The Triad VPS12-2000 transformer seems to be the best readily available alternative to the original wall-wart power supply so far for the ESE ES-911/GPS/NTP.  The two 6 volt windings can be strapped in parallel to provide 4 amps.  It won't fit within the 1U case so some sort of external enclosure is necessary.

While the ES-911 will operate on a 6 volt 2 amp wall-wart and the internal 5 volt rail is within spec, the other voltages are low. With the Triad unit, the internal battery now floats at 6.8 volts, a more reasonable value.  Under load, the Triad puts out 7.1 volts AC, the same as the no-load output of the 2 amp wall-wart previously used.

This information may be of some use to others who obtain an ESE ES-911/GPS/NTP or similar unit that is missing the external AC power supply.


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