the EFC input is the
 closest approach to this ideal.
 With an appropriate algorithm the idle tone and inherent instability
 problems (of high order modulators - 3rd or higher order) of the sigma
 delta modulator will not occur.

 It is easy to design stable sigma delta converters of orders higher  
 than two. I have calculated a 7th order ADC which is implemented on  
 silicon and stable of coarse. A 11th order sigma delta with  
 oversampling ratio 128 is stable in simulation and has 228dB snr.  
 {This is no typo two hundred and twenty eight dB)
 Higher order sigma delta converter require higher order  
 reconstruction filters  but it is easy to design for more bandwidth  
 than needed and so to relax the filter spec.


There is no theory to show that sigma delta modulators of order higher 
than 2 are actually unconditionally stable.
Merely simulating the device is not conclusive proof that the modulator 
will never saturate, albeit infrequently.
Most implementations include saturation detection circuitry that resets 
the modulator should this occur.
If saturation isn't too frequent then for most purposes this is only a 
minor annoyance.
However cascaded first order modulators as employed in the MASH 
technique are stable in theory and practice.

However if one adopts a non linear control theory approach, one can 
actually design high order modulators that both stable in theory and in 
The resulting circuit isn't a sigma delta modulator, however it has 
similar noise shaping characteristics.


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Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-07-23 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths
Tom Van Baak wrote:
 This sure sounds like a more complicated measurement than is necessary
 to me. If you have a 10 MHz oscillator, simply feed it into the D
 input into a latch clocked by the de-sawtoothed GPS 1PPS. The output of
 the latch is a 0 or 1 depending on the precise phase of the oscillator.
 You want this latched 0/1 measurement to average to ½ over a long term
 (seconds). As the statistics deviate from a 50/50 split, you tweak the
 oscillator. The ~1 nsec of residual noise from the sawtooth corrected
 GPS rcvr acts a natural dither. No counters, no ramps, no big A/D
 converter -- it couldn't be simpler! And if the 10MHz (= 100 nsec phase
 ambiguity) is too fine for your oscillator, then divide it to 5 MHz
 (=200 nsec) or 1 MHz (= 1µsec). This should be good enough to pull in
 a xtal that is off by 1:10e6.

 This sounds really simple and irresistible. Have you or Rick
 tried it out? I see instead of a TIC (Time Interval Counter)
 you have a TAC (Time Average Controller ;-)

 Not just GPS 1PPS noise but any oscillator noise (jitter), if
 large enough, is also a source of natural dither. Sounds like
 this design would be especially ideal for a low-end GPSDO;
 i.e., one that only needs to be accurate to 10^-9 or 10^-10.

 Did you envision that the OCXO EFC would be driven by a
 statistics-collecting microprocessor and a high-resolution
 DAC? Or is there some clever way to tie statistical results
 of the D-latch to the EFC and avoid the DAC too?


Perhaps a software implementation of a 1 bit oversampled DAC the 1 bit 
output of which is low pass filtered to control the EFC input is the 
closest approach to this ideal.
With an appropriate algorithm the idle tone and inherent instability 
problems (of high order modulators - 3rd or higher order) of the sigma 
delta modulator will not occur.
An oversampling ratio of 1000 - 1 should readily be possible 
together with a resolution of 24 bits or more with low gain and offset 
tempcos together with a monotonic transfer function. A low integral non 
linearity isn't necessary as the EFC control input transfer function 
typically isnt that linear. Relaxing the integral linearity spec 
simplifies the design considerably. A 1 bit output also simplifies 
isolation (either optical or chip scale transformer isolation??) of the 
DAC from the processor should this be required.


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Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-07-23 Thread Tom Van Baak
Just to clarify, credit for the clever D-latch idea goes to a posting
by the other Tom (Dr Tom Clark), not me.

Tom Clark, K3IO wrote (on May 11, 2007):
 This sure sounds like a more complicated measurement than is necessary
 to me. If you have a 10 MHz oscillator, simply feed it into the D
 input into a latch clocked by the de-sawtoothed GPS 1PPS. The output of
 the latch is a 0 or 1 depending on the precise phase of the oscillator.
 You want this latched 0/1 measurement to average to ½ over a long term
 (seconds). As the statistics deviate from a 50/50 split, you tweak the
 oscillator. The ~1 nsec of residual noise from the sawtooth corrected
 GPS rcvr acts a natural dither. No counters, no ramps, no big A/D
 converter -- it couldn't be simpler! And if the 10MHz (= 100 nsec phase
 ambiguity) is too fine for your oscillator, then divide it to 5 MHz
 (=200 nsec) or 1 MHz (= 1µsec). This should be good enough to pull in
 a xtal that is off by 1:10e6.

Tom Van Baak (tvb) replied:
 This sounds really simple and irresistible. Have you or Rick
 tried it out? I see instead of a TIC (Time Interval Counter)
 you have a TAC (Time Average Controller ;-)

 Not just GPS 1PPS noise but any oscillator noise (jitter), if
 large enough, is also a source of natural dither. Sounds like
 this design would be especially ideal for a low-end GPSDO;
 i.e., one that only needs to be accurate to 10^-9 or 10^-10.

 Did you envision that the OCXO EFC would be driven by a
 statistics-collecting microprocessor and a high-resolution
 DAC? Or is there some clever way to tie statistical results
 of the D-latch to the EFC and avoid the DAC too?


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Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-12 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths
Tom Van Baak wrote:
 Define cheap.
 You can already get essentially single chip TICs with a resolution (and 
 accuracy) better than 100ps for around 100 Euros or so.

 Has anyone in the group tried one of these? I would very
 much like to see the results.

All except Xavier seem to have shied away from obtaining these on cost 
grounds and the need to layout a 4 layer PCB.
Although the vendor does offer an evaluation system (External box plus 
card plugs into PC with fat multiconductor SCSI type (but not SCSI 
signalling)cable connecting the two), too expensive for general use but 
perhaps useful for performance evaluation.
The above price was for an earlier version the later reduced cost higher 
resolution version (range 5 nanosec - 4millisec) should be cheaper.
The range can easily be extended to years if required (using CPLD 
counters (or even a PIC with built in counters - eg PIC18F4550) + 
software+ 74AC164).
 However the optimal solution doesn't use a TIC at all, just use a good 
 GPS receiver that makes the carrier phase observables available.
 Quite a few of the older receivers used to make the carrier phase data 

 Many of the Oncore VP's did this, but I don't know of
 anyone, amateur or commercial, that built a GPSDO
 using that feature. That makes me wonder if carrier
 phase observables alone is not enough.
You also need code phase measurements as a sanity check, to determine 
the ionospheric delay, and to initialise the control loop.
To obtain maximum performance you also need to know the GPS antenna 
location accurately.
This may take several days to establish using code phase SV transit data.
 The catch is that the GPS receiver local oscillator must be phase locked 
 to the OCXO.
 Some receivers use a 10MHz crystal oscillator in which case this can be 
 removed and replaced with an external 10MHz signal derived from the OCXO 
 being disciplined.

 Right, this is the key. Do you know any OEM receivers that
 allow an external 5/10/20 MHz? I know my Z12T does (but that
 is far from an OEM receiver).

The Novatel SuperstarII receivers use an on board Rakon 10MHz TCXO (made 
a little (120km) to the North of me) local oscillator which can be 
disconnected with relatively little surgery and replaced with a piece of 
thin coax and a connector. However the required amplitude is relatively 
small - easily fixed with a pair of resistors - typically the output 
from the onboard TCXO itself has to be attenuated.
Magnus acquired some of these cheaply, however even the new price isn't 
too steep. UNSW has used these receivers in geodetic survey/monitoring 
applications. The code phase field data from some of these exhibits 
encouraging stability (about 5 -10x better than the oscillator specs) 
when averaged over a few seconds even with the standard TCXO.

If you want to roll your own GPS receiver the MITEL/ZARLINK chipsets use 
a 10MHz reference.
 Unfortunately there are as yet no relatively inexpensive off the shelf 
 implementations of the GPS carrier phase discipling technique available.
 The calculations involved for maximum performance are somewhat complex, 
 however not too much computing horsepower should be required.

 The QL carrier phase GPSDO is unique and probably not
 cost-effective. Sounds like it's a custom single-channel GPS
 receiver designed from the ground up. If there were an easier
 way surely someone would have done it in the past ten years.

Yes $30,000 Euros or so is a little steep.
Depends what you mean by easy.
Vested interest in an existing receiver can lead to inertia.
The other players seem wedded to using PPS disciplining, possibly 
because of all the existing equipment using it.
Investigations into using multichannel carrier phase disciplining have 
been somewhat sporadic.
Although single channel receivers employing carrier phase measurement 
have been successfully deployed in geodetic arrays for monitoring 
 Magnus hopes to remedy this lack of suitable software and hardware 
 sometime in the future.

 That would be very nice. Will it be L1 only or L1/L2?
Only L1 as that's all the Superstar receivers provide.
However combining carrier and code phase measurements allows correction 
for the ionospheric delay.

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-12 Thread Tom Clark, K3IO
Bruce Griffiths wrote:

 The Dallas delay lines aren't all that accurate, you need to calibrate
 them to acheive 1ns accuracy (read the specs) and then you have to
 worry about temperature variations.
 To use them you need to decode the sawtooth correction message from
 the GPS timing receiver.
 If you've decoded this message then you have all the information
 needed to make a software correction to the measured phase error.
I need to correct some impressions that seem to have gone astray. To
help me, I refer you to a PowerPoint presentation that I gave to the
technicians and operators at the world's VLBI (Very Long Baseline
Interferometry) sites. The presentation is available at as the 2007 version of  Timing for VLBI.

[Aside -- If you are interested in learning about some of VLBI's
buzz-words, I also gave a tutorial What's all this VLBI stuff, anyway?
that was intended as a view of the Physics and Radio Astronomy of making
VLBI measurements. Some people find my de-mystifying of Heisenberg's
Uncertainty Principle interesting -- especially the Schroedinger quotes
at #21. This plays best if you view it as a PPT presentation.]

Starting on Slide #20, I describe the reason that the Motorola receivers
have the sawtooth dither. Basically clock edges of the receiver's 1PPS
pulse are locked to a crystal oscillator in the receiver and that
oscillator is on a frequency that is not neatly commensurate with the
true second marks. As has been pointed out in these discussions,
Motorola reports an estimate of the error on the NEXT 1PPS tick. Slides
21 and 22 show some of the pathological example we have seen on typical
receivers. AFAIK, all the bizarre behavior has been traced to firmware

The reason for making sawtooth corrections (and not simply averaging
multiple samples) can be seen in the hanging bridges (22:34 to 22:36
on #22, 01:04:30 to 01:05:30 on #23) when the 1PPS signal went thru a
zero-beat. For these 1-2 minute windows, all statistical averaging
breaks down and typical GPSDO's perform badly. However, when the
sawtooth is corrected in software (blue line on #23) the resulting
paper clock is well behaved (at ~1.5 nsec RMS level).

Slides #24  #25 describe an annoying problem in VLBI -- we want to be
able to blindly trust ANY 1PPS pulse whenever (rarely) we need to reset
the working VLBI clock. Slide #26 is the block diagram of the circuit
that Rick has implemented in his newest clock. Slide #29 shows a (more
noisy than normal) comparison between the hardware ans software
correction performance with only 0.3 nsec RMS noise between the two.

Bruce noted a misconception that may have come from our earlier
implementation of the correction algorithm. What we found was that EVERY
sample of the 1 nsec step Dallas/Maxim delay line showed considerably
more scatter.What we found, on closer examination, was that it seems
that the DSI delay line chip defines one nsec about 10% differently
than Motorola's one nsec. After correcting for this definition
problem, as you see in #30, the hardware  and software correction are in
agreement with an observed regression coefficient of 0.9962 (on this
sample, which shows correlation coefficient  0.999) and good tracking
between samples.

Bruce also made some disparaging comments on the stability of the delay
lone. I can say that we have not seen any stability problems at all.
This is quite logical when you carefully reverse engineer the DSI chip
based on its data sheets. The delay inside the chip is really an analog
delay. The 8-bit number you sent to the chip programs a D/A converter to
produce a (256 step) constant current source. When the input pulse is
applied to the DSI delay line, the constant current charges an on-chip
capacitor. When the resulting ramp matches the level defined by a
comparator, the output is changed. The comparator level and capacitor
value are temperature compensated by a second, fixed rate ramp. This is
pretty much the same thing that you all have been described here.

The place where I suspect that there may be some temperature sensitivity
is in the modular GPS receivers. If you look at my slide #19 from late
2000, the really great Never Happened receiver had to be temperature
controlled (to ~ 1ºC), otherwise it showed diurnal room temperature
variations. All these receivers have a bandpass filter with ~1.8 MHz
wide somewhere in their IF chain; this filter's bandwidth is matched to
the 1.023 MHz C/A code chip rate that is the root of the timing
performance. Heisenberg would argue that a filter this wide will show a
group delay ~500 nsec and it is often implemented as a SAW (Surface
Acoustic Wave) device at an IF in the 50-200 MHz range. This is a
measurement topic itching for some work! Regarding the SAW filters, on
slide #33 you will see that the 4 M12+ receivers that Rick tested at
USNO fell into two groups with ~4-5 nsec DC timing difference between
them.You will also note on #36 that the one sample of the new iLotus

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-12 Thread Lester Veenstra M0YCM K1YCM
What is the cost of the two channel pci system, if you happen to have the
price in hand. If not, I will ask direct.

Full Name:  Lester B Veenstra 
Job Title:  Communication Sys Des Engr Sr Stf 
Department: 6L01 Site Operations Collaboration  and Reach-Back (SOCAR) 
Company:Integrated Systems  Solutions 

Business Address:   

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PSC 45 Box 781
APO AE 09468 

Home Address Address:   

Dawn Cottage 
Norwood, Harrogate
HG3, 1SD  UK 


Office 940-6456

Office +44-(0)1423-846-385

Home:   +44-(0)1943-880-963  

UK Cell  +44-(0)7716-298-224 

US Cell  +1-240-425-7335


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Dr Bruce Griffiths
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 7:00 AM
To: Tom Van Baak; Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

Tom Van Baak wrote:
 Define cheap.
 You can already get essentially single chip TICs with a resolution (and 
 accuracy) better than 100ps for around 100 Euros or so.

 Has anyone in the group tried one of these? I would very
 much like to see the results.

All except Xavier seem to have shied away from obtaining these on cost 
grounds and the need to layout a 4 layer PCB.
Although the vendor does offer an evaluation system (External box plus 
card plugs into PC with fat multiconductor SCSI type (but not SCSI 
signalling)cable connecting the two), too expensive for general use but 
perhaps useful for performance evaluation.
The above price was for an earlier version the later reduced cost higher 
resolution version (range 5 nanosec - 4millisec) should be cheaper.
The range can easily be extended to years if required (using CPLD 
counters (or even a PIC with built in counters - eg PIC18F4550) + 
software+ 74AC164).
 However the optimal solution doesn't use a TIC at all, just use a good 
 GPS receiver that makes the carrier phase observables available.
 Quite a few of the older receivers used to make the carrier phase data 

 Many of the Oncore VP's did this, but I don't know of
 anyone, amateur or commercial, that built a GPSDO
 using that feature. That makes me wonder if carrier
 phase observables alone is not enough.
You also need code phase measurements as a sanity check, to determine 
the ionospheric delay, and to initialise the control loop.
To obtain maximum performance you also need to know the GPS antenna 
location accurately.
This may take several days to establish using code phase SV transit data.
 The catch is that the GPS receiver local oscillator must be phase locked 
 to the OCXO.
 Some receivers use a 10MHz crystal oscillator in which case this can be 
 removed and replaced with an external 10MHz signal derived from the OCXO 
 being disciplined.

 Right, this is the key. Do you know any OEM receivers that
 allow an external 5/10/20 MHz? I know my Z12T does (but that
 is far from an OEM receiver).

The Novatel SuperstarII receivers use an on board Rakon 10MHz TCXO (made 
a little (120km) to the North of me) local oscillator which can be 
disconnected with relatively little surgery and replaced with a piece of 
thin coax and a connector. However the required amplitude is relatively 
small - easily fixed with a pair of resistors - typically the output 
from the onboard TCXO itself has to be attenuated.
Magnus acquired some of these cheaply, however even the new price isn't 
too steep. UNSW has used these receivers in geodetic survey/monitoring 
applications. The code phase field data from some of these exhibits 
encouraging stability (about 5 -10x better than the oscillator specs) 
when averaged over a few seconds even with the standard TCXO.

If you want to roll your own GPS receiver the MITEL/ZARLINK chipsets use 
a 10MHz reference.
 Unfortunately there are as yet no relatively inexpensive off the shelf 
 implementations of the GPS carrier phase discipling technique available.
 The calculations involved for maximum performance are somewhat complex, 
 however not too much computing horsepower should be required.

 The QL carrier phase GPSDO is unique and probably not
 cost-effective. Sounds like it's a custom single-channel GPS
 receiver designed from the ground up. If there were an easier
 way surely someone would have done it in the past ten years.

Yes $30,000 Euros or so is a little steep.
Depends what you mean by easy.
Vested interest in an existing receiver can lead to inertia.
The other players seem wedded to using PPS disciplining, possibly 
because of all the existing equipment using it.
Investigations into using multichannel carrier phase disciplining have 
been somewhat sporadic.
Although single channel receivers employing carrier phase measurement 
have been successfully deployed in geodetic arrays for monitoring 
 Magnus hopes

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-12 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths
Tom Clark, K3IO wrote:
 Bruce Griffiths wrote:

 The Dallas delay lines aren't all that accurate, you need to calibrate
 them to acheive 1ns accuracy (read the specs) and then you have to
 worry about temperature variations.
 To use them you need to decode the sawtooth correction message from
 the GPS timing receiver.
 If you've decoded this message then you have all the information
 needed to make a software correction to the measured phase error.
 I need to correct some impressions that seem to have gone astray. To
 help me, I refer you to a PowerPoint presentation that I gave to the
 technicians and operators at the world's VLBI (Very Long Baseline
 Interferometry) sites. The presentation is available at as the 2007 version of  Timing for VLBI.

 [Aside -- If you are interested in learning about some of VLBI's
 buzz-words, I also gave a tutorial What's all this VLBI stuff, anyway?
 that was intended as a view of the Physics and Radio Astronomy of making
 VLBI measurements. Some people find my de-mystifying of Heisenberg's
 Uncertainty Principle interesting -- especially the Schroedinger quotes
 at #21. This plays best if you view it as a PPT presentation.]

 Starting on Slide #20, I describe the reason that the Motorola receivers
 have the sawtooth dither. Basically clock edges of the receiver's 1PPS
 pulse are locked to a crystal oscillator in the receiver and that
 oscillator is on a frequency that is not neatly commensurate with the
 true second marks. As has been pointed out in these discussions,
 Motorola reports an estimate of the error on the NEXT 1PPS tick. Slides
 21 and 22 show some of the pathological example we have seen on typical
 receivers. AFAIK, all the bizarre behavior has been traced to firmware

 The reason for making sawtooth corrections (and not simply averaging
 multiple samples) can be seen in the hanging bridges (22:34 to 22:36
 on #22, 01:04:30 to 01:05:30 on #23) when the 1PPS signal went thru a
 zero-beat. For these 1-2 minute windows, all statistical averaging
 breaks down and typical GPSDO's perform badly. However, when the
 sawtooth is corrected in software (blue line on #23) the resulting
 paper clock is well behaved (at ~1.5 nsec RMS level).

 Slides #24  #25 describe an annoying problem in VLBI -- we want to be
 able to blindly trust ANY 1PPS pulse whenever (rarely) we need to reset
 the working VLBI clock. Slide #26 is the block diagram of the circuit
 that Rick has implemented in his newest clock. Slide #29 shows a (more
 noisy than normal) comparison between the hardware ans software
 correction performance with only 0.3 nsec RMS noise between the two.

 Bruce noted a misconception that may have come from our earlier
 implementation of the correction algorithm. What we found was that EVERY
 sample of the 1 nsec step Dallas/Maxim delay line showed considerably
 more scatter.What we found, on closer examination, was that it seems
 that the DSI delay line chip defines one nsec about 10% differently
 than Motorola's one nsec. After correcting for this definition
 problem, as you see in #30, the hardware  and software correction are in
 agreement with an observed regression coefficient of 0.9962 (on this
 sample, which shows correlation coefficient  0.999) and good tracking
 between samples.

 Bruce also made some disparaging comments on the stability of the delay
 lone. I can say that we have not seen any stability problems at all.
 This is quite logical when you carefully reverse engineer the DSI chip
 based on its data sheets. The delay inside the chip is really an analog
 delay. The 8-bit number you sent to the chip programs a D/A converter to
 produce a (256 step) constant current source. When the input pulse is
 applied to the DSI delay line, the constant current charges an on-chip
 capacitor. When the resulting ramp matches the level defined by a
 comparator, the output is changed. The comparator level and capacitor
 value are temperature compensated by a second, fixed rate ramp. This is
 pretty much the same thing that you all have been described here.

I know exactly how these delay devices work, the problem is that using 
them in this way relies on a one time calibration of the device delays, 
it would be far better if delay calibration cycles could be interspersed 
between PPS transitions. This would technique would cope with any ageing 
or temperature drifts. The variable slope technique (see Dallas 
application note AN107) for setting the delays used in these devices 
means that the delay jitter increases faster with increasing delay than 
in the equivalent fixed slope variable threshold ramp timed delay 
technique. The DS1020 -15-datasheet specifies a 4ns max deviation from 
the programmed delay. There is no statement on the datasheet as to if 
this error is due to scale factor error, offset error or integral 
linearity error or differential linearity error. If one doesn't 
calibrate each individual chip how can 

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-12 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths

Tom Clark, K3IO wrote:

 Why add the cost of a programmable delay line when the additional cost
 of correction is a few lines of code?
 They also don't remove the requirement for subnanosecond phase
 measurement resolution and accuracy.
 But the receiver itself has intrinsic noise at the nsec level. You are
 better off by averaging sawtooth corrected (either hardware or software)
 measurements to achieve sub-nsec precision; IMHO, sub-nsec individual
 measurements aren't needed. Surely you don't plan to tweak a GPSDO every
 second! A good xtal is much better than ANY GPS rcvr on times of 1-100 sec.
 Whilst an analog phase lock loop can have the necessary resolution
 they are somewhat impractical for the relatively long averaging times
 required when optimally disciplining a good OCXO.

 The computational load isnt that severe as you only make one phase
 measurement per second.

 One of the simplest ways of achieving subnanosecond phase measurement
 resolution is to feed a quadrature phase 10MHz sinewave into a pair of
 simultaneous sampling ADCs (MAXIM have suitable devices prices seem
 reasonable). The sinewaves are sampled at the leading edge of the GPS
 receiver PPS signal.
 The ADC outputs can then be used to determine where in the cycle the
 PPS edge occurred. This in effect is a subnanosecond resolution phase
 detector with a range of 100nsec. The range can easily be extended by
 using a small CPLD which incorporates a couple of synchronisers (one
 clocked by the positive slope transition of the 10MHz signal and the
 other clocked by the negative slope xero crossing transition of the
 10MHz signal) The output of both synchronisers samples the value of a
 synchronous counter which is clocked by the positive slope zero
 crossing of the 10MHz sinewave. Software then sorts out which latched
 count is most reliable (the synchroniser whose clock edge is furthest
 from the PPS transition). This sounds complex but it isnt, especially
 if you select the right PIC (or other micro) with built in counters
 (PIC18F4550?) that can be sampled by an external transition (output of
 a synchroniser). The counter need only be an 8 bits counter.
 This sure sounds like a more complicated measurement than is necessary
 to me. If you have a 10 MHz oscillator, simply feed it into the D
 input into a latch clocked by the de-sawtoothed GPS 1PPS. The output of
 the latch is a 0 or 1 depending on the precise phase of the oscillator.
 You want this latched 0/1 measurement to average to ½ over a long term
 (seconds). As the statistics deviate from a 50/50 split, you tweak the
 oscillator. The ~1 nsec of residual noise from the sawtooth corrected
 GPS rcvr acts a natural dither. No counters, no ramps, no big A/D
 converter -- it couldn't be simpler! And if the 10MHz (= 100 nsec phase
 ambiguity) is too fine for your oscillator, then divide it to 5 MHz
 (=200 nsec) or 1 MHz (= 1µsec). This should be good enough to pull in
 a xtal that is off by 1:10e6.
Very nice technique, much better to make use of the receiver noise if 
you can.
In this case hardware correction of the PPS error is of course essential.
In essence this technique implements a servo with a narrow proportional 
band of a few nanoseconds the width of the proportional band being 
determined by the corrected PPS signal noise characteristics.
Outside the proportional band the servo saturates but retains the sign 
of the phase error.
As the noise of the receiver increases so does the width of the 
proportional band.
How then does one then actually measure the receiver timing noise, if 
one wishes to detect when it deteriorates to a point where it is prudent 
to go into holdover mode?

Perhaps a chain of (3) flipflops whose D inputs are driven by the OCXO 
derived (10MHz, IMHz, etc) frequency and the clock inputs of which are 
driven by successively delayed (stable delay) versions of the PPS edge. 
For example the first flipflop is clocked by the PPS edge, the second 
fliflop is clocked by the PPS edge delayed by say T ns, and the third 
flipflop is clocked by PPS delayed by 2T ns.
Follow these flipflops by a set of synchronisers. Lock the OCXO so that 
the 2nd Flipflop has 50% probability of being either 1 or 0.  The 
probability of occurrence of say a logic 1 at the outputs of the other 
first and third flipflops can then be used to monitor the receiver 
timing noise level. Alternatively the D inputs to the flipflops could be 
successively delayeed by T ns whilst all flipflops are clocked by the 
PPS signal.

Surely it would be better to use a synchroniser and/or a flipflop/latch 
with extremely short regeneration time constant to ensure that the 
probability of metastable states is insignificant.
In this case subsequent stages of the synchroniser could be clocked by 
delayed (fixed non critical delay) versions of the PPS transition as 
waiting several seconds for a particular decision to propagate to the 
output of the synchroniser if each 

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-12 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths

I have no idea you'll need to contact Acam direct.

Lester Veenstra M0YCM K1YCM wrote:
 What is the cost of the two channel pci system, if you happen to have the
 price in hand. If not, I will ask direct.

 Full Name:  Lester B Veenstra 
 Job Title:  Communication Sys Des Engr Sr Stf 
 Department: 6L01 Site Operations Collaboration  and Reach-Back (SOCAR) 
 Company:Integrated Systems  Solutions 

 Business Address:   

 Lockheed Martin ISS 
 PSC 45 Box 781
 APO AE 09468 

 Home Address Address:   

 Dawn Cottage 
 Norwood, Harrogate
 HG3, 1SD  UK 


 Office 940-6456

 Office +44-(0)1423-846-385

 Home:   +44-(0)1943-880-963  

 UK Cell  +44-(0)7716-298-224 

 US Cell  +1-240-425-7335


 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Dr Bruce Griffiths
 Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 7:00 AM
 To: Tom Van Baak; Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
 Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

 Tom Van Baak wrote:
 Define cheap.
 You can already get essentially single chip TICs with a resolution (and 
 accuracy) better than 100ps for around 100 Euros or so.
 Has anyone in the group tried one of these? I would very
 much like to see the results.

 All except Xavier seem to have shied away from obtaining these on cost 
 grounds and the need to layout a 4 layer PCB.
 Although the vendor does offer an evaluation system (External box plus 
 card plugs into PC with fat multiconductor SCSI type (but not SCSI 
 signalling)cable connecting the two), too expensive for general use but 
 perhaps useful for performance evaluation.
 The above price was for an earlier version the later reduced cost higher 
 resolution version (range 5 nanosec - 4millisec) should be cheaper.
 The range can easily be extended to years if required (using CPLD 
 counters (or even a PIC with built in counters - eg PIC18F4550) + 
 software+ 74AC164).

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-12 Thread Lester Veenstra M0YCM K1YCM
Will do
Likes like an interesting product line

Full Name:  Lester B Veenstra 
Job Title:  Communication Sys Des Engr Sr Stf 
Department: 6L01 Site Operations Collaboration  and Reach-Back (SOCAR) 
Company:Integrated Systems  Solutions 

Business Address:   

Lockheed Martin ISS 
PSC 45 Box 781
APO AE 09468 

Home Address Address:   

Dawn Cottage 
Norwood, Harrogate
HG3, 1SD  UK 


Office 940-6456

Office +44-(0)1423-846-385

Home:   +44-(0)1943-880-963  

UK Cell  +44-(0)7716-298-224 

US Cell  +1-240-425-7335


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Dr Bruce Griffiths
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 10:12 AM
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?


I have no idea you'll need to contact Acam direct.

Lester Veenstra M0YCM K1YCM wrote:
 What is the cost of the two channel pci system, if you happen to have the
 price in hand. If not, I will ask direct.

 Full Name:  Lester B Veenstra 
 Job Title:  Communication Sys Des Engr Sr Stf 
 Department: 6L01 Site Operations Collaboration  and Reach-Back (SOCAR)

 Company:Integrated Systems  Solutions 

 Business Address:   

 Lockheed Martin ISS 
 PSC 45 Box 781
 APO AE 09468 

 Home Address Address:   

 Dawn Cottage 
 Norwood, Harrogate
 HG3, 1SD  UK 


 Office 940-6456

 Office +44-(0)1423-846-385

 Home:   +44-(0)1943-880-963  

 UK Cell  +44-(0)7716-298-224 

 US Cell  +1-240-425-7335


 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Dr Bruce Griffiths
 Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 7:00 AM
 To: Tom Van Baak; Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
 Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

 Tom Van Baak wrote:
 Define cheap.
 You can already get essentially single chip TICs with a resolution (and 
 accuracy) better than 100ps for around 100 Euros or so.
 Has anyone in the group tried one of these? I would very
 much like to see the results.

 All except Xavier seem to have shied away from obtaining these on cost 
 grounds and the need to layout a 4 layer PCB.
 Although the vendor does offer an evaluation system (External box plus 
 card plugs into PC with fat multiconductor SCSI type (but not SCSI 
 signalling)cable connecting the two), too expensive for general use but 
 perhaps useful for performance evaluation.
 The above price was for an earlier version the later reduced cost higher 
 resolution version (range 5 nanosec - 4millisec) should be cheaper.
 The range can easily be extended to years if required (using CPLD 
 counters (or even a PIC with built in counters - eg PIC18F4550) + 
 software+ 74AC164).

time-nuts mailing list

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-12 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths
Tom Clark, K3IO wrote:
 If you have a 10 MHz oscillator, simply feed it into the D
 input into a latch clocked by the de-sawtoothed GPS 1PPS. The output of
 the latch is a 0 or 1 depending on the precise phase of the oscillator.
 You want this latched 0/1 measurement to average to ½ over a long term
 (seconds). As the statistics deviate from a 50/50 split, you tweak the
 oscillator. The ~1 nsec of residual noise from the sawtooth corrected
 GPS rcvr acts a natural dither. No counters, no ramps, no big A/D
 converter -- it couldn't be simpler! And if the 10MHz (= 100 nsec phase
 ambiguity) is too fine for your oscillator, then divide it to 5 MHz
 (=200 nsec) or 1 MHz (= 1µsec). This should be good enough to pull in
 a xtal that is off by 1:10e6.

How does one do robust statistical filtering of outliers when one uses 
this technique??

 I hope these comments helped a bit -- 73, Tom

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-12 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths
Jim Miller wrote:
 My first gentle...

 I spent the last several evenings reading the archives and saw mention of 
 sawtooth error correction in software. Since the corrections to be applied 
 are on the order of 1e-9 seconds it would seem that the phase detector 
 outputs to which these are applied must be similar in resolution.

 That would seem to require a pretty hefty phase detector and a pretty 
 substantial computing resource. Doesn't sound inexpensive. Is there a way 
 around this?

 OTOH, the Dallas Semi delay line pushes the computation out into the input 
 of the phase detector at the cost of a $17 chip (1k qty) which in small 
 quantities is likely $50 or so. This would seem to allow for a wider variety 
 of phase measurement techniques.

 Do I have this right?


 jim miller

 time-nuts mailing list


DS1021-15 (SOIC package) price is about $31 (1 off) from the 
Maxim-Dallas on line shop


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-12 Thread Jim Miller
$31 is certainly a reasonable price and would allow flexibility in the phase 
comparator design. I had forgotten that Maxim had a direct sale page. My 


jim miller

- Original Message - 
From: Dr Bruce Griffiths [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jim Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Discussion of precise time and 
frequency measurement
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?


DS1021-15 (SOIC package) price is about $31 (1 off) from the
Maxim-Dallas on line shop


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-12 Thread Jason Rabel
I got a few of them off eBay a long time ago, it doesn't appear the seller
has any more of them (they were removed from some other equipment IIRC).

I still have two of the Superstar II receivers. They are older OEM models
with the 4mb flash (all the new firmwares require the 8mb flash) so they are
not firmware upgradeable. I scrounged up some PDFs with basic info, their
pinout is very similar to the older Rockwell Jupiter receivers. Anyhow, yes
they do have the Rakon 10 MHz TCXO on them.

I was going to do something with these, but I know I'll never get around to
it and I'm sure one of you guys could put them to better use.

$25 shipped takes the pair of receivers and a pair of 9 MCX-SMA pigtails.
Contact me off-list... first come first serve.


 The Novatel SuperstarII receivers use an on board Rakon 10MHz TCXO (made 
 a little (120km) to the North of me) local oscillator which can be 
 disconnected with relatively little surgery and replaced with a piece of 
 thin coax and a connector. However the required amplitude is relatively 
 small - easily fixed with a pair of resistors - typically the output 
 from the onboard TCXO itself has to be attenuated.
 Magnus acquired some of these cheaply, however even the new price isn't 
 too steep. UNSW has used these receivers in geodetic survey/monitoring 
 applications. The code phase field data from some of these exhibits 
 encouraging stability (about 5 -10x better than the oscillator specs) 
 when averaged over a few seconds even with the standard TCXO.
 If you want to roll your own GPS receiver the MITEL/ZARLINK chipsets use 
 a 10MHz reference.

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-12 Thread Tom Van Baak
 This sure sounds like a more complicated measurement than is necessary
 to me. If you have a 10 MHz oscillator, simply feed it into the D
 input into a latch clocked by the de-sawtoothed GPS 1PPS. The output of
 the latch is a 0 or 1 depending on the precise phase of the oscillator.
 You want this latched 0/1 measurement to average to ½ over a long term
 (seconds). As the statistics deviate from a 50/50 split, you tweak the
 oscillator. The ~1 nsec of residual noise from the sawtooth corrected
 GPS rcvr acts a natural dither. No counters, no ramps, no big A/D
 converter -- it couldn't be simpler! And if the 10MHz (= 100 nsec phase
 ambiguity) is too fine for your oscillator, then divide it to 5 MHz
 (=200 nsec) or 1 MHz (= 1µsec). This should be good enough to pull in
 a xtal that is off by 1:10e6.

This sounds really simple and irresistible. Have you or Rick
tried it out? I see instead of a TIC (Time Interval Counter)
you have a TAC (Time Average Controller ;-)

Not just GPS 1PPS noise but any oscillator noise (jitter), if
large enough, is also a source of natural dither. Sounds like
this design would be especially ideal for a low-end GPSDO;
i.e., one that only needs to be accurate to 10^-9 or 10^-10.

Did you envision that the OCXO EFC would be driven by a
statistics-collecting microprocessor and a high-resolution
DAC? Or is there some clever way to tie statistical results
of the D-latch to the EFC and avoid the DAC too?


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-12 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths
The statement that Dallas' version of the nanosecond differs by 10% from 
Motorola's is somewhat disconcerting until one analyses how the delay 
generator works.

Simplified description

Aside from the contribution from internal logic propagation delays

Delay = Constant*RC,
Where R is the value of a resistor that determines the current used to 
charge a capacitor and the constant is determined by resistor ratios.

Thus a naive implementation may use 256 equal resistors (r) connected in 
series with a set of switches used to select the the required  
resistance value (Nr)  in 256 nominally equal steps.

The delay would then be proportional to N.
Unfortunately the ramp slope would vary over a range of 256 to 1 as 
would the current. The current mirror used in the actual circuit may 
have some dificulty in operating accurately over a current range of 
256:1. Also the power dissipation in some of the resistors in the string 
would vary over a large range. The large range (256:1) in the ramp slew 
rate seen by the comparator would lead to significant variations in the 
comparator delay. Fortunately if the effective value of the resistor 
corresponding to N=0 is made somewhat larger (=Ro) than r then although 
the N=0 delay will increased, the range of currents seen by the current 
mirror and the corresponding slew rates seen by the comparator can be 
reduced significantly improving the performance and reducing the 
variation in resistor dissipation. This implementation should be 
inherently monotonic despite variations in r and Ro. The effective RC 
product and the corresponding delay can be designed to have a low 
temperature coefficient. The RC product will vary from lot to lot and 
this variation can be compensated by resistor trimming. There are other 
schemes other than a series resistor string that can be used, however 
most of these are not inherently monotonic and resistor trimming to 
correct this error as well as the scale error may be necessary.

The attached plot of the error of a typical DS1020-15 illustrates that 
the integral non linearity of the delay may amount to several 
nanoseconds worst case.
This indicates that if one uses say 30ns of the range to correct for the 
sawtooth error of an M12M or equivalent GPS timing receiver, that a 
typical correction error due to the intergral non linearity of the 
DS1020-15 may be as large as 1ns. However this can be reduced 
significantly by calibration or perhaps by just calibrating the gain. 
However unless an actual calibration or parameter fitting to a more 
elaborate model for the INL other than just a change of scale factor the 
specified data sheet maximum value for the delay it is unlikely that a 
mere adjustment of the scale factor will ensure that the delay error of 
every DS1021-15 that meets its datasheet specification will be less than 
1 nanosecond. The optimum scale factor may also vary from wafer to wafer 
as well as within the wafer.

Thus whilst it is highly likely that calibrating the delay and using a 
lookup table or a model for the INL using several adjustable parameters 
will allow a programmed delay error of under 1ns, it is unlikely that 
merely adjusting the gain will reduce the programmed delay error to 
under 1ns for all DS1021-15s ever produced that meet the datasheet 

More detailed
inline: DS1020-15.gif___
time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-12 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths
Tom Van Baak wrote:
 This sure sounds like a more complicated measurement than is necessary
 to me. If you have a 10 MHz oscillator, simply feed it into the D
 input into a latch clocked by the de-sawtoothed GPS 1PPS. The output of
 the latch is a 0 or 1 depending on the precise phase of the oscillator.
 You want this latched 0/1 measurement to average to ½ over a long term
 (seconds). As the statistics deviate from a 50/50 split, you tweak the
 oscillator. The ~1 nsec of residual noise from the sawtooth corrected
 GPS rcvr acts a natural dither. No counters, no ramps, no big A/D
 converter -- it couldn't be simpler! And if the 10MHz (= 100 nsec phase
 ambiguity) is too fine for your oscillator, then divide it to 5 MHz
 (=200 nsec) or 1 MHz (= 1µsec). This should be good enough to pull in
 a xtal that is off by 1:10e6.

 This sounds really simple and irresistible. Have you or Rick
 tried it out? I see instead of a TIC (Time Interval Counter)
 you have a TAC (Time Average Controller ;-)

 Not just GPS 1PPS noise but any oscillator noise (jitter), if
 large enough, is also a source of natural dither. Sounds like
 this design would be especially ideal for a low-end GPSDO;
 i.e., one that only needs to be accurate to 10^-9 or 10^-10.

 Did you envision that the OCXO EFC would be driven by a
 statistics-collecting microprocessor and a high-resolution
 DAC? Or is there some clever way to tie statistical results
 of the D-latch to the EFC and avoid the DAC too?


 time-nuts mailing list


A D flipflop is a better choice than a transparent latch.

If the PPS signal also interrupts the micro, the built in interrupt 
synchroniser will ensure sufficient delay that when the output of the D 
flipflop is sampled the probability of its output being in a metastable 
state will be extremely low particularly if a 74AC74 or faster flipflop 
is employed.


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-11 Thread Brooke Clarke
Hi Jim:

The size of the sawtooth error depends on which GPS receiver you are using. 
The older 6 and 8 channel Motorola receivers were a little over 50 ns and the 
newer 12 channel receivers are around 10 ns.

But it's my understanding that there's a bug in the sawtooth output on all the 
6 channel units and all but the very newest firmware versions of the 8 channel 
units so that you increase the errors by attempting to correct their sawtooh 
errors, better to just average them.

The 12 channel receivers have working firmware and so applying the correction 
works.  If you use the HP 53131 or 53132 counter and the TAC32 software (join 
TAPR to get it at the ham discount price) then the correction is done in that 
software for you.  It's nothing fancy just subtracting the offset error from 
the measurement.

CNS who sells TAC32 also has a box that includes the hardware correction built 
in.  But the first versions of that box did not work as well as they should and 
there's a firmware update that helps.

Whether you need the hardware approach would depend on your use.  For data 
logging like when comparing a source to GPS the post processing method costs 
much less and the result is identical with the hardware approach.  But for 
disciplining a Rb of Cs standard the hardware approach would be better.

There's been quite a bit of discussion about the deficiencies the current home 
brew GPSDO designs have when used with the 12 channel Motorola (whatever the 
new name is) chips and there's some preliminary work on a phase detector up to 
the stability needs of that receiver.  Sawtooth correction will be a part of 
that design.

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke, N6GCE

Jim Miller wrote:
 My first gentle...
 I spent the last several evenings reading the archives and saw mention of 
 sawtooth error correction in software. Since the corrections to be applied 
 are on the order of 1e-9 seconds it would seem that the phase detector 
 outputs to which these are applied must be similar in resolution.
 That would seem to require a pretty hefty phase detector and a pretty 
 substantial computing resource. Doesn't sound inexpensive. Is there a way 
 around this?
 OTOH, the Dallas Semi delay line pushes the computation out into the input 
 of the phase detector at the cost of a $17 chip (1k qty) which in small 
 quantities is likely $50 or so. This would seem to allow for a wider variety 
 of phase measurement techniques.
 Do I have this right?
 jim miller
 time-nuts mailing list

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-11 Thread Jim Miller

Thanks for the quick response. I'm definitely in the amateur/hobbyist, 
frequency quadrant of the spectrum of posters/lurkers here.

I'm mostly interested in the homebrew M12M/GPSDO activities so the HP 
counter doesn't appear applicable.


jim miller

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-11 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths
Jim Miller wrote:
 My first gentle...

 I spent the last several evenings reading the archives and saw mention of 
 sawtooth error correction in software. Since the corrections to be applied 
 are on the order of 1e-9 seconds it would seem that the phase detector 
 outputs to which these are applied must be similar in resolution.

 That would seem to require a pretty hefty phase detector and a pretty 
 substantial computing resource. Doesn't sound inexpensive. Is there a way 
 around this?

 OTOH, the Dallas Semi delay line pushes the computation out into the input 
 of the phase detector at the cost of a $17 chip (1k qty) which in small 
 quantities is likely $50 or so. This would seem to allow for a wider variety 
 of phase measurement techniques.

 Do I have this right?


 jim miller

Your conclusions are somewhat astray.

The Dallas delay lines aren't all that accurate, you need to calibrate 
them to acheive 1ns accuracy (read the specs) and then you have to worry 
about temperature variations.
To use them you need to decode the sawtooth correction message from the 
GPS timing receiver.
If you've decoded this message then you have all the information needed 
to make a software correction to the measured phase error.
Why add the cost of a programmable delay line when the additional cost 
of correction is a few lines of code?
They also don't remove the requirement for subnanosecond phase 
measurement resolution and accuracy.
Whilst an analog phase lock loop can have the necessary resolution they 
are somewhat impractical for the relatively long averaging times 
required when optimally disciplining a good OCXO.

The computational load isnt that severe as you only make one phase 
measurement per second.

One of the simplest ways of achieving subnanosecond phase measurement 
resolution is to feed a quadrature phase 10MHz sinewave into a pair of 
simultaneous sampling ADCs (MAXIM have suitable devices prices seem 
reasonable). The sinewaves are sampled at the leading edge of the GPS 
receiver PPS signal.
The ADC outputs can then be used to determine where in the cycle the PPS 
edge occurred. This in effect is a subnanosecond resolution phase 
detector with a range of 100nsec. The range can easily be extended by 
using a small CPLD which incorporates a couple of synchronisers (one 
clocked by the positive slope transition of the 10MHz signal and the 
other clocked by the negative slope xero crossing transition of the 
10MHz signal) The output of both synchronisers samples the value of a 
synchronous counter which is clocked by the positive slope zero crossing 
of the 10MHz sinewave. Software then sorts out which latched count is 
most reliable (the synchroniser whose clock edge is furthest from the 
PPS transition). This sounds complex but it isnt, especially if you 
select the right PIC (or other micro) with built in counters 
(PIC18F4550?) that can be sampled by an external transition (output of a 
synchroniser). The counter need only be an 8 bits counter.

Another technique is to start a ramp on the leading edge of the PPS 
signal from the GPS receiver and stop it at the corresponding output 
transition of a synchroniser (clocked at 10MHz) whose output samples an 
(8bit) counter (also clocked at 10MHz - your local OCXO standards 
frequency). The final value of the ramp is sampled by an ADC and 
combined with the sampled count to resolve the 1 count ambiguity at the 
synchroniser output. The ramp is then reset for the next PPS pulse. 
Calibration of the ramp generator is required but calibration cycles are 
easily interleaved between PPS pulses.
Although it may seem that a fast opamp is required for the ramp 
generator, this isnt so as you can wait for any opamp (and/or ADC input) 
to settle to before sampling the ramp output.
With careful design curvature correction isn't required (don't slavishly 
copy the Linear technology Application note, you can do better with 
less). The ramp generator needs a range of  300ns or greater with a  
10MHz synchroniser clock. A 10-12 bit ADC will provide subnanosecond 
resolution. The ADC need not be fast (10us per conversion is adequate), 
however a sigma delta ADC is unsuitable.

Synchronisers can easily be built from shift registers.


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-11 Thread Tom Van Baak
 My first gentle...
 I spent the last several evenings reading the archives and saw mention of 
 sawtooth error correction in software. Since the corrections to be applied 
 are on the order of 1e-9 seconds it would seem that the phase detector 
 outputs to which these are applied must be similar in resolution.

Right. When a correction is way smaller than the signal one
usually doesn't bother with a correction. On the other hand,
some might argue that every little bit helps.

 That would seem to require a pretty hefty phase detector and a pretty 
 substantial computing resource. Doesn't sound inexpensive. Is there a way 
 around this?

I would agree. A 1 ns phase detector is usually more than a
single IC. Not sure what to say about the computer resource,
though. The sawtooth correction is usually obtained though a
low-speed (e.g., 9600 baud) serial message from the GPS
receiver. Most any $2 microcontroller can handle a task like

When someone finds a cheap single-shot 1 ns TIC-on-a-chip
please let me know.

 OTOH, the Dallas Semi delay line pushes the computation out into the input 
 of the phase detector at the cost of a $17 chip (1k qty) which in small 
 quantities is likely $50 or so. This would seem to allow for a wider variety 
 of phase measurement techniques.
 Do I have this right?

Yes, although it depends on the application.

If you are using GPS, for example, to monitor the long-term
performance of a cesium standard then you already need a
high-resolution TIC. Sawtooth correction is useful but it doesn't
make more than 1 ns difference if it's hardware or software.
Sometimes using two serial ports and correcting in software
is fine. Other times it's more convenient to use a box like the
CNS-II where it's all nicely done in hardware.

If you hare thinking of a GPSDO you need a phase detector
so you have to ask yourself if hardware sawtooth correction
with a good phase detector is better than an excellent phase
detector with just software correction. You'd have to do the
math to decide which was better.

The other factor that someone can comment on is what effect
time averaging has on all this. Can a coarse phase detector do
the job if you average long enough? Most GPSDO don't need
to make decisions every second. If you have a good OCXO
and tweak the EFC only once every 100 or 1000 seconds, can
you get away with a cheaper phase detector design?

All of this reminds me -- how many of you would be able to, or
would like to, do a GPSDO simulation? I have or can get days
of M12+ raw data, sawtooth data, and OCXO data. It should be
quite possible, then, to model a GPSDO.

Once you have this virtual GPSDO you can instantly see what
effect something like sawtooth correction has. Or see what
effect making the phase detector 5x better or 5x worse has on
the output. Or see what happens when there is a frequency
jump in the OCXO. Or the effect of a temporary loss of GPS
signal, etc. Or vary the cross-over point to see how the ADEV
of the VGPSDO changes. Or test different PID algorithms. Or
compare the effect of a cheap vs. good OCXO, etc.


 jim miller

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-11 Thread Javier
Tom Van Baak escribió:

 When someone finds a cheap single-shot 1 ns TIC-on-a-chip
 please let me know.

Not very expensive although not cheap. I've some samples... but not yet 
time to experiment with them.


Javier, EA1CRB

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-11 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths

Javier wrote:

Tom Van Baak escribió:

When someone finds a cheap single-shot 1 ns TIC-on-a-chip
please let me know.

Not very expensive although not cheap. I've some samples... but not yet 
time to experiment with them.


Javier, EA1CRB


You still need some additional hardware like a synchroniser (shift 
However this is indeed about as close as you will get to a single chip 

For an analog style TAC see attached schematic.
The required level shifting has been omitted for clarity.
NB current mode logic is employed where either P1 or P2 collector 
current is equal to alpha times P3's collector current.

Similarly for N1, N2, N3.
During reset both N2 and P2 are ON.
Diodes D1 and D2 conduct equal currents.
The collector current of N3 is 2x the collector current of P3.
The START input turns off N2 so that P2 charges C1.
The STOP input turns off P2 leaving the ramp voltage corresponding to 
the time between the START and STOP transitions stored on C1.
The opamp is then takes a few microsec to settle at which point its 
output can be sampled by an ADC.
When START and STOP both go to zero the capacitor voltage ramps down 
until it is clamped at 0V by D1 and D2.

inline: OLAPTAC.gif___
time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-11 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths


Corrected Analog TAC schematic attached.

The number of extra chips required depends on if one uses a CPLD or SSI 
logic (eg 74HC/74AHC parts) and if your selected micro has a suitable 
internal ADC and or a counter that can be sampled by an external signal 

inline: OLAPTAC.gif___
time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-11 Thread Hal Murray
 Synchronisers can easily be built from shift registers.

What do you mean by synchronizer?

Are you talking about a delay so the times line up correctly or a circuit to 
avoid metastability?

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-11 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths
Hal Murray wrote:
 Synchronisers can easily be built from shift registers.

 What do you mean by synchronizer?

 Are you talking about a delay so the times line up correctly or a 
 circuit to avoid metastability?


Usually just a fast shift register with the number of stages selected to 
achieve a suitably low rate of metastable states at the output.
Its usually easy to ensure that the failure rate is less than once in a 
few terayears.
The PPS signal will not be synchronous with the local OCXO due to noise 
and sawtooth error so that metastable states are possible when the PPS 
is connected to the D input of a flipflop clocked by the OCXO.


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Software Sawtooth correction prerequisites?

2007-05-11 Thread Jim Miller
Hi Tom

I thought the 1ns resolution phase detector combined with a significant 
phase error in a PLL could generate a number large enough to need a 4 byte 
representation which would then need signed arithmetic done on it. 
Accumulating many of those over the integration period means even greater 
precision in the PI software. Lots of work for a little PIC. Lesser 
resolution means easier computation although 1 second is a long time.

I finally found where the sawtooth info comes from: the RAIM message...I 
mentioned I was a newbie. Since it is just an signed 8bit number in 
nanoseconds and is in the 50ns range it doesn't seem too useful if a low 
resolution phase detector has already quantized the phase sample. I suppose 
it could be accumulated anyway in the off chance the mean of the errors was 
significantly non-zero.

I'm strictly an amateur looking at building a GPSDO for a workbench 
frequency standard and perhaps for occasional use on a ham rig. My 
oscillator will most likely be a HP10811 or similar.

Your simulator sounds interesting. Would it need to be built on a commercial 

jim miller

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