Re: [tips] Guys, Here's Another Excuse

2012-12-09 Thread Mike Palij

On Sun, 09 Dec 2012 19:45:11 -0800, Stephen Black wrote:

Mike commented:

On 9 Dec 2012 at 11:33, Mike Palij wrote:
Where Prof.
Black got the idea that Milner was involved is/was a mystery


Turns out that the planned film (which as not yet been made)
was to be based on Suzanne Corkin's book on H.M.

First, it seems that Mike is unaware that Brenda Milner was the first
to appreciate the enormous importance of H.M. to neuropsychology and
the first to to initiate systematic study of his staggering memory
impairment (See Scoville and Milner, 1957).


Classic Black.  Of course I know Milner's role in all this but the
information given in the popular media was that the movie was
going to focus on Corkin's years with H.M. Again, where Black
got the idea that Milner would be the movie or what role, if any,
she would play is a mystery. Or a product of his imagination.

If Black had looked at the article I linked to on the variety website, he
would have read:

|Studio has completed a deal for screen rights to a memoir that
|just sold to Scribner and which will be written by Dr. Suzanne
|Corkin, the doctor who worked with Molaison for 45 years.
|The plan is to develop a film about H.M. as seen through the eyes
|of Corkin, a professor of behavioral neuroscience in the Dept. of
|Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT. Columbia and Rudin also
|acquired rights to Philip Hilts' "Memory's Ghost: The Nature of
|Memory and the Strange Tale of Mr. M," a 1996 book written about H.M.

No mention of Milner or any indication of what role she might play
in the film.  Depending upon who ultimately writes the screenplay
and directs the movie, Milner may play a minor role or no role at all.


Finally, this nitpick from MIke:

(nor is it clear why he [that's me] though Rudin directed "No

Country for Old Men" when it was the Coen brothers who directed it).

Let the record show that in my old post to which Mike refers:

a) I correctly identified Rudin as the director of the new film on

*eyes roll*  I'd like to know what evidence Black has for this statement.
Rudin is a PRODUCER not a DIRECTOR as examination of his
IMDB record will attest to; see:

Rudin has NEVER directed a movie and all of his future movies on
IMDB has him in the role of producer.  The NY Times, using info
from another database, shows that Rudin is the producer and that
other roles have not been filled; see:

b) I correctly identified Rudin as associated with the film "No
Country for Old Men"
c) I never said that Rudin was the director of  "No Country for Old

Black wrote:

|But the director Scott Rudin (No Country for Old Men) is a heavyweight.

So let's see:  Black calls Scott Rudin a director (even though he has never
directed any film) and provided the name of a film after his name, which
would invite the inference that the "director Scott Rudin directed the
movie 'No Country for Old Man' ".  Since you didn't specify any other
role for Rudin outside of director, what role would Rudin play for the
Coen's brothers film?

So what was MIke going on about?

That, as usual, you don't appear to know what you are talking about.

-Mike Palij
New York University

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Re: [tips] Guys, Here's Another Excuse

2012-12-09 Thread sblack
On 9 Dec 2012 at 11:33, Mike Palij wrote:

> Given Professor Black's history of posts on Tips, it is not always
> clear when he is serious or joking, serious about facts or joking
> about facts, thinking that some statement is a fact when in fact it is
> a joke, and so on. Case in point, see, for example:

and a bit farther down:

 > So, when Prof. Black speaks, it is not always clear what he means.
> Especially if he leaves out emoticons.

I'm pleased to discover how much Mike P. has missed me, and 
particularly pleased that he continues to treasure posts of mine 
almost three years old, which even I had forgotten about. 

On his complaint and confusion, I've always felt that a good joke 
doesn't need the help of tiresome emoticons. In fact, it spoils the 
joke and insults the intelligence of the reader. No risk of that in 
Mike's case, of course :-)

In that old post,  I reported a film to be made about H.M., the late 
patient with tragically-impaired memory. I had speculated 
(tongue-in-cheek, Mike) about which actress might play Brenda Milner.

Mike commented:

> Where Prof.
> Black got the idea that Milner was involved is/was a mystery 


> Turns out that the planned film (which as not yet been made) 
> was to be based on Suzanne Corkin's book on H.M. 

First, it seems that Mike is unaware that Brenda Milner was the first 
to appreciate the enormous importance of H.M. to neuropsychology and 
the first to to initiate systematic study of his staggering memory 
impairment (See Scoville and Milner, 1957).  Suzanne Corkin was 
Milner's student. So any halfway decent retelling of the H.M. story 
with a degree of historical accuracy would  have to include some 
portrayal of the important contribution of Milner. Picture it. Milner 
rises from her office chair, fixes Corkin with a steely gaze, and 
says, "He's yours. Go forth and study him. Neuropsychology depends on 

As for choice of actress, I still favour Kidman or Winslet if a young 
Milner is to be portrayed. For an older scientist remembering how it 
all began, I suggest the ineffable Judi Dench. After all, she's going 
to have time on her hands now that her contribution to Bond pictures 
is over.

Finally, this nitpick from MIke:

> (nor is it clear why he [that's me] though Rudin directed "No  
Country for Old Men" when it was the Coen brothers who directed it). 

Let the record show that in my old post to which Mike refers:

a) I correctly identified Rudin as the director of the new film on 

b) I correctly identified Rudin as associated with the film "No 
Country for Old Men"

c) I never said that Rudin was the director of  "No Country for Old 

So what was MIke going on about?


Scoville, W., and Milner, B. (1957). Loss of recent memory after 
bilateral hippocampal lesions. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat. 20, 
11- [ available on-line at ]

Stephen L. Black, Ph.D.  
Professor of Psychology, Emeritus   
Bishop's University
Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada   
e-mail:  sblack at

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Re: [tips] Guys, Here's Another Excuse

2012-12-09 Thread Mike Palij

On Sun, 09 Dec 2012 05:31:46 -0800, Stephen Black wrote:

On 8 Dec 2012 at 10:08, Mike Palij wrote:

To increase the educational value of this topic, here are additional

The thing it takes to bring me out of hibernation:

Boy, the things that make one respond to a Stephen Black post.

The slide show has its history wrong. Forget American Mary
Phelps-Jacobs.  Two words: Otto Titzling.

Given Professor Black's history of posts on Tips, it is not always clear
when he is serious or joking, serious about facts or joking about facts,
thinking that some statement is a fact when in fact it is a joke, and so on.
Case in point, see, for example:
Prof. Black was gushing about the possibility of a movie being made
about H.M. in which Brenda Milner, one of Canada's most famous
people (or at least psychologist), would be featured.  Would Nicole
Kidman play Milner or Kate Winslet?  Turns out that the planned film
(which has not yet been made) was to be based on Suzanne Corkin's
book on H.M.; see:
Where Prof. Black got the idea that Milner was involved is/was a
mystery (nor is it clear why he though Rudin directed "No Country
for Old Men" when it was the Coen brothers who directed it).
For the Corkin's soon to be published book on H.M., see:

So, when Prof. Black speaks, it is not always clear what he means.
Especially if he leaves out emoticons.

The slide show has its history wrong. Forget American Mary
Phelps-Jacobs.  Two words: Otto Titzling.

Otto Titzling is a fictional character in the novel "Bust-Up"; see the 

on Amazon, in particular, read the first reader's comments; see:

Is Prof Black being serious or is he joking?  I see no ;-)

Also, read the Wikipedia entry on Titzling; see:

Quoting from the entry:
|Otto Titzling is a fictional character who is apocryphally described as
|the inventor of the brassiere in a book Bust Up: The Uplifting Tale of
|Otto Titzling, published by Macdonald in London in 1971 and by
|Prentice-Hall in the USA.


Snopes provided some other possible candidates which might be considered.

I leave it as an exercise for the reader to discover how the current
vulgar term for these, um, items derives from the eponymous Otto.

So, is Prof Black joking about Titzling being the originator of the bra
or is he confused and actually thinks that Titzling is originator?
(an authortative reference which would satisfy even Allen Esterson)

Again, citing the Wikipedia entry:
|the 1988 movie Beaches features a song by this name sung by Bette Midler,

And if that's not convincing enough, here's the original source:

See the Amazon link above.

Now ask me about the inventor of the flush toilet.

Quoting from the Titzling entry on Wikipedia:
|A similar situation exists with Thomas Crapper, who was a real-life plumber
|but did not invent the flush toilet.

Who did invent the flush toilet?  This is kinda like asking who invented 

(anyone who watched the Ken Burn's documentary on baseball will know what
I mean).  To better understand this situation, consider the history of the
flush toilet see:

A free roll of TP to the first person who can guess when the earliest flush 

was used without looking at the Wikipedia entry or other sources.

-Mike Palij
New York University

P.S. In case Prof. Black is joking, allow me to laugh "Ha-Ha-Ha". 
so it goes. 

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Re: [tips] Guys, Here's Another Excuse

2012-12-09 Thread Dr. Bob Wildblood
Stephen Black said:

  Now ask me about the inventor of the flush

  Okay, what about the flush toilet?  I suppose that
  you are going to say it wasn't Sir Thomas Crapper.

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Re: [tips] Guys, Here's Another Excuse

2012-12-09 Thread sblack
On 8 Dec 2012 at 10:08, Mike Palij wrote:
> To increase the educational value of this topic, here are additional
> facts/factoids:

The thing it takes to bring me out of hibernation:

The slide show has its history wrong. Forget American Mary 
Phelps-Jacobs.  Two words: Otto Titzling.

I leave it as an exercise for the reader to discover how the current 
vulgar term for these, um, items derives from the eponymous Otto.
(an authortative reference which would satisfy even Allen Esterson)

And if that's not convincing enough, here's the original source:

Now ask me about the inventor of the flush toilet.


Stephen L. Black, Ph.D.  
Professor of Psychology, Emeritus   
Bishop's University
Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada   
e-mail:  sblack at

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[tips] Guys, Here's Another Excuse

2012-12-08 Thread Mike Palij

Somehow this didn't catch the attention of Tipsters when it first came out
but it might be of interest to some now:

To increase the educational value of this topic, here are additional

Now, where is that Victoria's Secret catalog? ;-)

-Mike Palij
New York University

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