[Tinyos-help] connect MIB510 to the pc via hyperterminal

2006-08-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am developing an application  in wich three sensors (MICA2 Crossbow) send the information to a gateway and this gateway (MIB510 Crossbow) via RS232 port to a GSM terminal for sending the information by the mobile network. This is the reason why I want to "see" first how take or save the serial data in hyperterminal for study how it works and I would like to know if I need to configure something in the sensors, the gateway or my PC for compleet my application. Is there any problem with the serial port? I would appreciate it if somebody can help me
I´m Spanish. Sorry for my english. Thank you everybody.

Prueba el Nuevo Correo Terra; Seguro, rápido, fiable.

Tinyos-help mailing list

Re: [Tinyos-help] connect MIB510 to the pc via hyperterminal

2006-08-08 Thread Michael Schippling

I haven't tried to use hyperterm for this but you should be able
to see something once you get the settings correct. I believe
they would be: baud 57K, 1 stop, no-parity, no handshaking.

But the mote message packets are binary and hyperterm generally
expects to see ASCII, so received data may appear to be garbage.
And you will not be able to send a message because the CRC field
needs to be calculated and some values escaped. See the much
referenced OctaveTech paper on the message format.

It's easier to use something like ListenRaw in the tools/java tree.

I am developing an application  in wich three sensors (MICA2 
Crossbow) send the information to a gateway and this gateway (MIB510 
Crossbow) via RS232 port to a GSM terminal for sending the information 
by the mobile network. This is the reason why I want to "see" first how 
take or save the serial data in hyperterminal for study how it works and 
I would like to know if I need to configure something in the sensors, 
the gateway or my PC for compleet my application. Is there any problem 
with the serial port? I would appreciate it if somebody can help me
I´m Spanish. Sorry for my english. Thank you everybody.

**Prueba el Nuevo Correo Terra; Seguro, rápido, fiable.** 

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