[Tinyos-help] BaseStation question

2010-05-17 Thread Joaquim Oller
I've been trying for several days to discover how to get BaseStation keeping
the 802.15.4 MAC header and not substituting it with the serial one. Is
there a way to attach MAC header just after the serial one? Data would be at
last place.

Furthermore, why BaseStation ignore ACKs? I've been sniffing some
communications but there are no acks displayed but I effectively see them
with other sniffing hardware.

I'm using TinyOS 2.0.
So to summarize, I would like to implement a more transparent radio to
serial bridge without discarding acks and without losing MAC headers ;)

Sorry if this is a basic question, just starting but I've got messed with
all the wiring!
Thanks a lot!
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] BaseStation Question

2011-09-05 Thread Newlyn Erratt

I am looking into writing a gateway application and am curious if the
BaseStation application will suit my needs.

My primary questioin is at what level BaseStation forwards bridges network
packets to serial port.

My goal will be to run on top of CTP (I can do some reconfiguration of
BaseStation for this) but it is important to my gateway that I have the CTP
headers rather than just the CTP payloads.  How hard will it be to allow
this behavior in the BaseStation application?

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] BaseStation question

2010-05-17 Thread Michael Schippling
This won't be much help since I'm using TOSBase under T1...but...

The default behavior of MICA basestations was to map incoming
micaZ 802.whatever headers to the old style mica2 headers. I once
saw mention of where/how this happens but have totally forgotten.
You might find something with an exhaustive search of this list,
looking for problems when setting "micaz" in the MOTECOM envvar.
Another way to track it down would be doing a "make docs" to get
the actual component connections, and then trace through the
whole receive path to see if you can find the header conversion.
...I don't think it is done on the UART side... Basestations for
the telos devices don't convert the header, or didn't under T1...

The ACK behavior is annoying at best. For some reason "they" didn't
want to pass ACKS through to the serial sender. I "fixed" this in
TOSBase by moving the  UARTTokenReceive.ReflectToken() call from
the processUartPacket() method which forwarded a message received
over the serial port, to the  RadioSend.sendDone() callback which
was called after the forwarded message was done -- and acked --
by the radio. For my uses there was always a single message in
the forward queue so the same message got acked -- I won't swear,
but I think this may be the general case since the serial port
is usually a single-user resource. Note that you also have to
enable the ACK behavior in the radio components of the basestation
code, and your re-Motes.


Joaquim Oller wrote:
> Hi!
> I've been trying for several days to discover how to get BaseStation 
> keeping the 802.15.4 MAC header and not substituting it with the serial 
> one. Is there a way to attach MAC header just after the serial one? Data 
> would be at last place.
> Furthermore, why BaseStation ignore ACKs? I've been sniffing some 
> communications but there are no acks displayed but I effectively see 
> them with other sniffing hardware.
> I'm using TinyOS 2.0.
> So to summarize, I would like to implement a more transparent radio to 
> serial bridge without discarding acks and without losing MAC headers ;)
> Sorry if this is a basic question, just starting but I've got messed 
> with all the wiring!
> Thanks a lot!
> ___
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