Re: [TLS] A side meeting on OpenSSL's plans about QUIC

2021-11-03 Thread Robin MARX
Hello Rich,

I'm wondering if you could give a bit more details about the expected
outcome of this meeting?

IIUC, most people in the QUIC wg at least seem to be of the same opinion
that the OpenSSL plans are bad; I'm not sure IETF people (and even most
other QUIC implementers/users) need (more) convincing of this/repeating of
On the other hand, there doesn't seem to be an *active* effort to include
OpenSSL people in the meeting (as mentioned on the quicdev slack yesterday).

As such, I'm wondering what this potential echo-chamber aims to accomplish?
Prepare an "official statement" of sorts? Initiate a more formal liaison
relationship with the OMC? Is it the place of the IETF to "tell" other
projects what to do?
Ratify the switch to quictls and discuss plans for long-term maintenance?
Discuss the future of TLS use in QUIC v2?

Having a more concrete grasp on the goals would help me at least to better
prepare for this potentially crucial meeting.

Practical note for others: the time of the meeting seems to have changed
yesterday, make sure you update your agendas (the timing in the trac seems
correct/consistent with the changed ics).

Thanks and with best regards,

On Tue, 2 Nov 2021 at 19:13, Salz, Rich 

> As you might know, the OpenSSL Management Committee (OMC) has released
> their requirements for upcoming releases [1].  It has been met with a great
> deal of community pushback, some of which I summarized [2].
> A group of us are organizing a side meeting on Weds 16:30-20:00 UTC. You
> can find the logistics here [3]. Agenda and moderator will be posted soon.
> The meeting will be recorded.
> I know this is cross-posted to two very active lists. Please take care
> when replying, or save it for the meeting :)
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]


dr. Robin Marx
Postdoc researcher - Web protocols
Expertise centre for Digital Media

*Cellphone *+32(0)497 72 86 94
Universiteit Hasselt - Campus Diepenbeek
Agoralaan Gebouw D - B-3590 Diepenbeek
Kantoor EDM-2.05
TLS mailing list

Re: [TLS] A side meeting on OpenSSL's plans about QUIC

2021-11-03 Thread Salz, Rich
  *   I'm wondering if you could give a bit more details about the expected 
outcome of this meeting?

I have no plan, let’s see what the community thinks. (And this is not just me, 
this started with some people reaching out to me.) Here are some potential 
outcomes in my view:

  *   People get a better understanding of what OpenSSL plans are.
  *   People tell their company what is happening, and encourage their company 
to give input to OpenSSL
  *   People rise up, light torches, and storm OpenSSL Headquarters
  *   People offer suggestions about quictls
  *   People talk about a possible perma-fork
Not all of those are equally likely, of course.

I don’t think “echo chamber” is the right way to think of it. Sometimes giving 
people a chance to complain is a healthy outcome in and of itself. Letting that 
happen, if necessary, while having the side meeting be productive will take a 
good moderator and it won’t be me.

>On the other hand, there doesn't seem to be an active effort to include 
>OpenSSL people in the meeting (as mentioned on the quicdev slack yesterday).

All it takes is for one person to forward my note to 
{omc,otc,openssl-committers} at depending on which community you 
want to reach.  Or send them a link to the tweet from Nick which points out that 
anyone can attend. I am sure they know of it. They certainly should know now 
because there’s one address on the TLS list (and none on the QUIC 
list), although it’s certainly possible some folks on the project are using 
another mail provider. So maybe don’t forward things and bury them.

  *   Practical note for others: the time of the meeting seems to have changed 
yesterday, make sure you update your agendas (the timing in the trac seems 
correct/consistent with the changed ics).

Yes, the initial meeting didn’t account for the fact that the US switched from 
daylight time to standard time between now and then.  Sorry for the confusion.

TLS mailing list

Re: [TLS] A side meeting on OpenSSL's plans about QUIC

2021-11-03 Thread Peter Gutmann
Reposted here (with permission) since I think it's important to get this on
the record for discussion on this list.  It's always interesting to read about
protocol implementation details, especially if others can learn from them.


-- Snip --

Please change your mind about your announced release plans
Salz, Rich rsalz at
Fri Oct 29 15:13:35 UTC 2021

I think the current plan, to do QUIC over a series of releases, is a mistake
it seems seriously likely to make OpenSSL less relevant.  Some reasons follow.

According to, the
initial target for 3.0 was end of 2019, but the announced release date was
moved once to early Q2 2020, then early Q4 2020. It was ultimately released
early Q4 2021. That’s a slip of nearly two years. Sure, I know COVID affected
many things, but the impact on OpenSSL, whose fellows all worked from home
offices, should have been slight. Regardless, the focus of this release was on
*cryptography* something which is highly familiar to the team.

With this release, as detailed in, it
appears that OpenSSL is trying to do two things. Have a more rapid release
cadence -- the stated objective is six months -- and implement QUIC over a
series of releases. To keep a six-month cycle probably means five months of
planning and development. During the 3.0 work, the project hired, and then
fired, a project manager to keep things on track. Are you going to hire
another? The project has a very bad history of meeting time-bounded deadlines.
This is not surprising; software engineers tend to chronically under-estimate
the amount of time needed.

In addition, an LTS release will be either 3.1 if available by next September,
or the current 3.0. Neither alternative is good. The section on QUIC discusses
the MVP for that release. Making an LTS release that is based on a radical
restructuring of the record layer, not to mention having a half-baked and
useless QUIC release, does not meet the community's needs. It is also
exceedingly unlikely to be ready within a year, which means 3.0 will be the
next LTS release. This means that many issues found by the community while
adopting 3.0 will go unaddressed in LTS, as each will have to pass the "is
this a bug-fix" barrier or be approved as an exception. Exceptions are *wrong*
for an LTS release. The next LTS release should be just cleanup, fixes, and
usability enhancements found during 3.0 deployments.

The level of technical detail in the release requirements are curious. They go
into great detail and greatly constrain the OTC. This was not done for FIPS,
where the design was led by the OTC and had involvement from the project
sponsors. I know that some OTC members are not pleased with this level of
detail, and I don't blame them. It might be useful for the OMC to release a
rationale. Why is it necessary to "implement QUIC" when instead the directive
could have been "support QUIC"?  If the API from is so distasteful (yes, enum's in
function parameters are not OpenSSL style), it would have been better if the
project convened leading TLS and QUIC implementors to come up with a new one.
That would have shown true leadership, and I know some of those affected by
these plans would have supported that.

QUIC is a subtle protocol. Its evolution within the IETF took several years,
and the development staff at major implementations includes full-time
developers, QA engineers, and documentation writers. Currently OpenSSL has
five full-time fellows, and none of them have any recognized experience in
implementing transport protocols. Look at the complexity in the BIO code
around DNS and handling IPv4/IPv6 address families portably. While the project
currently has DTLS, which is a UDP protocol, QUIC is more like the former than
the latter.

The MVP does not rise to the level of minimally viable: A single-stream client
that can be added to the s_client application without significant API changes.
There is no mention of server implementation -- will there be one? It's not
even mentioned as a stretch goal for the first release. Is that bifurcation of
the community intentional? If it's an oversight, it can be seen as yet another
indication that the QUIC plan is not well thought out.

There are numerous freely available QUIC implementations. For example, look at which shows 14. It is easy to get an
implementation added to that, and yet OpenSSL is only promising to interop
against one implementation. Why aren't Google, bundled with Chrome and
Android, or Microsoft, bundled with Windows, or Apple,  bundled into iOS 15,
tested? Perhaps the reason is that only client-side is part of the first
release. Again, the Internet doesn't need yet another limited client-side-only
QUIC implementation, and the plan as currently stated will force anyone
deploying a server to go elsewhere

Re: [TLS] A side meeting on OpenSSL's plans about QUIC

2021-11-03 Thread Viktor Dukhovni
On Wed, Nov 03, 2021 at 11:12:00AM +0100, Robin MARX wrote:

> I'm wondering if you could give a bit more details about the expected
> outcome of this meeting?

Indeed it is hard to see how OpenSSL project governance and development
priorities are a subject matter for the IETF TLS and/or QUIC working


TLS mailing list

Re: [TLS] A side meeting on OpenSSL's plans about QUIC

2021-11-03 Thread Salz, Rich
>Indeed it is hard to see how OpenSSL project governance and development
priorities are a subject matter for the IETF TLS and/or QUIC working

It's actually pretty easy to see.  Many IETF participants work for companies 
that depend on OpenSSL and the recent announcement has many concerned. Is there 
another open forum we can participate in?  Is there any way for the "voice of 
the people" to provide input?

When I was part of the project (which ended way back in 2018) we often lamented 
that we didn't have a good understanding of what the OpenSSL users were doing.  
Well, this meeting might provide some of that missing feedback.

TLS mailing list

[TLS] Question regarding RFC 7366

2021-11-03 Thread alex.schlie
Dear ladies and gentlemen,

my question addresses the negotiation of the "encrypt_then_mac" extension
proposed in RFC 7366 and, specifically, two possible interpretations of such
negotiation when using AEAD ciphers.

In summary, the client and server could interpret the negotiation of the
extension differently during the handshake.

Detailed description:

In section 2 of RFC 7366, it states that "the client and server MUST NOT use
encrypt-then-MAC unless both sides have successfully exchanged
encrypt_then_mac extensions."

This unambiguously implies that the encrypt_then_mac extension must not be
used, if either the client or the server did not include the extension in
their Hello messages during handshake.

In this section, no restrictions is made whether encrypt_then_mac is to be
used with only certain ciphersuites.

However, in section 3, it is stated that "If a server receives an
encrypt-then-MAC request extension from a client and then selects a stream
or Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) ciphersuite, it MUST
NOT send an encrypt-then-MAC response extension back to the client."

Consequently, the correct/RFC-compliant behavior is unclear when the client
and server wish to use mac_then_encrypt and an AEAD cipher such as AES_GCM.

Two scenarios can exist as follows.

1.  The client includes the encrypt_then_mac extension and AES_GCM as
the ciphersuite in its Client Hello.

The server responds and includes the encrypt_then_mac extension and AES_GCM
in its Server Hello.

Both sides have negotiated encrypt-then-MAC and apply it accordingly.

This complies with section 2 but contradicts section 3 of the RFC.

2.  The client includes the encrypt_then_mac extension and AES_GCM as
the ciphersuite in its Client Hello.

The server responds and does not include the encrypt_then_mac extension in
its Server Hello. The chiphersuite remains to be AES_GCM.

Following section 3, the server did not include the extension.

However, based on section 2, this voids the usage of encrypt-then-MAC.

For instance, the client may follow section 3 and apply encrypt_then_MAC,
while the server does not as it follows section 2 of the RFC.

I would really appreciate a response to get some clarification on what the
intended interpretation is, i.e., when the extension should be used.

Thank you and with best regards,

Alexander Schlie

TLS mailing list

Re: [TLS] Question regarding RFC 7366

2021-11-03 Thread Viktor Dukhovni
On Tue, Nov 02, 2021 at 01:18:22PM +0100, wrote:

> my question addresses the negotiation of the "encrypt_then_mac" extension
> proposed in RFC 7366 and, specifically, two possible interpretations of such
> negotiation when using AEAD ciphers.

I think the source of the confusion is that AEAD ciphers are *neither*
encrypt then MAC, nor MAC then encrypt (as two separate operations).
They perform both as a single one-pass operation.  The extension in
question simply has no meaning with AEAD, and must not be sent by the
server when an AEAD cipher selected, in which case the client and server
just do AEAD.


TLS mailing list

[TLS] Artart last call review of draft-ietf-tls-external-psk-guidance-03

2021-11-03 Thread Martin Thomson via Datatracker
Reviewer: Martin Thomson
Review result: Ready with Issues

This document addresses some of the less obvious aspects of how pre-shared keys
can be used in TLS.  A lot of this advice isn't specific to TLS, but it is a
helpful document.  For someone who might be deploying a protocol that relies on
TLS - or might rely on it - the document is a useful resource.

My only concern overall, and it is a vague concern, so I don't think action is
needed, is that the document could probably use a little trimming.  There are
some parts of the document that are less useful than other parts.  For example,
the bit about who has the PSKs is great (one server, one client, don't swap
roles); but it is repeated a little across multiple sections.  The same applies
to a few of the other points.  It is probably not worth trying to edit the
document down so that each point is made just once, because it isn't that bad,
but a shorter document would be more impactful.

A specific concern is the somewhat offhand way that early data is treated.  The
only mention is in a throwaway: "primarily for the purposes of supporting TLS
connections with early data" buried in a bullet in Section 6.  This is a pretty
big topic and having absolutely no mention seems odd.  I do think that it needs
some treatment in the document.  When early data is used with an external PSK,
the only additional source of entropy that provides key diversity is the
client's random value, which puts a lot of weight on that value containing
sufficient entropy.  In this case, even if the PSK is good enough, the entropy
in the random is significant as it is what ensures traffic key diversity if the
PSK is reused.  Reusing a PSK for early data also likely leads to poor
anti-replay performance if the random is not good enough.

I have to apologize to the authors for missing this when it went through the
working group.  Fresh eyes and all that.

TLS mailing list

Re: [TLS] tls@ietf112

2021-11-03 Thread Martin Thomson
Hey Sean, what is "Zero-Knowledge Proofs meet TLS"?  I can't find a draft and 
the link in the agenda is busted.

On Wed, Oct 20, 2021, at 06:46, Sean Turner wrote:
> Hi! We have a meeting time scheduled for Tuesday, 9 November 2021 from 
> 1600-1800 (UTC). Please send in your agenda topics along with how much 
> time you think you will need to by 26 October 2021 
> (early is better).
> Cheers
> Chris, Joe, and Sean
> ___
> TLS mailing list

TLS mailing list

Re: [TLS] Question regarding RFC 7366

2021-11-03 Thread Peter Gutmann  writes:

>I would really appreciate a response to get some clarification on what the
>intended interpretation is, i.e., when the extension should be used.

There's not really any contradiction, encrypt-then-MAC has nothing to do with
AEAD which is an all-in-one mode, so it doesn't apply to any AEAD cipher.


TLS mailing list