Some subscribers to TIPS might be interested in a discussion list post "Re: 
Developing research-based curricula in college-based higher education [Hake 
(2014)]. The abstract reads:


ABSTRACT: Alan Jenkins, in his POD post "Developing research-based curricula in 
college-based higher education" at <> uses the term 
"research-based curricula" to mean:  (a) "curricula emphasizing research or 
inquiry BY students," NOT (b) "curricula shown to be effective in promoting 
higher-order learning by education research."

For a review of the latter see e.g.: (1) "Adapting to a Changing World - 
Challenges and Opportunities in Undergraduate Physics Education" [NRC (2013)] 
<>; and (2) "Teaching and physics education research: 
bridging the gap" [Fraser et al. (2014) <>.

For anti-inquiry arguments see "Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does 
Not Work: An Analysis of the Failure of Constructivist, Discovery, 
Problem-Based, Experiential, and Inquiry-Based Teaching" [Kirschner et al. 
(2006)] <> and counters by Hmelo-Silver et al. (2007) 
<>; Kuhn (2007) <>; Schmidt et al. 
(2007) <>; & Hake (2010) <>.


To access the complete 61 kB post please click on <>.

Richard Hake, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Indiana University; Honorary 
Member, Curmudgeon Lodge of Deventer, The Netherlands; President, PEdants for 
Definitive Academic References which Recognize the Invention of the Internet 
(PEDARRII); LINKS TO: Academia <>; Articles 
<>; Blog <>; Facebook 
<>; GooglePlus <>; Google Scholar 
<>; Linked In <>; Research Gate 
<>; Socratic Dialogue Inducing (SDI) Labs 
<>; Twitter <>.


REFERENCES [URL shortened by <> and accessed on 17 March 2014.]

Hake, R.R. 2014. "Re: Developing research-based curricula in college-based 
higher education," online on the OPEN! AERA-L archives at 
<>.. The abstract and link to the complete post are being 
transmitted to several discussion lists and are also on my blog "Hake'sEdStuff" 
at <>.

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