���A follow-up to my link to Scott Lilienfeld's article on the need for 
replication of scientific claims:

Hype surrounding fossil find Ida has mislead [sic] scores of people

Fossil hailed as Man's ancestor is 'not even close relative'

>From the "Why Evolution is True" website:
The authors [of the "Ida" paper] have supplied an updated Competing 
Interests statement, which reads as follows:

"The authors wish to declare, for the avoidance of any misunderstanding 
concerning competing interests, that a production company (Atlantic 
Productions), several television channels (History Channel, BBC1, ZDF, 
NRK) and a book publisher (Little Brown and co) were involved in 
discussions regarding this paper in advance of publication… In 
addition, the Natural History Museum of Oslo purchased the fossil that 
is examined in this paper, however, this purchase in no way influenced 
the publication of this paper or the science contained within it, and 
in no way benefited the individual authors."

As the website author notes:
"This is a tad disingenuous, since “benefit” to scientists includes far 
more than money: it includes (or included) all the hype and buzz around 
the initial description of Ida as a “missing link” — publicity that of 
course redounds to a scientist’s career."


Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

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