Dear Tipsters,

I am working on research on “pedagogy as therapeutic alliance” (working title of the paper). The recent posting by Louis prompts me to ask all Tipsters for their ‘take’ on this. I’m pasting a few excerpts from what I’ve done to date to give a background perspective on why I feel pedagogy IS a therapeutic alliance…you may not agree…or you may agree. Whatever your feelings on this, I am most interested in hearing them. This is hardly the format for “informed consent” but if you do respond and would not object to being quoted (when I finish the paper I will submit a copy for your perusal before giving it to the world!), it would be necessary to include some statement to that effect and your contact information. My personal email address and contact info is included in my signature box. Thanks for any interest/responses! Beverly

Excerpts from lit review:

     “Concerning the use of therapy-oriented skills, Boylan, Malley, and Scott (1995) list 98 constituent items on a scale of counselor competency in their manual, Practicum and Internship: Textbook for Counseling and Psychotherapy (2nd ed.).  More than two thirds of the items on this instrument could appropriately be placed on a scale for assessment of teachers’ responsibilities.  These include items related to modeling appropriate behavior; the ability to describe cognitive, behavioral, or affective changes; selection of effective strategies; the ability to identify maladaptive symptomology; the prioritization of problems; understanding concepts of natural consequences; selection and interpretation of appropriate tests; use of clear terminology; being reflective, genuine, empathic, and having positive regard; to appropriate use of support and disapproval; objective dealings with others; awareness of socioeconomic, cultural, and personal factors that might affect progress; encouraging others to accept responsibility; attending to cognitions, behaviors, and feelings; use of behavioral contracts and periodic evaluation; written observations of behavior and progress; and establishing goals.      


Yalom (1995), author of the seminal work The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy, noted that “a sine qua non for effective therapy outcome is a proper therapeutic relationship …. characterized by trust, warmth, empathic understanding, and acceptance” (p. 48).     


 The therapeutic milieu, or the purposive adaptation of environment to support positive emotional and behavioral expression (Cooper, Smith, & Upton, 1994), is thus directly related to establishment of rapport, empathy, and unconditional positive regard.”


Thx again, Beverly

PS – I second the vote for Click and Clack!


Beverly J Moore, PhD                                            PH: 334-524-3063      FAX: 530-678-7130           

Affliate Professor, Auburn University, AL 36849           

                          Without music, life would be a mistake. - Nietzsche

Composers should write tunes that chauffeurs and errand boys can whistle. - Thomas Beecham




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