Some subscribers to TIPS might be interested in a discussion list post 
"Elizabeth Green's 'Why Do Americans Stink at Math?' " [Hake (2014)]. The 
abstract reads:


ABSTRACT: Elizabeth Green, in a NYT Magazine article titled "Why Do Americans 
Stink at Math?" at <> wrote: "With the Common Core . . . 
. . . . . . . . . 

. . . . . . [[<>, compatible with the reform math 
education methods]]. . . .  . . . . 

teachers are once more being asked to unlearn an old approach and learn an 
entirely new one, essentially on their own. Training is still weak and 
infrequent, and principals - who are no more skilled at math than their 
teachers - remain unprepared to offer support. Textbooks, once again, have 
received only surface adjustments, despite the shiny Common Core labels that 
decorate their covers. . . . . Left to their own devices, teachers are once 
again trying to incorporate new ideas into old scripts, often botching them in 
the process. . . . . . . No wonder parents and some mathematicians denigrate 
the reforms as "fuzzy math." In the warped way untrained teachers interpret 
them, they are fuzzy."

 Green's article has prompted at least two threads on discussion lists. One 
initiated by Wayne Bishop on the OPEN! Math-Teach archives at 
<>. Bishop at <> wrote: "Other than 
'Americans Stink at Math', almost everything [Green] says is wrong.  
Decades-old (century?) math ed mythology."

 Another initiated by John Clement on the CLOSED! July PhysLrnR archives 
<>. Clement at  <> wrote: 
(paraphrasing): "Green's very good article is about how the Japanese reformed 
their math teaching and are now beating us.  Their method resembles 
"Interactive Engagement" methods in Physics Education Research."


 To access the complete 57 kB post please click on <>.

 Richard Hake, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Indiana University. LINKS TO: 
Academia <>; Articles <>; Blog 
<>; Facebook <>; GooglePlus 
<>; Google Scholar <>; Linked In 
<>; Research Gate <>; Socratic 
Dialogue Inducing (SDI) Labs <>; Twitter 


REFERENCES [URL shortened by <> and accessed on 25 July 2014.]

Hake, R.R.  "Elizabeth Green's 'Why Do Americans Stink at Math?' " online on 
the OPEN! AERA-L archives at <>.The abstract and link to 
the complete post are being transmitted to several discussion lists and are 
also on my blog "Hake'sEdStuff" at <>.



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