Re: [TMIC] Spring Newsletternot woll not willing to do what it takes

2008-01-11 Thread Todd Tarno
Gunny, you didn't have all of us, TMers in numbers as you do now.  You helped 
start the ball rolling, Thank You.
  Rick, you are so right, we do need to make a stand.  It's sad but true, we 
have more people with TM and getting more each day.  The only way we are going 
to get the help we NEED is to stand TOGETHER.
  All for One  One for All,
  Todd in CC, TX

  Gunny, Yeah, that is the only drawback. I see where this data-base is 
something that Drs. wouldn't take the time that would be involved in seeking 
out the information. But what if you were to have access to this data-base 
yourself and took that information along with you when you had a visit to your 
Dr. That information could be printed at home and in your hands to give the Dr. 
when he sees you at his office. You could then give that research to him and 
say This is what is wrong with me, Now DR. are you going to study it or do I 
need to find a DR. that will do the research or should I find a Dr. who is 
really interested in helping me or will you do the research needed to 
understand how this data-base can help me live with this disease. Tell me now 
Dr. do you want to really help me with this disease or are you just blowing 
smoke up my butt. Tell them that you were looking for a DR. when you found him 
and if you don't do what is required of you then there is a Dr.
 somewhere o!
ut ther
e who doesn't mind going the extra mile if thats what it takes. Tell me now Dr. 
and if your not willing to do the required research it takes then I'm not 
wasting anymore of mine or your time and kindly excuse yourself and leave 
Gunny thats the only way I see it. If we don't take a stand on our physical 
well being then who is? If we sit placidly by and just take what is dished to 
us then thats all we're going to get. But if we are really interested in 
getting better, be willing to do whatever it takes to get better then be 
willing to speak up for yourself. That the only way I see it happening, so be 
willing to step on some toes. Rick in TN.


[TMIC] Thanks for prayers

2008-01-11 Thread Cody
Cody got out of the hospital yesterday. Thank you for all your prayers and well 
wishes.  Judy