Gifts have been bought, shipped, and some given.  Getting ready for 
some grandmunchkin spoiling.  Tis now the season of being consciously grateful. 
  So, I especially was thinking about my two sons.  I deeply admire them, 
deeply.  My Silicon Valley Michael always wants--needs--the challenge and 
excitement of something new; my artist-with-food Robby is always looking for a 
culinary "new" (oh, you should taste his pickles, bacon, and lox).  Neither are 
"status quo" people.  Old hat doesn't fit them.  They're always deftly on the 
move in their professions and lives.  A risky "let's see if" and an 
unsuccessful "oops" are not their enemies; fearfully stymying "am not," 
paralyzing "can't" and atrophying "won't" are.  They experiment; they're not 
"one-and-out" people.  They're not embarrassed or diminished by "doesn't work." 
  They know behind every one of their accomplishments there were a host of 
attempts.  Perseverance and practice are their names, commitment is their game. 
 They've learned through trail and error.  They don't stick with one chiseled 
in stone habit of doing one thing one way, over and over again.  They adapt, 
adopt, invent, create, generate, discard, modify, adjust.  They venture out 
into new worlds to pass milestones rather than being weighed down and slowed by 
millstones..  They're really humble, knowing that too much pride can rob them 
of their confident "I wonder if."  They know so much about what they don't 
know.  They know that mastering their craft has taken a lot of time and pain, 
but they've learned to learn to put in the time in order to convert that pain 
into gain.  
        I am truly thankful to have them as my sons and humbled to have them 
call me "dad."  Love them both.  I've decided to keep them.  And, when I see 
them in the coming weeks, I will hug them, kiss them, and tell them, "thank you 
for becoming you"--and spoil their kids rotten.
        Susie and I would like to wish one and all a merry, happy, and all that.

Make it a good day


Louis Schmier                                 
203 E. Brookwood Pl               
Valdosta, Ga 31602 
(C)  229-630-0821                             /\   /\  /\                 /\    
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                                             /\"If you want to climb 
mountains,\ /\
                                         _ /  \    don't practice on mole 
hills" - /   \_

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