Re: [TLS] Time to first byte vs time to last byte

2024-03-09 Thread Bas Westerbaan
> Given that especially for the web, CDNs used much higher initcwnds,

Please, let us not assume every website is behind a CDN.

> let's focus on Figure 10. Based on Fig 10, 50-100KB of data over a PQ
> connection, the TTLB would be 10-15% slower for 1Mbps and 200ms RTT. At
> higher speeds, this percentage is much less (1-1.5% based on Fig 9b), but
> let's focus on the slow link.
> If we consider the same case for handshake, then the PQ handshake slowdown
> is 30-35% which definitely looks like a very impactful slowdown. A 10-15%
> for the TTLB is much less, but someone could argue that even that is a
> significant slowdown. Note we are still in a slow link, so even the
> classical conn transferring 72KB is probably suffering. To quantify that I
> looked at my data from these experiments. A classical connection TTLB for
> 50-100KB of data at 1Mbps and 200ms RTT and 0% loss was ~1.25s. This is not
> shown in the paper because I only included text about the 10% loss case.
> 1.25s for a 72KB page to start getting rendered on a browser over a
> classical conn vs 1.25*1.15=1.44s for a PQ one. I am not sure any user
> waiting for 1.25s will close the browser at 1.44s.
> Btw, the Google PageSpeed Insights TTFB metric which includes (DNS lookup,
> redirects and more) considers 0.8s - 1.8s as "Needs improvement". In our
> experiments, the handshake time for 1Mbps and 200ms RTT amounted to 436ms
> and 576ms for the classical and PQ handshakes respectively. I am not sure
> the extra 140ms (30-35% slowdown) for the PQ handshake would even throw the
> Google PageSpeed Insights TTFB metric to the "Needs improvement" category.
> -Original Message-
> From: Martin Thomson 
> Sent: Thursday, March 7, 2024 10:26 PM
> To: Kampanakis, Panos ; David Benjamin <
>>; Deirdre Connolly ; Rob
> Sayre 
> Cc:; Childs-Klein, Will 
> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] [TLS] Time to first byte vs time to last byte
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know
> the content is safe.
> Hi Panos,
> I realize that TTLB might correlate well for some types of web content,
> but it's important to recognize that lots of web content is badly bloated
> (if you can tolerate the invective, this is a pretty good look at the
> situation, with numbers:
> I don't want to call out your employer's properties in particular, but at
> over 3M and with relatively few connections, handshakes really don't play
> much into page load performance.  That might be typical, but just being
> typical doesn't mean that it's a case we should be optimizing for.
> The 72K page I linked above looks very different.  There, your paper shows
> a 20-25% hit on TTLB.  TTFB is likely more affected due to the way
> congestion controllers work and the fact that you never leave slow start.
> Cheers,
> Martin
> On Fri, Mar 8, 2024, at 13:56, Kampanakis, Panos wrote:
> > Thx Deirdre for bringing it up.
> >
> > David,
> >
> > ACK. I think the overall point of our paper is that application
> > performance is more closely related to PQ TTLB than PQ TTFB/handshake.
> >
> > Snippet from the paper
> >
> > *> Google’s PageSpeed Insights [12] uses a set of metrics to measure
> > the user experience and webpage performance. The First Contentful
> > Paint (FCP), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID),
> > Interaction to Next Paint (INP), Total Blocking Time (TBT), and
> > Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) metrics include this work’s TTLB along
> > with other client-side, browser application-specific execution delays.
> > The PageSpeed Insights TTFB metric measures the total time up to the
> > point the first byte of data makes it to the client. So, PageSpeed
> > Insights TTFB is like this work’s TTFB/TLS handshake time with
> > additional network delays like DNS lookup, redirect, service worker
> > startup, and request time.*
> >
> > Specifically about the Web, TTLB (as defined in the paper) is directly
> > related to FCP, LCP, FID, INP, TBT, CLS, which are 6 of the 7 metrics
> > in Google’s PageSpeed Insights. We don’t want to declare that TTLB is
> > the ultimate metric, but intuitively, I think it is a better indicator
> > when it comes to application performance than TTFB.
> >
> > That does not intend to underestimate the importance of the studies on
> > handshake performance which was crucial to identify the best
> > performing new KEMs and signatures. It also does not intend to
> > underestimate the importance of slimming down PQ TLS 1.3 handshakes as
> much as possible.
> >
> > Side note about Rob’s point:
> > We have not collected QUIC TTLB data yet, but I want to say that the
> > paper’s TTLB experimental results could more or less be extended to
> > QUIC be subtracting one RTT. OK, I don’t have experimental
> > measurements to prove it yet. So I w

[TLS] Weekly github digest (TLS Working Group Drafts)

2024-03-09 Thread Repository Activity Summary Bot

* tlswg/draft-ietf-tls-esni (+0/-1/💬0)
 1 issues closed:
 - Recommend greasing PSK? 

Pull requests
* tlswg/draft-ietf-tls-esni (+2/-2/💬4)
 2 pull requests submitted:
 - I-D.ietf-dnsop-svcb-https is now RFC9460 (by davidben) 
 - Encourage greasing PSK. Fixes #606 (by ekr) 

 2 pull requests received 4 new comments:
 - #610 Encourage greasing PSK. Fixes #606 (2 by dennisjackson, ekr) 
 - #609 Explain when clients can remember rejected ECH. Fixes #604 (2 by ekr, sftcd) 

 2 pull requests merged:
 - I-D.ietf-dnsop-svcb-https is now RFC9460 
 - Encourage greasing PSK. Fixes #606 

* tlswg/tls13-spec (+1/-0/💬2)
 1 pull requests submitted:
 - Mention hybrid key exchange for split TLS ClientHello (by loganaden) 

 1 pull requests received 2 new comments:
 - #1340 Mention hybrid key exchange for split TLS ClientHello (2 by davidben, 

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