Re: [TMIC] Medications

2009-07-24 Thread Janice
Bernie, I have only had the baclofen in pill form.I wonder what that would 
do for you? I am so  sorry this happened.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Catherine 
  To: Butcher, Bernie (SFS) ; Transverse Mylitis Group 
  Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 11:57 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications


I am sorry you had such an unfornutnate experience.  I hope 
you did not hurt yourself further when you fell.  Take care.


From: Butcher, Bernie (SFS)
To: Janice; lynne myers; tmic
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 9:15:23 AM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Medications

   I had my Baclofen trial on Wednesday, and I have to say 
it was not a pleasant experience. The spinal tap was quite painful, and after 
an hour, They had me walking with walker OK, but an hour later, I could hardly 
stand – after that, all I could do is stay in bed in the hospital. No spasms, 
but I did get leg cramps. They got me into the car at the end of the day like a 
190 lb, sack of potatoes. When I got home, my brother had to do the same, and 
also got me into bed. The next day, which they said I would b e back to normal, 
I wasn’t. I could stand  take a few steps, but on my way to the bathroom, my 
legs gave out  I fell. Today, Friday, I am back to normal, spasms  all.
   This whole ordeal has gotten me down on Baclofen and the 
pump idea.

From:Janice [] 
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 7:36 PM
To: lynne myers; tmic
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications
Mine were almost that bad at the beginning.   The baclofen 
really saved my sanity!
- Original Message - 
From:lynne myers 
Sent:Monday, July 20, 2009 7:27 AM
Subject:Re: [TMIC] Medications
My spasms are worse the lower in my body you go.  Lower 
part of legs give me the most problems.  They used to be so  bad my husband 
would tell me it looked like I was trying to ride a bicycle.  A couple of times 
when I was laying on the sofa they actually flipped me off onto the floor.  
Muscles in legs use to always be reall tight all the time too, so much so that 
when they would try to test my reflexes nothing moved.  Now things have gotten 
much better, I still have spasms off and on all day (worse when I have been 
overdoing it) but not nearly as severe when they occur.  Yes they have always 
been worse at night or when I try to lay down to relax.

--- On Sun, 7/19/09, Janice wrote:

From: Janice
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications
To: lynne myers, tmic
Date: Sunday, July 19, 2009, 11:31 PM
What are your spasms like? Are they mostly at nite?   
  Also, is it located from bottom of feet to hip?Janice
- Original Message - 
From:lynne myers 
To:Janice ; tmic 
Sent:Friday, July 17, 2009 6:51 AM
Subject:Re: [TMIC] Medications
The pump is for the spasms.  It works the same as oral 
Baclofen but uses much less medication to get the same results.
The actual pump is inserted just above and to the left 
side of my belly button. Then the tubing runs from there around my left side 
and into the lower part of my spinal column.  The pump is about 4 across and 
sticks out about an inch and a half.  Its not really noticable under looser 
fitting tops, but real noticable in the summer, especially in my bathing suit.  
No more clingy fabrics for me lol.

--- On Thu, 7/16/09, Janice 

From: Janice
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications
To: lynne myers,  Bernie 
(SFS)Butcher, tmic

Re: [TMIC] Friendships

2009-07-24 Thread Janice
Thanks, Lynn. That was quite an experience for you.   You make a wonderful 
friend - too bad your friend blew it!!
  - Original Message - 
  To: ; ; 
  Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 12:04 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Friendships

  WellI guess since I resubscribed to the list recently
  I may as well weigh in on this one.
  Pre TM my best friend had to have wrist replacements on
  both of her at a time.   Her surgery was performed
  two hours from home.  So  I drove her there, spent the night
  in a motel, drove her home after surgery.all at my own expense.
  She couldn't even open a can of soda
  so I loosened the jars in her fridge, did her laundry, cooked for her, 
cleaned her
  house, stripped her bed, etc., etc. and took care of her 12 Australian
  puppies on a daily basis for approx. 6 weeks..I did all of that
  twice since only one wrist could be replaced at a time.  Her healing time
  took about six weeks.
  I also did her grocery shopping and put everything away for her.
  AndI paid for the groceries because she was totally broke.
  Eventually I left the state of California and moved to Nevada
  thenD-Day came for me and I was paralyzed by TM.
  She came up here to visit me once..borrowed $3,000. from me...
  a year later she sent me a Christmas card with a check for $500.
  enclosed..and I haven't heard a word from her since.
  She stopped returning my calls which I don't understand because
  I never once pressed her for the money.  I figured when she had it
  she would pay me back.  Guess not.
  I learned a good lesson from her. now if someone wants to borrow
  money from me I don't lend it to them.I GIVE it to them with no
  expectations of getting paid back.  And if I don't have it to loan,
  I just say Sorry...don't have it.

  I've made some really good friends since TM.people that really care...
  they treat me like gold so I feel very fortunate and don't miss my
  best friend at all any more.

  I'm amazed at the people in Reno.. whenever Bill takes me anywhere
  he has to take me in the wheelchair.people always open doors for us...
  had to testify at the court house one day and the security guard came
  down the stairs, gave me his hand, and walked me up the steps.
  these things happen every time I go out.  No one has ever been cold and
  uncaring in my 12 years with TM.
  Maybe all of you should just move to Reno!  :-)
 Love,  Lynn

  An Excellent Credit Score is 750. See Yours in Just 2 Easy Steps!

Re: [TMIC] Friendships

2009-07-24 Thread Akua

All those steps!
All praises!



2009-07-24 Thread Grace M.
*Hello Janice,*
*Yes, a small lesion can affect a relatively small part of the body.
Myelitis simply means inflammation of the spinal cord.  Transverse, means

Re: [TMIC] Friendships

2009-07-24 Thread Janice
 Well said!Janice
  - Original Message - 
  From: Lawrence King 
  Cc: Lawrence King 
  Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 12:41 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Friendships

  I've not lost any friends and in fact, with the addition of all of you and 
the other groups I have joined on line as a result of this disease,  my list of 
friends has increased tenfold.  Major life changes always cause a shift in 
focus and friends who no longer have similar understandings often fade away.  I 
left the craft word for the Antique restoration world and both lost and gained 
dozens of friends.  As an extreme Introvert my definition of friendship is a 
little different than many; I find frequent contact taxing even with the people 
I love most, but I am grateful for the knowledge that there are a great many 
people who would be there for me should I need them. You encourage each other, 
You pray for each other; I have seen some of you actually make the effort to 
meet in person and I have watched as some of you even support each other 
financially in times of need.  The new reality is that best friends can now 
meet and never see each others face.  I meet people all the time who are too 
busy to consider having a new friend an I bet if we take an inventory of these 
internet friends many of us can say we have gained more than we have lost.

  Mindy the Artisan

  On Jul 23, 2009, at 1:10 PM, Janice wrote:

I have another question that has been rolling around in my head.

Have any of you lost/gained friendships after developing TM/MS?  Are 
some maybe solicitious about giving you a call periodi-cally, but you don't 
really see much of them? Or, are some of your friends from before TM 
becoming even better and closer
friends. I am talking about emotional support, visits, outings, etc.
   I am wondering how many have stuck with you or
traveled on after the initial onset and de-hospitalization period. 
Maybe it has stayed the same.
