[Tinyos-help] ADC Readings and VoltageC

2011-01-20 Thread Francesco Ficarola
Hi everybody!

I have an IRIS mote (XM2110CA) and when I read a simple voltage
battery thanks to VoltageC component I get a corret reading, but if I
introduce also some ADC readings (for example with a potentiometer) by
channel 0/1/2... (with a break-out board like this:
http://www.etantdonnes.com/Motes/MicaBOB/), then VoltageC values
change and depend on the resistance of the potentiometer... It's very
strange. Why?

P.S. If I read ADC values thanks to MDA300CA sensorboard, then
VoltageC shows correct values. Also with telosb mote the ADC readings
and VoltageC values are correct and indipendent.

Francesco Ficarola
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] TinyOS vs 802.15.4 packet format

2011-01-20 Thread luis_size
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to understand the packet format used by TinyOS when 802.15.4 MAC TKN 
MAC layer is used.

1- Before, I know that TinyOS message format is : AMPacket | link source addr   
|   msg len   |   groupID   |   handlerID   |   source addr   |   payload

2- I found also that The CC2420 Packet structure is defined in CC2420.h. The 
default I-Frame CC2420 header takes on the following format::: 

typedef nx_struct cc2420_header_t {
   nxle_uint8_t length;
   nxle_uint16_t fcf;
   nxle_uint8_t dsn;
   nxle_uint16_t destpan;
   nxle_uint16_t dest;
   nxle_uint16_t src;
   nxle_uint8_t network;  // optionally included with 6LowPAN layer
   nxle_uint8_t type;
 } cc2420_header_t;

In which format packets are when I use TinyOS with TKN 802.15.4 ? is the first 
one encapsulated in the second one ? or maybe one is used for data and the 
second for 802.15.4 control messages (request, confirm ) ?

I'll be very thankful if someone can lighten my mind :)


Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] ADC Readings and VoltageC

2011-01-20 Thread Michael Schippling
Are you sure you are connecting the pot correctly?
Something like a 10K pot between +battery and ground
with the center wiper attached to _only_ the single
input pin, right?

Also note that channel 0 is (on other mica type devices)
the RSSI input from the radio, so it's probably not
available for use. I believe voltageC is attached to
channel 7, so it's out of the loop too.

My break-out-board just brings all the connector pins to
a convenient connection point, unless the traces are shorted
or something...


Francesco Ficarola wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> I have an IRIS mote (XM2110CA) and when I read a simple voltage
> battery thanks to VoltageC component I get a corret reading, but if I
> introduce also some ADC readings (for example with a potentiometer) by
> channel 0/1/2... (with a break-out board like this:
> http://www.etantdonnes.com/Motes/MicaBOB/), then VoltageC values
> change and depend on the resistance of the potentiometer... It's very
> strange. Why?
> P.S. If I read ADC values thanks to MDA300CA sensorboard, then
> VoltageC shows correct values. Also with telosb mote the ADC readings
> and VoltageC values are correct and indipendent.
> Regards,
> Francesco Ficarola
> ___
> Tinyos-help mailing list
> Tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu
> https://www.millennium.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tinyos-help
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Consensus and gossip algorithms

2011-01-20 Thread Sergio Valcarcel

Do you know any one with an  open TinyOS implementation of consensus
and gossip services for distributed computing?

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] welcome everybody

2011-01-20 Thread Abdulqawi Hayel

i'm an undergraduate students in the Dep. of Software Engineering , Taiz
Univ. Yemen

and in this time , i have many work in my graduation project... " Tracking
Via Passive infra red sensors and telosb

i need some help on the process or the steps of taking the *tresholding
value* from the WIEYE sensor --- Easysen.com
becouse i'm a unique student working in the WSN field in my University ...

please help me about anything in this point of interest .

Andulkawi Kassem
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] time in millisecond in Tossim

2011-01-20 Thread Anas
I need help please 
how can I calculate time by millisecond In TOSSIM

Anas A. Al-Roubaiey
Lecturer-B, Computer Engineering Department
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Dhahran 31261, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Office: 966 3 860 1423
Mobile : 966 505-624-163
Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] Micaz smallest sending rate

2011-01-20 Thread Philip Levis

On Jan 18, 2011, at 2:44 PM, Jimmy wrote:

> Hi,
> Currently I have a question of Micaz smallest sending rate.
> When I specified the packet size as 90 bytes and packet interval as 20
> ms, I checked the received sequence id and found nearly only half of
> the transmitted packets were received. But when I decreased the packet
> size to 80 bytes, or increased packet interval to 25 ms, all packets
> were received.
> I was a little confused about this because I don't think the packet
> transmission was saturated at this stage. One explanation I can think
> of is maybe the Micaz hardware processing speed is not able to handle
> this much traffic.
> I wonder whether anybody else encountered similar situation as mine.
> Or what's your fastest sending rate when programming on Micaz. When I
> specified packet size as 20 bytes, the packet interval can be set as
> around 6ms.
> FYI, I use the timer function to trigger a packet transmission.
> Thanks for any suggestions.


Have checked whether the send calls are failing (i.e., with 90 byte packets you 
call send again before sendDone is signaled)? I'd first check the sending side.

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] nesC Compilation

2011-01-20 Thread Hary Prabowo Suryoatmojo
I've installed tinyOs.
We use this command to compile C program : gcc file_name.c -o output_name
My question is 'What is command to compile nesC program ?'. Do the hardware 
be connected to compile the program ?

Thank you.

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Conflict Between CC2420 Radio and I2C on Epic Platform

2011-01-20 Thread Brad Campbell

I'm trying to use the I2C bus on the Epic/MSP430 and use the CC2420 radio.
The radio seems to conflict with the I2C transactions. I'm sampling a light
sensor and the sensor requires about 4 I2C commands. After I send the
second I2C.write() command, I2C.writeDone() never gets called. I'm
requesting the Msp430I2CC.Resource before issuing any I2C commands and I
don't release it until I am completely done interfacing with my I2C sensor.
I can't figure out why the radio is interrupting the process.

Here is roughly my I2C code:
configuration HalRohmBH17C {
implementation {
components new Msp430I2CC();
RohmBH17LogicP.I2CResource  -> Msp430I2CC.Resource;

generic module RohmBH17LogicP () {
implementation {
command error_t RohmBH17.measureLight () {
call I2CResource.request();
return SUCCESS;
event void I2CResource.granted () { 
post perform_action();
task void perform_action () {
if (done) call I2CResource.release();

I found that if I edit /tinyos-2.x/tos/chips/cc2420/spi/CC2420SpiP.nc so
that the "async command error_t Resource.request[ uint8_t id ]()" command
simply returns EBUSY for all requests my I2C communication proceeds without
interruption. This obviously disables the radio, however.

I've tried calling RadioControl.stop() in my main program before sampling
the light sensor. This does not help. In fact, this problem occurs if I
even just include IPDispatchC in with the app and and never turn the radio
on or use it.

Any ideas on why the radio doesn't seem to be following the resource

Brad Campbell
Tinyos-help mailing list